Many of the problems already cited in these current threads are certainly 
contributing factors in today's chaotic world of pileups. Civility in general 
in society is woefully missing and its absence is also felt on the bands.  
Another contributing factor, I believe, is the very high set of expectations 
that DXpeditions set for themselves through advance publicity announcements. 
The high hopes of planners is evident in the press releases, requests for 
information on needed band/modes, planning for favorable propagation and times 
to various areas of the world, real-time online logs, etc. They, and we, want 
the very best possible results.  While I and all DXers wish all DXpeditioners 
the very best success, planners may well be painting themselves into a corner 
in an effort to put their efforts in the best favorable light. DXpeditions to 
difficult-to-reach spots and/or places with problematic governments are, by 
definition, outside of the normal course of things and many unexpected events 
can therefore more easily present themselves, derailing even the best laid 
plans. It's not difficult to activate Spain; Heard Island is another matter.  I 
am as enthusiastic as any when an expedition is announced; I have nothing but 
respect for our fellow hams who devote themselves to my favorite aspect of 
operating.  However, the combination of the anticipation of a rare place being 
QRV, the talk of needing this or that band and the final event of the station 
coming on the air makes for an explosive mix that finally ignites in the 
inevitable fracas of the resulting pileup. I'm definitely in favor of advance 
publicity and any necessary fundraising, assistance, etc. but planners must be 
careful not to raise expectations too high and we, in the pileups, have to act 
more reasonably in our conduct and in what we expect.                           
              Best DX es 73,                                            Mike 

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