I need A5 for 343rd Country, so I keep an eye on this one.

I heard one or two South Florida stations working him yesterday. . I could not hear A5 with my vertical.

Right now they are on 40 meter working EUs


Lou   KE1F

Mark Robinson wrote:
I wonder why they have the high noise levels that they are reporting. Doesn't make it possible to work weak stations I would think. Mark N1UK

    ----- Original Message -----
    *Cc:* DX Chat <mailto:dx-chat@njdxa.org>
    *Sent:* Tuesday, 11 November, 2008 11:01 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [DX-CHAT] A5100A

This op has a similar situation to the just concluded VU7 op.
    During the hours that HAMCAP said it was a possibility, they were
    on other bands. Mostly they seemed focused on 40, 80, and 160M,
    which means they were focused on EU, and not NA or SA. I even
    tried email to see if I could get them on 20M CW, and even though
    VU7SJ tried on a couple of nights, I never even heard them then or
    on any band or mode in the 2 weeks they were there. I have good
    antennas at 25m and good equipment. The only cluster spots I saw
    on them was from the East Coast NA. They were very few, had
    comments about weak signals, and didn't last long.
HAMCAP says NA from my area (Pacific Northwest) should have its
    best chance for A5 around their sunset which is around 0z. and it
    says I should be able to work them SP on 17M and 20M around that
    time. So far, I have not seen them on those bands at that time. I
    hope one of theirs reads DX Chat and realizes this and changes the
    band/mod strategy on a few days jusgt to give NA W coast a
    chance.. I have a friend who has 300+ confirmed and needs this for
    a new one. A5 cluster spots are very rare here. I wish him luck.
    He had the same experience from his QTH in Dallas, TX with the
    VU7. I did read the A5100A website comments and they comment about
    difficult operating conditions and poor QSO rates.
John Owens - N7TK
        -------------- Original message --------------
        From: Zack Widup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        > Has anyone in the USA on this group (well, let's even say
        North America)
        > worked/heard A5100A yet? All the spots I've seen for them
        have been from
        > Asia and EU and I haven't heard a peep from them.
        > 73, Zack W9SZ
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