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The latest issue (February 2006) is now available at www.425dxn.org/monthly/

  11 March 2006                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                    No 775
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                                Edited by I1JQJ
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  11/03      9M2/HA5TAA: Tioman Island (AS-046)                     773
till  11/03      YJ: Vanuatu (OC-035) * by DJ7EO,DL3DXX,DL5LYM,DL9NDS   771
till  12/03      H44MS: Solomon Islands * by DL2GAC                     774
till  14/03      J79DX: Dominica * by VA3YDX                            773
till  15/03      MJ/K8PT, MJ/K3PLV, MJ/W8JWN, MJ/N1NK: Jersey (EU-013)  771
till  15/03      YC6JKV/P and YB1BOD/6: Simeulue Island (OC-270)        775
till  15/03      YC6LAY/P, YB6LYS/P, YB6PLG/P: Simeulue Island (OC-270) 775
till  16/03      P40D: Aruba (SA-036) * by WD9DZV                       774
till  17/03      HQ9F: Honduras * by OH3JF and OH3JR                    771
till  17/03      SV5/DJ7RJ: Kos Island (EU-001)                         773
till  19/03      TM5CMC: special call (France)                          773
till  23/03      CT3/DL3KWR and CT3/DL3KWF: Madeira (AF-014)            769
till  24/03      P40TW: Aruba (SA-036) * by W7YW                        774
till  26/03      PJ7/W8EB and PJ7/W8DVC: Sint Maarten (NA-105)          772
till  31/03      AX3MCG and AX3GAMES: special event calls               773
till  31/03      FT5XP (Kerguelen) and FT5WL (Crozet) * by TU5KG        770
till  31/03      II1TPG: special event station                          769
till  31/03      LZ128LO: special call                                  773
till  March      VK0SEE: Davis Station (VK-03, AN-016) * by VK4SEE      771
till  05/04      J37LR: Grenada * by VE3EBN                             769
till  May        7Q7HB: Malawi                                          771
till  May        TR8FC: Gabon * by F4BQO                                765
till  07/06      HB20DIG: special call (Switzerland)                    775
till  June       6W/EA4ATI and 6W1EA: Senegal                           762
till  June       JW4GHA: Bear Island (EU-027) * by LA4GHA               757
till  June       TT8LN: Chad * by F5TLN                                 771
till  31/12      8S30JC: special call (Sweden)                          767
till  31/12      9A15DX: special call                                   770
till  31/12      9A150NT: special event station                         765
till  31/12      9A35Y: special call                                    775
till  31/12      9A650C: special event station                          765
till  31/12      GB60SWL: special call                                  765
till  31/12      GB6SWL: special call                                   765
till  31/12      JV800: special prefix (Mongolia)                       770
till  31/12      LZ13ARDF: special event station                        765
till  31/12      LZ50KSB: special call                                  766
till  31/12      ON40DST: special call                                  767
till  31/12      TF60: special prefix (Iceland)                         775
till  December   VK0JLX: Davis Station (VK-03, AN-016) * by VK2JLX      771
till  Feb 2007   EM1UC & EM1U: Vernadsky Station (UR-01, AN-006)        774
till  March 2007 T68G: Afghanistan * by LA5IIA                          737
till  March 2007 VP8DJB: Rothera Station (G-07, AN-001)                 758
till  ??         VP8CMH/MM * by GM0HCQ                                  767
10/03-12/03      DZ1JP: Philippines                                     774
11/03-13/03      3D2NB & 3D2OU: Fiji (OC-016) * by W7YAQ & N7OU         769
11/03-12/03      TP1CE: Council of Europe (France)                      773
12/03-18/03      6Y5/LY1DF: Jamaica (NA-097)                            775
12/03            IW7EGK and IW7DOL: Torre San Giovanni lighthouse       775
13/03-19/03      V25WY and V25OP: Antigua (NA-100) * by W4OWY and W9OP  775
14/03-21/03      EY8/UA4CC, EY8/UR0MC, EY0R: Tajikistan                 775
14/03-20/03      RA1QQ/1, RA1PAW/1, UA1PBU/1: Sengeyskiy Isl (EU-188)   775
14/03-20/03      RI1PXC and RI1PI: Kolguev Island (EU-085)              775
14/03-20/03      UE1RCV/1 and UA1QV/1: Sengeyskiy Island (EU-188)       775
15/03-22/03      P29YDX: OC-101, OC-102 and OC-069 * by I2YDX           775
15/03-22/03      P29WXZ: OC-101, OC-102 and OC-069 * by IK2WXZ          775
15/03-22/03      P29VMS: OC-101, OC-102 and OC-069 * by DL2GAC          775
15/03-30/03      TY5LEO, TY4TW: Benin * by K2LEO and GM4FDM             774
15/03-30/03      TY5WP, TY5MR: Benin * by PA3EWP and IK1PMR             774
16/03-29/03      CN2R: Morocco * by W7EJ                                775
16/03-30/03      J68AR: St Lucia (NA-108) * by K9JE                     775
17/03-13/05      3B8/ON4LAC: Mauritius Island (AF 049)                  771
17/03-27/03      4J0DX and 4J0AUM: Azerbaijan * by UA3FDX and RA3AUM    773
17/03-05/04      9A/VE3ZIK: Croatia                                     775
17/03-20/03      EA6/9A3AXX, 9A3RE, 9A6XX and 9A8MM: Balearic Islands   775
17/03-20/03      P29K: Kranket Island (OC-258) * by P2s                 770
17/03-20/03      T80W: Palau (OC-009) * by JM1LJS                       775
18/03-19/03      9M6DXX/P: Pulau Gaya (OC-133)                          769
18/03            PA3EEQ and PA0XAW: Dutch lighthouses                   775
18/03-26/03      VE2CRAQ: special call                                  771
19/03-30/03      ZD8Z: Ascension Island (AF-003) * by N6TJ              773
20/03-27/03      FG/F5CVI: Guadeloupe (NA-102)                          775
20/03-31/03      HH4/K4QD and HH4/W4WX: Haiti                           775
21/03-04/04      9M6/SM5GMZ: East Malaysia                              775
21/03-28/03      V31RV and V31NO: Belize * by K3RV and W3NO             773
23/03-30/03      FM/IV3IYH and TO3W: Martinique (NA-107)                773
24/03-31/03      JW/F8DVD: Spitsbergen (EU-026)                         769
25/03-08/04      FM/F5MNW: Martinique (NA-107)                          775
25/03            PA3EEQ and PA0XAW: Texel Island (EU-038)               775
28/03-02/04      SV5/SV1QN, SV5/SV1AIN: Patmos Island (EU-001)          773
28/03-02/04      SV5/SV1GYG,SV5/SV1EQU,SV5/SW1GYN: Patmos Isl (EU-001)  773
30/03-05/04      J6: St Lucia (NA-108) * by UR5BCP                      775
March            8N1MOMO: special call (Japan)                          773
March            LY15A: special call                                    773
March            ZK1EMT: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Isls * by W1EMT 773
06/04            SA2006EM: special event call * by SK6AG and SK6AW      766
07/04-16/04      5T6BT: Mauritania * by EA1BT                           775
09/04-16/04      TA4/SM1TDE: Turkey                                     775
09/04-16/04      TA0/SA1A: AS-099 and AS-115 * by SM1TDE                775
11/04-16/04      S01R: Western Sahara                                   775
12/04-16/04      YE6P: Simeulue Island (OC-NEW) * by YBs                770
18/04-25/05      VU4: Andaman Islands * by DLs                          775
19/04-08/05      JT1Y & JT0Y: Mongolia * by I0SNY,I2FUG,IK2AQZ,IK2JYT   771
20/04-01/05      5Z4/IZ1GDB: Kenya                                      775
20/04-27/04      Nias Island (OC-161) * by YC6JKV and others            769
21/04-25/04      HR4T & HQ4T: Tigre Island (NA-060) * by CT1BWW & HRs   771
21/04-23/04      57th International DX Convention (Visalia)             766
22/04-24/04      IB0/IQ2LB: Ventotene Island (EU-045)                   775
30/04-06/05      JD1BLK and JM1LJS/JD1: Ogasawara (AS-031)              775
April-May        9Q/ON7KEC: Democratic Republic of Congo                775
April            SP0TPAX: special event station                         760
April            VU4: Andaman Islands * by K3LP                         771
06/05            SA2006EM: special event call * by SK6AG and SK6AW      766
25/05-20/06      VI9NI: Norfolk Island (OC-005)                         774
May-July         TT8PK: Chad * by F4EGS                                 761
06/06            SA2006EM: special event call * by SK6AG and SK6AW      766
16/06-19/06      P29VV: Witu Islands (OC-181) * by PA3EXX               775
23/06-25/06      Ham Radio 2006 (Friedrichshafen)                       772
01/07-13/08      7S6EM & 8S6EM: special event calls * by SK6AG & SK6AW  766
07/07-10/07/06   World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC)              720
15/09-17/09      28th Clipperton DX Club DX Convention                  766

                       425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                       425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                       425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly


                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia


Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
A.R.I. HF & Award Manager


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