On Wed, 4 Jun 2008, Jim Abercrombie wrote:

By my last line I meant hams as far back as I can remember.
Also, one of the other terms which crept in from CB is "what is your personal?". I even heard an Australian ham ask someone that question on 10 meters SSB a couple of years ago. Also we have had newbys come on a roundtable frequency trying to break in by saying QSK or CQ. I've heard both. Maybe the technician test should have one of the questions on the question pool as to the proper way to break into a QSO (another Q-signal term hi hi!). Also, in what book does it say the term "break", referring to a VHF repeater, mean "emergency"? All of that is perfect nonsense.

Our local 440 MHz repeater is used frequently by the county ARES, which I'm a member of. We use "break tags" a lot during ARES activities:


The use of these has carried over to people who aren't ARES members, using the repeater in general. It's kind of refreshing!

73, Zack W9SZ

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