> (1) Expanded the phone sub-bands in the 75 and 40 meter bands
> Needed because the phone sub-bands on both 75 & 40 where 
> often very crowded during "prime time," between fighting off 
> the BC'ers on 40 and the established "I own the frequency 
> *burp*" bubba-nets on much of 75.  I hadn't expected that big 
> a change on 75, but I think it will pay off in the long run.
> How this affects the digital modes remains to be seen.

It will impact digital operations on 80 meters in a very negative 
way.  Almost half the digital activity was above 3600 and that 
will be pushed below 3600 ... probably pushing other activity 
down into the "CW" bands. 

> (3b) prohibited an applicant from filing more than one 
> application for a specific vanity call sign 
> There have been some creative end-runs around the intent, if 
> not the letter, of the Vanity program.  These changes are 
> needed and should be welcome.  Now, if you want someone to 
> get your call after you QSY to a higher frequency, you at 
> least have some say in the matter.  And the days of filing 
> 100+ applications by one individual for a particular vanity 
> call… that’s not an exaggeration, it’s happened… to throw the 
> “lottery” in his/her favor are over.  About time!

The actual rule says "one vanity application per day."  That may 
be slightly more restrictive than it should have been but it will 
certainly tame the "abuses" by those who would file up to 100 
applications for the same call to "stack the deck" in the 

> So who loses?
> On paper, certain CW and digital ops have less exclusive 
> spectrum to deal with.  But in reality, most of the frequency 
> spectrum reallocated to phone on 40 & 75 have been virtually 
> vacant for years.  

digital loses big time ... unlike CW they cannot operate in 
the "phone" bands.  The biggest impact will be on 80 but 40 
meters may also suffer as CW activity from the former novice 
band is moved below 7100. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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