Thanks for that, Barry.
All I know is that FR5DX said "put Reunion Island, France, not Reunion Island 
Indian Ocean" and he's more likely to receive it.
QSLs the old route were never answered (zero out of 4), QSLs the new route were 
(three out of three).
I can't figure the science, but there you go :-)
I still stand by the tips I gave earlier like hiding $$ well and Never putting 
ANYTHING about ham radio or callsigns on the envelope

--- On Mon, 17/11/08, Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: [DX-CHAT] Follow-up on Via France post
To: "Dx-Chat" <>
Date: Monday, 17 November, 2008, 11:35 PM

I know someone whose son is a supr. with USPS.  I posed the question to 
him about writing routing info like Via France or Via Japan on an 
envelope and whether it makes any difference.

Here's what he said, FWIW:

My son went with this to Washington. Apparently, there is a large book 
called the "International Mail Manual". According to whomever Dave 
talked to, there is NO way that the public can request or demand the 
route that something is to be shipped internationally. In other words, 
it is at the discretion of the postal system as to how it gets wherever 
it is going.

I read that as if it was leaving say Washington, D.C.---it could fly out 
from there and go one route. But, if leaving say California, it might go 
another route. However the particular regional distribution center has 
it set up. For example---our mail goes by truck to Baltimore---and then 
out from there.

Barry W2UP


Barry Kutner, W2UP             Newtown, PA   

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