At 12:59 PM 11/19/2007, Paul M Dunphy wrote:
I have an ACOM-1000 that has exceeded my expectation by far. This question is basic electronics, and I'm asking it in the context of the ACOM-1000, not radios, computers, etc. I use my station most of the day, from about 8:00 AM until midnight. This is done occasionally as in I'm in and out of the shack, and doing other things such as email, etc. Now and then something shows up on the DX Cluster I need, or I just decide to play radio for an hour or two. I may go 2-3 hours without using the amp ­ even 4-5 hours if I don't need the extra power.

I have been turning everything on in the morning and then turning it off around midnight. In terms of wear and tear on the ACOM-1000, as well as the life of the tube, would it be better to turn it off for the 2-3 hour periods when it is being used, or to leave it on all day as I have been doing? I know the off/on cycle stresses components, especially tubes, but so does leaving a piece of equipment running 15-16 hours a day.

I'm curious about this too with my 3CX1200A7 in my AL-1200. My operating style is pretty well exactly the same as yours.



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