Yes. I got into the DXCC program in 1992. At the time I had cards for
several deleted countries I'd worked and confirmed as much as 20 years
earlier. I submitted them in 1992 and was given overall credit for them back

I later also got credit for ST0 South Sudan, ZS9 Walvis Bay and ZS0 Penguin
Islands. And a couple others.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Larry Van Horn <> wrote:

>  I have a dumb question and since I haven't used my daily allotment yet,
> guess I can fire away. ;-)))
> With the upcoming Neth Antilles breakup and those old countries to be
> deleted, after they have been deleted, can you still submit those deleted
> countries the the DXCC desk for credit to your account as deleted counties?
> Hope that makes sense.
> 73 de Larry
> Larry Van Horn, N5FPW
> Brasstown, NC USA
> MT Assistant/Review/Technical Editor
> Milcom/What's New/First Look Columnist
> Milcom Monitoring Post at
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