17 April 2004 No 676 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ANTARCTIC  BASES  --->  WABA  Directory  2003  is  the  official  source   of
information for the IOTA Programme on Antarctic Base stations. It acts as  an
extension of the IOTA Directory, providing the IOTA reference number as  well
as a wealth of detailed historical information on each base. The Directory is
downloadable from  the  425 DX  News  website at  http://www.425dxn.org [TNX

ARI DX CONTEST  ---> The A.R.I.  International DX Contest,  sponsored by  the
Italian amateur radio IARU Society, is  open to either licenced amateurs  and
SWLs. This year's event will take place from 20 UTC on 1 May to 19.59 UTC  on
the  2nd.  Full  rules  and  information,  including  a  brand  new  software
downloadable for free, are available at http://www.qsl.net/contest_ari

DXCC NEWS ---> The recent C56JJ  operation by Jan,  PA4JJ (formerly known  as
PA9JJ) has been approved for DXCC credit.

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ---> Organised by  the Cornish Radio Amateur  Club,
G4CRC/GB4IMD  (http://www.cornishradioamateurclub.org.uk)  the  International
Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur radio event held annually to celebrate
the birth of Guglielmo Marconi (25 April 1874).  It is not a contest, but  an
opportunity for  amateurs around  the world  to make  contacts with  historic
Marconi  sites  using  HF   communications  techniques.  Details,   including
information  on  the   relevant  Award  Certificates   and  the  listing   of
participating station in this year's event (to  be held on 24 April), can  be
found at http://www.gb4imd.co.uk/index.htm

IOTA DIRECTORY ---> The 40th Anniversary Edition of the  IOTA Directory  will
be published  around 19  April and  will be  available from  RSGB HQ  shortly
afterwards (see www.rsgb.org/shop/ or telephone Sales at +44 (0)1707 659015).
Larger than  ever  with  136 pages,  this  anniversary  edition  features  an
historical review, much of which has never previously been published as  well
as Geoff Watts' original IOTA list of 1964, fascinating for  what it includes
as wellas  for what it omits. It includes all you have come to expect of  the
Directory - the  latest IOTA island  listings, DXpedition  stories, the  Most
Wanted List, and articles on how  to get started in  IOTA. Readers, who  have
been active  on the  bands for  several years  and want  help in  identifying
operations that  count, will  find the  listing  of operations  accepted  for
credit quite invaluable. This list was first introduced in the 2002 Directory
and is now updated and expanded to cover the 650 rarest IOTA groups. Using it
could save you hours in preparing  your application. And  for the first  time
the Directory includes the current year's  Honour Roll and other  performance
listings. [TNX G3KMA]

NEW BOOK --->  Ward Silver, N0AX  is the author  of "Ham  Radio for  Dummies"
(ISDN 0-7645-5987-7), written for new licencees  who have the  "What do I  do
now?" feeling after passing the exam  and for prospective hams to  understand
what amateur  radio has  to offer  and how  to  participate. Ward's  goal  in
writing this 384-page book packed with explanations, tables, graphics, photos
and links to on-line resources was "to produce the book I wish I'd had when I
was just starting out - a Desktop Elmer, so to speak". If you're  interested,
just enter  the  title into  a  Web search  engine  and  find  your  favorite

NEW IOTA CERTIFICATES ---> The new Directory announces the addition of  three
new certificates to the  programme's current range,  for contacting 800,  900
and 1000 IOTA groups. These will be of the same design as other  certificates
in the 100 series. The 1000 Islands  certificate will be sent free of  charge
to each member reaching that level whether or not the 1000 Islands Trophy  is
requested. The 800 and 900 Islands  certificates will be  charged for on  the
same basis as  other certificates.  To ensure  fairness of  treatment in  the
issue of low  number 800 and  900 Islands certificates,  a period of  several
weeks will be allowed for members to apply through their checkpoints. At  the
end of that period the certificates  will be issued, numbered in the order of
the applicant's score on the central  IOTA database. So,  if you qualify  and
are interested,  please  apply before  1  August 2004  via  your  checkpoint.
Certificates will be despatched in September. [TNX G3KMA]

QSL 9U5M  ---> Cards  have arrived  from the  printer  and Dennis,  PA7FM  is
currently processing  direct  requests. "Still  quite  some  direct  requests
arrive with unsufficient return postage or even without SAE", Dennis reports.
These will be replied to via the bureau.

QSL FM/T93M  --->  Please  note  that the  QSL  manager  for  Danny's  recent
operation is  DJ2MX (Mario  Lovric, Kampenwandstrasse  13, D-81671  Muenchen,
Germany). Cards sent  to Danny's  address is  Sarajevo will  be forwarded  to
Mario, but expect some delay in processing these requests. [TNX T93Y]

QSL VIA  DL7AFS --->  Babs, DL7AFS  (Babs  Linge, Eichwaldstrasse  86,  34123
Kassel, Germany) is the QSL manager for the follwing calls (most of logs  are
available at www.qsl.net/dl7afs):
Call        Year       Call        Year       Call        Year
5X1DC       2003       H40T        2002       VK5APZ      1998
9A/DJ7ZG    2003       H44LB       2002       VK5AQA      1998
9A/DL7AFS   2003       H44ZG       2002       VK6LB       2001-now
9Y4/DJ7ZG   2003       HI9/DJ7ZG   2001       VK6ZG       2001-now
9Y4/DL7AFS  2003       HI9/DL7AFS  2001       VK9LB       2004
A35YL       2000       S79FAG      1999       VK9LL       2004
A35ZG       2000       S79YL       1999       VK9NB       2004
C50YL       1996       S79ZG       1999       VK9NG       2004
C53HP       1996       SP1/DJ7ZG   2003       YJ0AYL      2000
C98DC       2002       SP1/DL7AFS  2003       YJ0AZG      2000
C98DC       2001       V51/DJ7ZG   1991       Z2/DJ7ZG    1995
EA6/DJ7ZG   2000       V51/DL7AFS  1991       Z2/DL7AFS   1995
EA6/DL7AFS  2000       VK5AFS      1994       Z38Z        2003
EA9/DJ7ZG   2001       VK5AIO      1996       ZB2/DJ7ZG   2001
EA9/DL7AFS  2001       VK5AIP      1996       ZB2/DL7AFS  2001

QSL VIA UR5VHB ---> Vlad, UX2VZ  says that the Ukrainian incoming QSL  bureau
is receving cards marked "via UR5VHB" (for 3B8AS, 3B8FQ, 3B8GL, 3B8FG,  3B8BD
and UN9FQ) that they are unable to forward. Please note that back in November
2001 Andy, UR5VHB reported he had the logs for 3B8FQ, 3B8FG, 3B8GL and  3B8DB
[425DXN 549], but cards had to be sent direct only.

WELCOME IN EUROPE ---> ARI Roma  sponsors the "Welcome in Europe Contest"  to
celebrate the accession  of ten  new countries  to the  European Uinion.  The
contest will be held from 00.00 UTC on 1 May to 24 UTC on the 2nd. Rules  are
available at http://web.tiscali.it/ariroma/contest/wieng.html [TNX IK0WRB]

=========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

EU-133:      An enjoyable  article  (and nice  pictures)  about  the  "Baltic
             Odyssey" to three EU-133 islands (namely Severnyj Virgin,  Malyj
             Tyuters and Bolshoy Tyuters), activated in  July 2003 by  RL3AA,
             RN3AZ,    UA3DX    and     RA3AUM,    can     be    found     at
YV ISLANDS:  Beautiful pictures of operations from several Venezuelan islands
             can  be  found  on  the  web  site  of  Ray  Radloff,  DL2GG/YV5
             (http://hfdx.com/frames_en.html). They  include  4M1X  (SA-089),
             YV30T (SA-044), YW1T (SA-066),  YW5FC (SA-058), YW5LB  (SA-037),
             YW5LF (SA-059), YW5M (SA-015), YW7C  (SA-012), YW8D (SA-063)  as
             well as YV0AA and YX0AI (Aves Island, NA-021). [TNX YV5ENI]

Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM

425 DX News Editor

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