Thanks for the quick reply, Wayne. I submitted on Mar 11 and it's not credited yet. Perhaps, it's because I included a Comment that my submission needs some "hand processing" due to their screwy software: I submitted the 4 PJs to credit my RTTY and Mixed DXCCs (the only DXCC awards I've ever submitted). Only one of the RTTY QSOs is listed as being creditable towards Mixed. It appears that the LOTW/DXCC software will only credit the first QSO made. However, it's silly that I should need to submit 3 additional QSOs when the ones I submitted are perfectly OK.
Barry W2UP

On 3/19/2011 10:54 AM, Wayne Mills wrote:


Reports by The Daily DX indicate that */LoTW-only/* applications are handled very quickly. There appears to be no backlog -- and for good reason: There is no manual data entry. An application can be completed one day and the results show up on the standings Web page overnight.

73, Wayne, N7NG
Jackson Hole

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Barry
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 10:45 AM
To: Dx-Chat
Subject: [DX-CHAT] How do LOTW-only DXCC submissions fit into the processing schedule?

I don't see my call listed in the "applications received" list at

Do LOTW applications take as long as the mail applications?  How do they

fit into the processing backlog?




Barry Kutner, W2UP             Lakewood, CO


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Barry Kutner, W2UP             Lakewood, CO

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