
Thanks for writing this comment. Please see the similar story from K1B in
January QST.

The daily consumption of water was anywhere between 8-10 ltrs per person
per day. SInce there is no water on the island, they had to carry almost 2
tons of water in addition to any other luggage.

73 Nenad   VE3EXY   ...

"Larry, K4WLS" wrote:

> I as well as you have seen numerous negative comments on
> FR/E on the cluster nets.  Many of you have stepped up to the plate with bat
> to refutiate these negative comments. The FR/E Team thanks you for this.
> Having been on a number of DXpeditions to this area in the
> early and mid 60's, let me tell you personally what the FR/E
> Team is up against:
> This time of year, daytime temperatures on Europa approach
> 120 - 130 Deg F in the shade. If your body is not acclamated to
> this heat, profuse sweating begins within an hour after sunrise
> and continues well past sunset. If you notice a lull in the QSO's
> during a pile-up, the Op is stopping to mop the sweat from
> his face, arms, neck and the headphones. Underclothing gets
> drenched with sweat, and heat rash in the groin area and under
> the armpits creates severe pain and itching.
> Continual profuse sweating depletes the body's electrolyte levels
> resulting in loss of energy. Compounding this problem is the loss
> of appetite for food that usually acompanies profuse sweating.
> This is also the rainy season on Europa. The rain creates many
> pools of water on the island. Those pools of water that are
> shaded by dense vegetation do not evaporate and stagnate. They
> become the breeding ground for a profuse amount of flies, bugs,
> and mosquitoes. The pain, swelling, and itching from an African
> Mosquitoe bite is only exceeded by that of the Alaskan Tundra
> Mosquitoe. 3 hours is about the maximum that any one Op can
> go under these conditions, as the profuse sweating causes
> physical fatigue and degradated mental acuity.
> The Europa team is camped very close to the French army
> compound. At least 4 times a day they have to cease operations,
> somtimes as long as an hour, in order for the army communications
> center to send and receive radio traffic between Europa and
> France, and between Europa and the many French territories
> in the Indian Ocean. This QRT is necessary to avoid interference
> and overloading of the French army radio receivers.
> These guys are operating under these conditions to give you a
> new one, while many of you have worked them on one or more
> bands, and you are complaining as you sit in your comfortable Op
> chair in your heated or air conditioned shack. A late Fall fly
> buzzing around in the shack infuriates you.
> I have not been able to make "the trip" yet. My upper neighbor's
> large two story brick house with brick wall around the pool in
> back sits right between Europa and my trusty homebrew vertical
> with a measured maximum radiation angle of 12.5 Deg. So, unless
> I am favored by some high angle prop from Europa, I probably
> will not make "the trip". I couldn't even make "the trip" to
> 5U4LF in Niger on 10M CW this morning for the same reason.
> Well, put up a tower and yagi you say. I would love to, but I
> an disabled.
> As Dave, K4SV, so aptly put it, "Walk a mile in the shoes of
> a DXpeditioner, or go on one yourself." After all troops, this
> is really just a hobby, and compared to other things in life it is
> really miniscule. If you do not realize this now, later on on life
> you will.
> Understanding usually comes through experience, while complaining usually
> comes from ignorance.
> Sent in Love and Not Scorn - 73,   Larry   K4WLS
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