Hello fellow DXers..Wanted to alert you to the recently revised web site
www.indexa.org <http://www.indexa.org/>  that INDEXA now has. We are proud
of the additional features and functions.


INDEXA is all about providing financial support for DXpeditions considered
to be on the "most wanted list" so hope the pending DXpeditions we are
supporting will be a new DXCC entity or at least provide you with a few new
band countries.


Anyone interested in supporting INDEXA and its goals (including membership
or donations) can get information from the web site.


Thanks for considering INDEXA.


     73, Gary Dixon, K4MQG

            INDEXA President 


Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems 

To post a message, DX related items only, dx-chat@njdxa.org

This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA 

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