On Apr 14, 2007, at 11:40 AM, Steve Litwins wrote:

Well...there does not seem to me any way I can access the N8S logs. The site with the drop-down list of dx-calls has removed n8s from the list it appears and their web page site has not been accessible for a few days recently. Anybody else have any luck? 73/dx
steve, k8wk

I have been having intermittent luck using the N8S button in the sidebar at logsearch.de. This takes you to <http://logsearch.de/ index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=175&Itemid=106>. Much of the time I get an "unavailable" response, but I was able to verify both of my contacts earlier today after several retries.

73 - Bob, N7XY

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