Since I was one of the early complainers, let me clarify.
I worked FR5DX, and, prior to that, FR0FLO a total of four times between 1983 and 1994.

I QSLed him each time I worked him and never got a response so I repeatedly QSLed some of those QSOs. I sent him $ via direct, via France and there was one other way which I can't recall at the moment.
I never got a reply.

The last time I worked Herik I even asked him where my QSLs were and he said they're on the way.

I use special airmail envelopes that fit inside one another and are security printed on the inside. I never put any call info on the outside of these envelopes and money or IRCs are always between the QSLs and the inner envelope, impossible to see. I can understand some mail not getting through but not all mail and not if sent the various ways he suggested.

So far as I am concerned he was a problem.

Les W2LK

On 12/2/2011 6:02 PM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
I worked FR5DX four times, all contest QSOs, between 1998&  2000.  2 QSOs on
15, 2 on 20.  I QSL'd him once for each band&  got those cards.

According to my old notes, I did sent the requests using the "via France"

So at least at the time, he was a good QSL'er.

But I have to agree with Paul on this one.  It is very, very easy for us to
sit back and kvetch about the rotten DX that take our IRC's and Green Stamps
and never reply.  I've heard the same gripes about a good many DX stations,
including a well known, semi-rare&  active V5 op, plus OD, FM, PZ; and much
more "common" ones in OA, PY, EA6, EA8, and many other areas as well.

So how come I can get cards from those stations or those areas and others

I follow the mailing/routing directions when given.  I don't put calls on
the envelopes.  I use a manilla envelope (tough to see through) or security
envelopes.  And yes, I sometimes use WF5E for some of the tough ones, and
it's thanks to Joe W3HNK that I got my UA2 confirmations for 80 meters, even
though they weren't his clients.

No, I don't get a 100% return.  Yes, there are stations who pocket the green
stamps or IRC's; yes, there are managers who demand reimbursement well over
&  above what return postage&  reasonable costs would cover.

And yes, there are certain DX stations, including some in the "tough" areas,
who ought to use a QSL manager, but for a variety of reasons (including ego
&  naivety for two) will not use one.

I'm not naive enough to deny that these things go on.  I'm just not ready to
use the broad brush so many use so readily to blame the DX so easily.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Paul M Dunphy
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] What ever happened to FR5DX?

At 12:27 PM 12/2/2011, Jack Shirley wrote:
  FR5DZ knows him and told me he is still residing in Reunion. If you
hear him on, you may ask...


      To be a bit positive, he was my first FR on a number of bands
and I did get QSL cards from him for all contacts.  I recall all of
the negativity, and I think I sent at least twice for some of
them.  However, I do have FR5DX QSLs.  If I recall correctly, he was
a police officer or in the militia . . . something to do with law and
a uniform, anyhow.

      I also heard that one of the reasons he is now QRT is because of
discussions like this.  Deserved or not, I heard he became disgusted
with Ham radio because he was constantly being insulted left and
right on the Internet for not QSLing.  Maybe the mail to/from
Reunion, at the time, was rife with theft.  Maybe he was getting it
all and only answering 1 out of 10.  We will never know.

73, Paul VE1DX

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