A DX Cluster Code of Ethics: now that has legs Andy ....

- Only spot what is generally accepted as DX (i.e. relatively rare or exotic
calls on that band, mode and time)

- Don't spot the exact QSX frequency (it just makes the pileup more
difficult for the DX to handle: "UP" or "DOWN" is enough, real DXers will

- Don't spot stations that are already very busy (give them a break!)

- Don't spot stations that are already struggling to control their pileup

- Get the call and frequency right, double-check before spotting, and
treble-check after spotting (and correct your own mistakes promptly)

- Use your own call (your IP address is logged automatically)

- Be polite: *never* insult anyone via Dxcluster (remember, it is only a
hobby ... and we know your IP address)

- Don't post pseudo spots begging for QSOs, QSYs, new modes or whatever
(assume the DX is not monitoring the cluster)

- Don't post lame non-spots saying you can't hear someone

- Don't post brag spots - this is not a pissing contest

- Don't try to make, complete or arrange QSOs via DXcluster

- Do post helpful comments e.g. IOTA reference, QSL info etc.

... I'm sure we could think of more ...

Gary  ZL2iFB

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