The questions we'd like to try to answer include...

When did the country name for VS9A, etc. change from Aden to the Republic of South Yemen &/or People's Democratic Republic of Yemen?

It would seem the name changed from Aden to PDR Republic of Yemen in 1967 when it gained independence from the UK. I was on a ship that stopped there in early 1966, and sailed past Aden in early 1967. I recall on the map is was called Aden BP (Aden British Protectorate)

From 1989 CIA Factbook

Long-form name: People's Democratic Republic of Yemen; abbreviated PDRY
Type: republic
Capital: Aden
Administrative divisions: 6 governorates (muhafazat, singular--muhafazah); Abyan, Adan, Al Mahrah, Hadramawt, Lahij, Shabwah
Independence: 30 November 1967 (from UK)

The following from the 1991 CIA Factbook.

Republic of Yemen

Independence: Republic of Yemen was established on 22 May 1990 with the merger of the Yemen Arab Republic [Yemen (Sanaa) or North Yemen] and the Marxist-dominated People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [Yemen (Aden) or South Yemen]; previously North Yemen had become independent on NA November 1918 (from the Ottoman Empire) and South Yemen had become independent on 30 November 1967 (from the UK); the union is to be solidified during a 30-month transition period, which coincides with the remainder of the five-year terms of both legislatures

Here are a number of photos of a US Navy destroyer (USS Stickell) moored at Aden in 1966. Aden was a favorite fueling stop for ships transiting the Indian Ocean, but not many people were allowed ashore because of political problems. Funny how things happen, I spent a 2 week reserve cruise on the USS Stickell in 1968, preparing her for a tour in the South China Sea, didn't know she was in Aden shortly after my first visit.

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