> > > 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE < < <

   The latest issue (March 2006) is now available at www.425dxn.org/monthly/

  22 April 2006                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                    No 781
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

                             >>> YX0A & YX0LIX <<<
Jose Manuel Valdes Rodriguez, YV5LIX suffered a massive heart attack while on
Aves Island  with the  YX0A team  and passed  away at  57 years  of age.  The
operation is continuing  under a new  call -  YX0LIX -  as a  tribute to  his
memory. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jose's family and friends.

6W      - Dani, 6W/EA4ATI will operate as 6W1EA from Goree Island (AF-045)  on
          22-23 April. QSL direct to EA4ATI. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
9M6     - Mega, JA3EGZ and Yoko, JA3DFM plan to operate on 80-6 metres SSB and
          CW as 9M6/JA3EGZ and 9M6/JA3DFM from Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia on
          7-10 July. They will participate in  the IARU HF World  Championship
          as 9M6/JA3EGZ as a Multi  Operator entry. QSL  via home calls.  [TNX
9N      - Toshi, JA8BMK and Kazu,  JA8MWU will be  staying in Katmandu,  Nepal
          between 23 April and 2 May. They  hope to be active on 40-10  netres
          SSB,  but  the  current  political  situation  in  Nepal  may  cause
          operating restrictons. Kazu's  callsign is 9N7WU;  Toshi used to  be
          9N1BMK and 9N1WW, but he is not sure what callsign he will get  this
          time. QSL via home calls. [TNX JA1ELY]
C9      - Frosty/K5LBU (C91CF), Wayne/W5KDJ and Tom/WW5L  will be active  from
          Mozambique from  29 June  to 13  July  (IARU HF  World  Championship
          included). They  plan to  operate  on all  bands  and modes  and  if
          everything goes  well, they  will  also be  giving  out C9  on  EME.
          Additional operators are being sought; if interested in joining  the
          team, please give a look to  www.tdxs.net/C9.html and contact  K5LBU
          ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). [TNX K5LBU]
DL      - Look  for  DG0OGM/p,  DH8WW/p,  DL1AZZ/p,  DL2AMT/p,  DL3ARK/p   and
          DL4AMK/p to  operate  from  Amrum  Island  (EU-042,  GIA  N-18)  and
          lighthouse (LH-2464, ARLHS FED-032, GLH-002) from 27 April to 3 May.
          QSL via home calls. [TNX DL3ARK]
DL      - Twelve special DR2006 stations and 25 special DQ2006 stations,  plus
          special callsign DR2006J (for YL activities) will be active from  13
          May through 16 July to  celebrate the FIFA  World Cup, the  football
          (soccer) world  championship  to be  held  in Germany  in  June-July
          (www.fifaworldcup.com).  All   of  the   QSOs  will   be   confirmed
          automatically via the bureau, the QSL manager for direct requests is
          DF4ZL. Full information on the relevant  "WM 2006 Award",  sponsored
          by       the        DARC,        can       be        found        at
DL      - Tom, DL8AAM reports that after the latest revision of amateur  radio
          regulations  in  Germany,  special  callsigns  may  have  up  to   8
          characters (figures  and/or letters)  after the  two-letter  prefix.
          DA0HAMCAMP will be  the very special  callsign to be  used from  the
          "Ham Camp" during  this year's Ham  Radio at Friedrichshafen  (23-25
          June). All licenced  and registered visitors  can operate from  that
          station. QSL via bureau. Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for  further
G       - The Oxford and District  ARS will be  running special event  station
          GB4MHS on 25-29 April (11.00-15.00 UTC) to celebrate the opening  of
          the exhibition "Wireless World. Marconi and the Making of Radio"  at
          the Oxford University's Museum of the History of Science (details at
          http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/). QSL via G4FON. [TNX M3LLM]
G       - Keith, G3TTC will operate on 80, 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB as G3TTC/P
          from the Isles of Scilly (EU-011) from 30 April until 5 May. QSL via
          home call. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
GM      - Jim, MM0BQI will operate as MM0BQI/P from Lunga, the largest  island
          in the Treshnish group (EU-108) on 28-30 April. Activity will be  on
          all 80-10 metres SSB, CW and RTTY, running 100 watts into  verticals
          and wire  dipoles. QSL  via MM0BQI,  direct (Jim  Martin, 3  Lismore
          Avenue, Edinburgh, EH8  7DW, Scotland,  UK) or  bureau. All  surplus
          money from  direct  QSLs will  be  donated to  the  Hebridean  Trust
          (www.hebrideantrust.org), who own and work  to preserve the  islands
          and whose permission to land and operate is gratefully acknowledged.
          [TNX MM0BQI]
GM      - Marc, ON5FP  and Jose,  ON4CJK will  be touring  the Outer  Hebrides
          (EU-010) from 29  July until 5  August. Their  main QTH  will be  on
          North Uist,  and  plans are  to  go and  operate  also  from  Barra,
          Benbecula,  Berneray,  Eriskay,  Lewis  &  Harris,  South  Uist  and
          Vatersay. Look for Marc to  be signing MM/OS1A,  while Jose will  be
          using MM/OP0J (including  an entry in  the IOTA  Contest from  North
          Uist). On 6 August, while on their way back home, they will  operate
          from Skye in the Inner Hebrides (EU-008). QSL via ON4ADN (direct  or
          bureau). [TNX ON5FP]
HC      - Bruce, KD6WW will attempt to be active as HC3/KD6WW from IOTA SA-034
          between 26 and 28 April, and  as HC4/KD6WW from IOTA SA-033  between
          28 and 29 April. The time on each island will be limited, because he
          will be there on a holiday and  not a DXpedition. QSL via home  call
          direct or bureau (e-mail requests  for bureau cards  can be sent  to
HH      - Ned, N4LS reports he will be active as HH4/N4LS from northern  Haiti
          on 1-8 June. He plans to operate  SSB and CW on 80-10 metres  during
          his spare time.
I       - Alessio, IZ0CKJ plans to operate as IB0/IZ0CKJ from Palmarola Island
          (EU-045, IIA LT-008) on 22-26  April. QSL via  home call, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX IZ0CKJ]
I       - Special event station  IU9MSS will  be active  from Pergusa  (Enna),
          Sicily from 24 April to 1 May.
I       - ARI Sestri  Levante will  operate special  event station  II1HCA  on
          25-28 May for the 39th edition of the Hans Chrisian Andersen  Prize,
          one  of  the   world's  most  prestigious   prizes  for   children's
          literature. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via  the
IS0     - ARI Olbia  will participate  in the  International Marconi  Day  (22
          April) as IY0GA from Cape Figari,  Golfo Aranci (Sardinia,  EU-024),
          where Guglielmo Marconi carried out a  microwave test with Rocca  di
          Papa (Rome) on 11 August 1932. QSL via IS0JMA. [TNX IS0JMA]
JA       - Taka,  JR3TVH  will   operate  as  JR3TVH/JS6   from  Tarama   (JIIA
          AS-079-008) and other islands in the  Miyako group (AS-079) from  22
          April to 2 May. QSL via bureau to home call. [TNX JR3TVH]
JA      - Takeshi, JI3DST will be active as  JI3DST/JS6 from Okinawa  (AS-017,
          JIIA AS-017-033) on 27 April (from 1 to 13 UTC) and from the  Miyako
          Islands (AS-079) from  28 April (7  UTC) to 7  May (00.00 UTC).  His
          main QTH will be Miyakojima (AS-079-005),  side trips to  Ikema-jima
          (AS-079-001), Kurima-jima (AS-079-003), Ogami-jima (AS-079-006)  and
          Tarama (AS-079-008) are also being planned.  QSL via bureau to  home
          call. [TNX JI3DST]
J5      - Hisato, JA1DOT (J5DOT) and Hiroyuki, JP1TRJ  (J5TRJ) will be  active
          from Guinea-Bissau from 25 April through 4 May. They plan to operate
          CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-10  metres. QSL for  both calls via  JA1DOT.
          The     web      page     for      the     operation      is      at
          http://www.NDXA.jp/pedi/j5-2006/ [TNX The Daily DX]
OY      - PI4CC Contest Club (http://www.pi4cc.nl) members PA2A, PA2AM, PA2VMA
          and PA0VHA will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 as OY/homecall  from
          Eysturoy, Faroe Islands  (EU-018) from  29 May  to 8  June. QSL  via
          PA0VHA (Hans Vernhout, Ph. de Goedestraat 54, NL3132XR  Vlaardingen,
          The Netherlands). [TNX PA0VHA]
TA      - Berkin, TA3J  will  operate as  YM125ATA  between 23  April  and  10
          November to  commemorate  the 125th  anniversary  of  the  birth  of
          Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. Expect activity
          on all band and  modes. QSL via  TA3YJ, direct (SAE  plus 1 IRC.  no
          green stamps please) or bureau. [TNX TA3J]
UA      - Special station RK50SAB will be active on 1-31 May to celebrate  the
          50th anniversary of  the amateur radio  club station  at the  Ryazan
          Radioengineering Academy. QSL via RK3SWB. [TNX RU3SD]
UR      - A number  of  Ukrainian  operators will  be  active  as  EM20U  from
          Chernobyl on 24-27 April for the 20th anniversary of the disaster at
          the local nuclear power plant. QSL via UT3UZ (Alex Arbuzov, P.O. Box
          7, Kiev-232, 02232, Ukraine). [TNX UT3UZ]
VE      - Doug, VA7DP reports he will operate as VA7UNEF from 5 June to 5 July
          to celebrate  the  50th  anniversary  of  the  founding  of  the  UN
          Emergency Force. QSL via home call, direct only.
W       - N4AAC, N4MAA, N4NSS and K8QV will operate on all bands and modes  as
          W4Z from Mullet Key (NA-034, USI FL-1325) on 24-25 June (from 14 UTC
          to 14 UTC) during the ARRL Field Day. QSL direct to K8CXM.
YB      - The YE6P DXpedition to Simeulue Island (OC-270) has been rescheduled
          to take  place  on 24-29  May.  QSL via  YB1TC,  direct  or  bureau.
          Bookmark   http://dxpedition.orari.web.id/simeulue/   for   detailed
          information and updates.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:
4W2AQ      Timor Leste  Operation from 18 June to 17 December 2003
D68JC      Comoros      Operation from 23 October to 8 November 2001
D6/WB4MBU  Comoros      Operation from 24 May to 27 October 2001
YI9AQ      Iraq         Current operation effective 21 September 2004

IOTA CONTEST ---> This year's event  will take place on  29-30 July, from  12
UTC on the  Saturady until 12  UTC on  the Sunday.  It is  a combined  SSB/CW
contest, and  includes  the  bands  80,  40,  20,  15  and  10m.  Every  year
expeditioners activate  many island  groups, and  it  is easily  possible  to
qualify for the basic  IOTA-CC-100 Award during  the contest weekend.  During
the 2005 contest, for example, at  least 162 island  groups were active,  and
over  1500   entrants   submitted  logs.   For   full  rules   please   visit
http://www.contesting.co.uk/hfcc/iota.shtml or contact  the Contest  Manager,
Don Field, G3XTT ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). A free logging program (SDI,  SD
for  IOTA)   designed   especially  for   the   contest   is   available   at

IOTA SWL CONTEST  ---> Discontinued in  2005, it has  been picked  up by  the
Mediterraneo DX Club (SWL Section), in cooperation with the RSGB HF  Contests
Committee, and  it will  be held  in parallel  with the  IOTA Contest  (29-30
July). The "Geoff Watts Plaque", as well as a number of certificates, will be
presented  by  the  MDXC.  Please  visit  http://www.mdxc.org/swl  for   full
information (software included),  or e-mail  the Contest  Manager Dan  Rolla,

LKK-80 AWARD  ---> The  Lviv Shortwave  Club (Ukraine)  and MK  QTC  Magazine
(Poland) sponsor the LKK-80 Award  to celebrate the  80th anniversary of  the
club. The award is for working a number of special stations in either Ukraine
and Poland, as well as current  and honorary LKK members, from  1 to 31  May.
Full information is available at http://lkk-80.prv.pl/ [TNX UY5XE]

PIRATE ---> Hani, OD5TE reports that OD5RT was reported as being active on 30
metres (11 March) and 40 metres CW (9 and 20 February). Please note that this
was not the genuine Riad Tabbara, OD5RT (whose QSL route is not via OD5LN).

QSL VIA RU3SD  ---> Vasily, RU3SD  reports he still  has logs  and cards  for
UA3SDK/0's activities in 1999 (Severnaya Zemlya,  AS-042 and North Pole).  He
is also the  QSL manager  for RU3SD/1,  UE3SFF/ and  UE3SDA. Direct  requests
should be sent to Vasily Bardin, P.O. Box 1, Ryazan' 390000, Russia.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DT8A:           On-line logs  and  a nice  photo  gallery  of  DT8A  (DS4NMJ),
                currently stationed  at  King  Sejong  Station (HL-01  for the
                Antarctica Award)  on  King  George  (South   Shetlands),  are
                available at http://www.dt8a.com/main.html
S01R:           The latest expedition to Western  Sahara (11-16 April)  logged
                28,742 QSOs on  CW, SSB, PSK31  and RTTY.  Logs, pictures  and
                statistics are available on http://www.s01r.com/ [TNX EA5RM]
VP6DI & KH8SI:  John, K1ER reports that "multiple virus attacks destroyed  all
                the old files" and the web pages for VP6DI (Ducie Island)  and
                KH8SI (Swains Island) have had to  be reconstructed. They  are
                now available  at http://www.iijnet.or.jp/JA1BK/  (two  videos
VU4AN/VU3xxx:   On-line logs  for  Sigi, DL7DF  and  his team  mates  are  now
                available  at  http://www.dl7df.com/vu4/log.php:  VU4AN/VU3NZC
                (SP3DOI),   VU4AN/VU3RWN   (SP3GEM),   VU4AN/VU3RYB   (DL7DF),
                VU4AN/VU3RYG (SP3CYY) and VU4AN/VU3SIE  (DK1BT). QSL all  five
                calls via DL7DF.

QSLs received direct  or through managers:  3B8/OM5RW, 4K9W, 4X411A,  5B4AGC,
6W/G4WFQ, 7X0RY, 8Q7DV, 8R1EA, 9K2HN, 9L1JT,  9M2CNC, 9N7JO, 9V1YC,  BA4DW/2,
HH4/W4WX, HI3/K7BV, J88DR, KG4SB, KH2K/AH0, LU1ZB (AN-012; AA LU-05), MU0EXV,
TO9A, TT8PK, TT8ZZ,  TU2CI, TU2OJ,  UR0MC, V25G  (NA-100), V31TP,  V44/EW1AR,
V73CW, V73VE,  V8ASV,  VP8PJ, VQ9LA,  WP3R,  XF1K (NA-124),  XF3NN  (NA-135),

                 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                                 MAILING LIST

                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia


Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
A.R.I. HF & Award Manager


                        >>> 425 DX NEWS - NEW SEARCH TOOL <<<

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The command is SH/425 [text], where [text] should be replaced with a callsign,
a IOTA Reference number, Island name, Antarctica Base, Lighthouse, etc.

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