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27 October 2007                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 860
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5Z     - Miki, YT1CS  will  participate  in  the CQ  WW  DX  SSB  Contest  as
         5Z4/YT1CS from Lamu Island (AF-040), Kenya. QSL via home call.  [TNX
I      - Special event  station IY1EY  will be  active  on 3-11  November  to
         celebrate Gugliemo Marconi's  experiments from  his yacht  "Elettra"
         between 1919 and  1936. Expect  activity on  all bands  CW, SSB  and
         RTTY. Special QSL via IK1QBT. [TNX IK1QBT]
JA     - Special event station 8N0M100A/3 to be active from Himeji,  Ie-shima
         (AS-117) on 26-28 October. QSL via the JARL bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
KH3    - Susan, W7KFI [425DXN  846] is planning  to make  another attempt  at
         sailing to  Johnston Island  aboard her  yacht "Dahrma"  during  the
         first week of November. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
OZ     - Klaus,    DK9LO    will     be    active     as    OZ/DK9LO     from
         Vendsyssel-Thy/Nordjylland (EU-171) on 3-16  November. QSL via  home
         call, direct or bureau. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
PA     - Special callsign  PA20NAFRAS  will be  aired  on  3-19  November  to
         celebrate the 20th  anniversary of the  Netherlands Air Force  Radio
         Amateur Society (PI4NAF). QSL via PA1TT.
TI9    - TI9K is the callsign for  the February 2008  DXpedition to Isla  del
         Coco (NA-012)  [425DXN  850]. The  operators  will  be  Oscar/EA1DR,
         Carlos/EA1IR,  Andy/DH8WR  (EA2CRX),  Baldur/DJ6SI,   Norbert/DJ7JC,
         Guenter/DL2AWG, San/K5YY,  Carlos/TI2KAC and  Anthony W4OI  (HK1AR).
         They plan to be active from  6 to 15 February  with 3-4 stations  on
         160-10m (plus 60m and 6m) CW, SSB, RTTY and possibily PSK31. QSL via
         EA2CRX, direct  or  bureau. Further  information  can  be  found  at
         www.ti9.eu.com [TNX DH8WR]
YB     - Adhi, YB3MM  will  be active  as  YB3MM/2  from  Karimunjawa  Island
         (OC-186) on 27-29  October. He plans  to operate  on 15,  20 and  40
         metres during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest, and CW digital modes outside
         the contest. QSL via IZ8CCW. [TNX 4X4-2238]

CQ WW  DX  SSB CONTEST  --->  The following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (27-28 October):

ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     DXCC                 QSL VIA
02     VE2IM         SOAB HP      Canada               VE3DZ
02     VE2Z          M/?          Canada               VE3ZF
05     VC2Z          M/?          Canada               VE2BR
05     VP9I          M/S          Bermuda              N1HRA
07     HR2DMR        SOAB HP      Honduras             HR2DMR
07     V31FB         SO           Belize               W5JON
08     6Y1V          M/2          Jamaica              OH3RB
08     8P5A          SOAB         Barbados             NN1N
08     C6APR         M/S          Bahamas              K3IXD
08     C6AQW         SOSB 40m LP  Bahamas              WQ5W
08     FG5JK         SO           Guadeloupe           FG5JK
08     FM/K9NW       SOAB         Martinique           K9NW
08     FS/K1XM       SOAB         Saint Martin         KQ1F
08     FS/KN5H       M/2          Saint Martin         KN5H
08     J3A           M/M          Grenada              WA1S
08     KP2/AH8DX     SO           US Virgin Islands    AH8DX
08     NP2B          M/?          US Virgin Islands    NP2B
08     T48K          M/S          Cuba                 DK1WI
08     TI5N          M/S          Costa Rica           W3HNK
08     V26B          M/?          Antigua & Barbuda    KA2AEV
08     V4/NE1RD      SOAB LP      St. Kitts & Nevis    NE1RD
08     VP2MDG        M/2          Montserrat           K2DM
08     VP5T                       Turks & Caicos       N2VW
08     WP2Z          M/?          US Virgin Islands    KU9C
09     5K4C          SO           Colombia             EA5KB
09     FY5KE         M/S          French Guiana        FY5KE
09     HK3W          SOSB 80m LP  Colombia             qrz.com
09     P40A          SOAB         Aruba                WD9DZV
09     P40PA         SOAB         Aruba                W4PA
09     P40W          SOAB         Aruba                N2MM
09     PJ4E          M/2          Netherlands Antilles WA4PGM
10     HC1HC         SOSB 80m     Ecuador              NE8Z
11     ZP0R          SOAB         Paraguay             ZP5AZL
12     CC0Y          SOSB 15m     Easter Island        9A2AA
12     CE1W          M/M          Chile                HA1AG
14     4U1WRC        M/?          ITU Geneva           4U1ITU
14     AO3K          SOSB 20m     Spain                EA3GHZ
14     CU2A          SOAB HP      Azores               OH2BH
14     EE1E          SO           Spain                EA1CBX
14     EI2VNO        SO           Ireland              NN5O
14     LX7I          SOAB         Luxembourg           LX2A
14     MW5W          M/M          Wales                M3SDE
14     ON9CMV        SO           Belgium              N0HJZ
14     PA60LIM                    The Netherlands      PE1NCP
14     PI4COM        M/M          The Netherlands      PA3CAL
15     1A3A          M/?          SMOM                 IZ4DPV
15     IF9A          M/?          Italy (Sicily)       IT9ATF
15     IQ8OM                      Italy                IZ8EDJ
15     IQ9BF         M/S          Italy (Sicily)       bureau
15     IR5A          M/S          Italy                IK5AFJ
15     IR9P          M/?          Italy (Sicily)       IW9HMQ
15     IT9BLB        SOSB 160m HP Italy (Sicily)       IT9BLB
15     OH0/SP7VC     SOAB         Aland Islands        SP7VC
15     OH0B          SOSB 80m     Aland Islands        OH2BH
15     OH0R          SOSB 20m     Aland Islands        OH2PM
15     OH0Z          SOSB 15m     Aland Islands        W0MM
15     SO6V          SOSB 40m LP  Poland               SP6DVP
17     EY8MM    SOSB 80 or 160m   Tajikistan           K1BV
20     4X0C          M/S          Israel               W8HC
20     4X0V          M/2          Israel               AA4V
20     C4I                        Cyprus               LZ2HM
20     J48RT         M/S          Greece               HA6NL
20     P33W          M/S          Cyprus               RA3AUU
20     P3F           M/2          Cyprus               G3NKC
20     SV5/G0RIF     SO LP        Dodecanese           G0RIF
20     YM0T          SOSB 160m LP Turkey               TA2RC
21     4L4WW         SOSB 80m HP  Georgia              EA7FTR
21     9K2HN         M/S          Kuwait               9K2HN
21     EK0B          M/2          Armenia              SP9ERV
21     T6EE          SO           Afghanist            KE6GFF
22     9N7JO         SO           Nepal                qrz.com
22     VU2PTT        SOAB LP      India                VU2PTT
23     JT1DA         SOAB HP      Mongolia             JT1DA
24     B1Z           M/M          China                EA7FTR
24     B7P           M/M          China                qrz.com
24     BX5AA         SOAB HP      Taiwan               BX5AA
25     D9K           M/2          South Korea          DS4NYE
26     HS0ZDG        SOAB         Thailand             K4YT
26     XW1A          SO           Laos                 E21EIC
27     AH0BT         M/2 (?)      Mariana Islands      7L1FPU
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 JH7QXJ
27     KG6DX         SOAB HP      Guam                 KG6DX
27     NH0DX/NH2     SOAB HP      Guam                 JL3RDC
28     9M2CNC        SOSB         West Malaysia        G4ZFE
28     9M6LSC        SOAB         East Malaysia        JF1SQC
28     V8AQM         SOSB 20m LP  Brunei               W3HNK
28     YB0ZZ         M/?          Indonesia            YB0ZZ
29     VK8AA         SOSB 40m     Australia            VK6NE
30     VK4EJ         SOSB 15m LP  Australia            VK4EJ
31     AH6XX         M/?          Hawaii
32     A35RK         SOSB LP      Tonga                W7TSQ
32     E51NOU        SO           South Cook Islands   N7OU
32     ZM2M          SO2R         New Zealand          ZL2AL
32     ZM4A          M/S          New Zealand          ZL4AA
33     3V8SS         SO           Tunisia              bureau
33     AO8A          M/2          Canary Islands       EA8AH
33     CN2FB         SOSB 80m     Morocco              DK4VW
33     CN2FF         SOSB 160m    Morocco              DK4VW
33     CN2KT         SOSB 10m     Morocco              DK4VW
33     CN2R          SOSB 160m    Morocco              W7EJ
33     CN3A          M/2          Morocco              I2WIJ
33     CN4P          SO           Morocco              EA5XX
33     CQ9K          M/?          Madeira              CQ9K
33     CT9L          M/?          Madeira              DJ6QT
33     IG9R          SOSB 20m     (African) Italy      IK8HCG
33     IT9RBW/IG9    SOSB 10m     (African) Italy      ???
33     TS6A          M/2          Tunisia              YT1AD
34     SU8BHI        SO           Egypt                HA3JB
35     6V7G          SO           Senegal              EA1FDI
35     6W1RY         SOAB HP      Senegal              F5VHJ
35     6W1RY         SOAB HP      Senegal              F5VHJ
35     C50C                       The Gambia           OM2FY
36     ZD7X          SO LP        St. Helena           W0MM
37     5Z4/YT1CS     SO           Kenya                YT1CS
38     3DA0WW        M/2          Swaziland            LZ3HI
40     JW5E          M/S          Svalbard

Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2007.html - good contest to  you

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3C7Y --->  On-line logs  for  the recent  3C7Y  operation from  Bioko  Island
(AF-010),     Equatorial      Guinea      are      now      available      at
http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web/ea5yn/3c7y.htm (if  you do  not  find
your QSO, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]). [TNX EA5YN]

BRUNEI ---> The website for the 4-18 November V8FWP-V8FDM-V8FWU DXpedition to
Brunei [425DXN 853]  can be  found at  http://www.v8.pa7fm.nl/. On-line  logs
will be  uploaded  if  the  local Internet  access  allows  this  during  the
operation, otherwise they will be available after the expedition.

C50C ---> Rich, OM2TW and Joe, OM5AW  operated for about eight hours as  C50C
from the Bijol Islands (AF-060) on 21 October. They made some 1400 QSOs  with
50 watts and vertical dipoles on  20, 17 and 15 metres.  QSL via OM2FY.  This
callsign will  be used  again from  the  mainland during  the  CQ WW  DX  SSB

CQ WW DX SSB ---> Colin,  MM0NDX has collected a list of  the websites for  a
number of participating stations in this year's CQWW SSB. It can be found  at

DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations  have been approved for DXCC  credit:
3V8SS  (Tunisia,  2007  operation),  9U0A  (Burundi,  2007  operation),  D2DX
(Angola, 2007 operation). If you had cards rejected, please send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be placed on the list for update. [TNX NC1L]

LOGS ---> On-line logs for S79LL (IZ5FSA) and S79SO (IW5DPF) are available on
www.ariscandicci.it. The Seychelles  national authorities did  not allow  80m
operations. [TNX IZ5FSA]

LOGS ---> The  recent operations  from four  Papua New  Guinea's IOTA  groups
logged about 10,500  QSOs from OC-284  (P29VCX, QSL via  SM6CVX), 8,500  QSOs
from OC-283 (P29NI, QSL via G3KHZ),  5,500 QSOs from OC-256 (P29VLR, QSL  via
SM6CVX) and 900 QSOs from OC-240 (P29VCX, QSL via SM6CVX). On-line logs and a
few pictures can be found at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/p29_2007/

QSL UK8AJ ---> Rustam, UK8AJ reports that RW6HS has not been his QSL  manager
for more than two years. Cards should be sent to him direct (Rustam  Karimov,
P.O. Box 152, Tashkent, 100000, Uzbekistan) or via the bureau.

QSL VIA DO7ZZ ---> Franz, DL3PS is leaving Germany and will no longer  handle
the QSL cards for Zik, VE3ZIK.  Effective 1 November, the  new QSL route  for
VE3ZIK, 9A/VE3ZIK, T9/VE3ZIK, XM3ZIK and 4N1DX is via DO7ZZ (DARC bureau OK).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
1A4A        IZ4DPV      FM5BH       W3HNK       SU50JOTA    SU1SK
3B8FQ       K5XK        GB2JAM      G4MGR       SU8BHI      HA3JB
3V8CB       bureau      GB50RFR     M0CNP       T6EE        KE6GFF
3V8ST       bureau      HB0/HB9AON  DJ2YE       T99D        DJ2MX
3Z50SPU     SQ2RH       HB50S       HB9AOF      TA2KK       TA2AH
4A3A        NN1N        HC2SL       EA5KB       TL8PRV      IN3EYY
4K5D        K2PF        HF100SK     SP7ZIA      TM0JPL      F5TBX
4K9W        DL6KVA      HF130KR     SP6ZJP      TM1RWC      F6KMX
4O0CE       F5LGF       HF50PLU     SP8PLU      TM2RWC      bureau
4S7BRG      HB9BRM      HF60KAB     SP5KAB      TM3RWC      F1PSH
4X1VF       K1FJ        HH2FYD      F6FYD       TM4RWC      bureau
5H1BC       IK5BCM      HL9BSA      WX8C        TM5RWC      F6KRD
5L2MS       PA3AWW      HP4/W4JKC   W4JKC       TM6RWC      F5KCU
6C60A       N5FF        HS0ZDY      SM3CVM      TM7RWC      F5APM
6C60O       YK1AO       II050SCOUT  IK0DWN      TM8RWC      F1ORJ
6H1ZVO      EA5KB       II0SRT      IZ0BTV      TM9RWC      F5GNY
6L0OX       HL0NHQ      II250SCOUT  IW2NOH      TM9TSF      F4FFL
6V7G        EA1FDI      II5SRT      IZ5BTC      UE1RSP/p    UA1RJ
6W1SJ       T93Y        IQ8OM       IZ8EDJ      UE6FFF      RK6FZ
6Y1V        OH3RB       IR050J      IW0GOA      UE6MAC/2    RZ6MF
6Y3T        CT1ILT      IR2JOTA     IK2YCW      V26JN       WX3B
9A60K       9A7K        IR2SRT      I2JJR       V26TM       NI1N
9H3JC       DL5AUA      IR7SRT      IZ7CRW      V31BU       AB4U
9H3UT       DL9GDB      IR7SRT      IZ7CRW      V31CL       AB4U
9M6LSC      JF1SQC      IR8C        IZ8EDJ      V47KP       K2SB
9M6XRO      M5AAV       IR8SRE      IK8WEJ      V55SRT      IZ8EDJ
9Q1EK       SM5DJZ      IS0/WH0Q    IN3ZNR      V73RY       N7RO
9V1YC       N5ID        IS0SRT      IS0LFZ      V8AQM       W3HNK
A35RK       W7TSQ       IU9BP       IT9KBY      V8FEO       M5AAV
A45WD       YO9HP       J37T        VE3EBN      VE2IDX      VE3ZF
A61CK       PE1BSX      J48ZAK      SV8KOM      VE8DX/2     N5FG
AO8SRT      IZ8EDJ      J88DR       G3TBK       VK2AMB      DK2CRN
AT0MWG      VU2SWS      K2S         WB2GGM      VK6YS/P     VK4AAR
C50C        OM2FY       K4P         KF4OM       VK9CNF      HB9QR
C52C        OM2FY       KL7OU       NI5DX       VK9GLX      JA1XGI
C6AQO       K3IXD       KP2AD       OK1AJY      VP2MKA      W4GKA
C6AQW       WQ5W        KP2M        AI4U        VP2MZM      K3ZM
C6AXD       K3IXD       LC1FLS      LA0HW       VP8CXV      GM0TQJ
CN2R        W7EJ        LC1S        LA1S        VR100S      VR2HKS
CN8ZG       EA7FTR      MC0NRC      M3UNN       VY2ZM       K1ZM
CQ7SRT      CT1BWW      OL50NR      OK1NR       W1SRT       W3IZ
CT7EPO      CT1EGW      P29VCX      SM6CVX      W3B         KA3UNQ
CX2AQ       EA5KB       P40A        WD9DZV      XU7MDY      OH4MDY
CX7CO       KA5TUF      P40PA       W4PA        YB9AQH      PA0HOP
DZ1SRT      DU1IVT      PA50JOTA    PA3EFR      YT07SRT     YT3W
E4BDC       pirate      PJ4/W9NJY   WD9DZV      YV5MSG      IT9DAA
E51NOU      N7OU        R1AND       RU1ZC       YW3AJ       YV5AJ
E7/YT2ED    T96C        R35NP       RW1AI       Z360M       Z37M
EA9EU       EA5KB       R41WP       RA3LBA      ZD7SSG      ZD7BG
EG4MAA      EA4FAS      S79LC       IW5CWA      ZD7X        W0MM
EG5MGY      EA5URV      S79LL       IW5CWA      ZD8N        G3ZVW
EI100MFT    EI8DD       S79SO       IW5CWA      ZF2AH       W6VNR
EK8PL       SP9ERV      SA25QW      SK6QW       ZF2BI       K4BI
EM1100UU    US7UU       SC300VL     SK6HD       ZL7/DL2AH   DL2AH
EW6GF       DL8KAC      SN80KKK     SP9PKZ      ZY5100SCOUT PY5CA
EY8MM       K1BV        ST2BSS      ST2M        ZY7EAM      PY7VI

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4U1WRC  IARC, P.O. Box 6, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
IZ4DPV  Massimo Cortesi, P.O. Box 24, 47100 Forli' Centro - FC, Italy
OH4MDY  Reijo Laitinen, Mantytie 13, 76940 Nenonpelto, Finland
OM2FY   Branislav Daras, P.O. Box 6, Bratislava 28, 82008, Slovakia
RW1AI   Mikhail N.Fokin, P.O. Box 13, St.Petersburg, 193312 Russia
SU1SK   Said Kamel, P.O. Box 190, New Ramsis Center, Cairo 11797, Egypt
T93Y    Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, BA-71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and
VE3ZF   Igor Slakva, 105 La Rose Avenue, PH # 1410, Etobicoke, Ontario M9P
        1A9, Canada
VK4AAR  Alan Roocroft, 376 Old Toowoomba Road, Placid Hills, QLD 4343,
VU2SWS  Sarla Sharma, 7 Gaurav Apts, Behind Ashok Nagar, Nahur, Mulund, West
        Mumbai - 400 080, India
W4JKC   Thomas R. Kozel, 614 Glenwood Avenue, Anderson, SC 29625, USA
XW3DT   Alex Sinchukov, P.O. Box 11, GPO, Hong Kong


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                425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                                MAILING LIST

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       and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                  or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                  Stefano Turci, IK4WMH ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia



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SH/425 [text]       where [text] should be replaced with  a callsign, an  IOTA
                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
                    lighthouse, etc. 

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