This email came as HTML.  For those who do not accept HTML or see it in
straight text my not understand what was in bold text.  

"and the new country will immediately apply for admission into the United
Nations and other international organizations "

Once Montenegro is a UN member or they are assigned a prefix block from the
ITU (either one) then it will be added to the DXCC list.  Currently many of
the YU6 - Montenegro Amateur Radio operators are using the 4O (four Oscar)
prefix.  As of this moment that prefix is still allocated to "Serbia &

Once an official announcement has been made by the UN or ITU that is the
official start date for DXCC purposes.

For your information the population of Montenegro is just over 600,000.  The
callbook lists just fewer than 70 Amateur Radio operators in Montenegro.  I
think less than 10 seem to be QRV.  I'm glad to see YT6A seems to be
organizing some immediate activity!  See you in the pileups!

Bernie McClenny, W3UR

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-----Original Message-----
Peter W2IRT
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 16:35
Subject: [DX-NEWS] Montenegro's independence

Just an FYI from the day's news: 

PODGORICA, Serbia-Montenegro - Montenegro's parliament declared independence
for the tiny Balkan republic Saturday, forming a new European state and
dissolving what was left of the former Yugoslavia. 

The assembly adopted a declaration of independence, verifying the results of
a May 21 referendum in which Montenegrins supported a split from Serbia by a
slim margin. The document envisages Montenegro as a "multiethnic,
multicultural and multireligious society ... based on the rule of law and
market economy."

After the assembly meeting, authorities raised a red-and-gold Montenegrin
flag over the parliament building and played the ancient Montenegrin anthem
"Oh, The Bright May Dawn"  as fireworks exploded in the sky.

The declaration says Montenegro's strategic national goal is integration
into the European Union and NATO, and the new country will immediately apply
for admission into the United Nations and other international organizations.

(Once admitted, this will fulfill DXCC entry criteria item 1A , so get those
amps fired up and those databases edited! Luckily, this will be an easy
All-Time New One :-)). Wonder what the new prefix(es) will be?



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