If you recall, a month or so ago I vented about all the people that spot DX that they don't hear.

This morning while watching spots like this:
DX de K4CEB: 3503.0 DX0JP no copy here from Spratly 1046Z NC
DX de N1SV: 3503.1 DX0JP nil he SR in 23min 1134Z MA I thought of a solution. We need a new command in the Cluster software called NODX. This way, anyone who wants to spot something they don't hear can do so, and it won't trigger the audio alarms of our spotting software to indicate a needed band-mode country.

What do you think?

If it makes sense, the next step is contacting the writers of the various Cluster software in common use. Anyone know who they are?



Barry Kutner, W2UP Newtown, PA Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://njdxa.org/dx-chat

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