I am trying to get together a list of places UA4WHX
has been on his current trip...I haven't worked him at
every spot, so I am missing a few.  I'm doing this
from memory, my log and cluster spots, but can't
remember all the places he's been.  If anyone has any
additions to this list, email me off-reflector with
the info.

What I have so far:

J20VB, 5Z4/UA4WHX, 5H3VMB(/5), Z2/UA4WHX, C91VB(/6),
3DA0VB, V51VV, D20VB, 7Q7VB, 9J2VB, 4L0B, 7P8VB,
ST2VB, 5X1VB, A25VB.

Also, can anyone confirm Vlad's activity from EP, 9X,
or 9U?

73, Ken N2ZN

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