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3 November 2007                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 861
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B8    - Ron,  SM7DKF  will  be  active  holiday  style  as  3B8/SM7DKF  from
         Mauritius Island  (AF-049) on  10-23 November.  QSL via  home  call,
         Further information and QSLling policy at http://www.sm7dkf.se. [TNX
3X     - This year the VooDoo Contest Group will participate in the CQ WW  DX
         CW Contest  as 3XY5D  from Conakry,  Guinea. The  team will  include
         AA7A, G3SXW, G4BWP, G4IRN, GM3YTS, K4UEE,  K5VT and KC7V. As  usual,
         they will enter the Multi-Multi category with mono-band antennas for
         all six  bands and  kilowatt amplifiers.  QSL via  G3SXW, direct  or
         bureau (bureau cards can be requested by e-mail: simply send the QSO
         details to  the e-mail  address on  http://www.qrz.com/g3sxw).  Logs
         will be  uploaded  to LoTW.  Further  information can  be  found  at
5X     - Nick, G3RWF will be in Uganda on 21-30 November and will operate CW,
         SSB, RTTY and PSK as 5X1NH,  including en entry in the  CQ WW DX  CW
         Contest. "This is a solo dedicated DX outing with a short safari  to
         the Mountains of the Moon after the contest", he says. He will be in
         Kampala from the 21st to the  26th, then he  will travel to  Western
         Uganda and do some "spare  time" portable work.  QSL via home  call.
         [TNX NG3K]
7X     - The Bou-Saada ARC  will be active  as 7W53N through  30 November  to
         commemorate  the   53rd  anniversary   of   the  Algerian   War   of
         Indipendence. QSL via 7X5VRK. [TNX F5NQL]
9M4    - Yoshiaki, JA1OCZ  will  be  active  as  9M4DXX  from  Penang  Island
         (AS-015), West Malaysia on  7-12 November. He  plans to operate  CW,
         SSB, and FM on 80-10 metres and to make a special effort during  the
         Japan International DX SSB Contest (10-11 November). QSL via  9M2TO,
         direct or bureau. [TNX JF1OCQ]
CT     - Adolfo, EA7TV  will  be active  as  CT/EA7TV/P from  Culatra  Island
         (EU-145, AL-001 for the Portuguese Islands Award) on 8-11  November.
         He plans to operate on 10-40  metres. QSL via  home call, direct  or
         bureau. [TNX EA7TV]
E5     - George, K5KG and Ron, KK9K will be active as E51MMM and E51NNN  from
         Rarotonga (OC-013),  South  Cook  Islands  from  12  November  to  1
         December. They plan to operate CW and SSB, to concentrate on 160 and
         80 metres and to participate in the  CQ WW DX CW Contest as  E51MMM.
         QSLs   for    both    via   K5KG.    They    have    a    blog    at
         http://www.e51mmm.blogspot.com/ [TNX The Daily DX]
EA8    - EA8ARG, EA8AY  and  EA8BFH  will be  active  as  EG8FDA  from  Anaga
         Lighthouse on Tenerife Island (AF-004) on 10-11 November. They  plan
         to operate on the HF bands  as well as  on 6 and  2 metres. QSL  via
         EA8NQ, direct  or  bureau.  Further  information  can  be  found  at
         http://ea8arg.ure.es/eg8fda/ [TNX EA8NQ]
EA8    - Jean, ON5JV and Georgette, ON6AK will be active as EA8/homecall from
         Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife (AF-004) from 28 November to 26 January  2008.
         Activity will be  mainly on 20  and 40 metres  during their  evening
         hours. QSL via home calls, bureau preferred. [TNX ON5JV]
GD     - Rosel, DL3KWR  and Hardy,  DL3KWF will  be active  as MD/DL3KWR  and
         MD/DL3KWF from the Isle of Man (EU-116) on 17-30 November. They plan
         to operate mostly CW (CQ WW  DX CW Contest included)  and on 12,  17
         and 30 metres. Hardy will also  try to operate  RTTY and PSK31.  QSL
         via home calls, direct or bureau  (e-mail requests for bureau  cards
         can  be   sent   to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]).   Their   web   page   is   at
         http://www.mydarc.de/dl3kwr [TNX DL3KWR]
HB0    - Laci/HA0HW, Tomi/HA4DX and Geza/HA4XG will be active as HB0/homecall
         from Masescha (1350 metres a.s.l.), Liechtenstein on 6-14  November.
         They will operate on the HF  bands (with an emphasis  on 160 and  80
         metres) CW, SSB and maybe some digital modes, plus 2m tropo and  MS.
         QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
I      - Special event station II0VUI will be active from Rome on 4  November
         for the Armed Forces Day. QSL via I0YCB. [TNX IK0ZCW]
J5     - The J5C large team of operators  will be active from Bubaque  Island
         (AS-020), Guinea-Bissau   [425DXM 857] from  11 through 21  January.
         They plan to  set up five  stations and  to operate  24/7 on  160-10
         metres all modes (6 metres are  not allowed). QSL via F5TVG,  direct
         or  bureau  (e-mail  requests  for  bureau  cards  can  be  sent  to
         [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Full details - 
         expected frequencies, on-line logs and information on how contribute
         to the expedition - can be found at http://www.j5c.eu/ [TNX F5NQL]
J7     - Harald/DL5HAQ, Manfred/DK6HA and Siegfried/DL3HBZ will be active  as
         J75/DK0RZ from Dominica  (NA-101) on 4-17  November. QSL via  DK0RZ.
         [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
J7     - Alan, WQ5W will be active as  J75W from Dominica on 21-28  November.
         The primary purpose of this trip is  to operate as a 40m entrant  in
         the CQ WW DX CW Contest. Outside the contest, he will concentrate on
         160, 80, 30, 17 and 12  metres CW and SSB, plus  RTTY on all  bands.
         QSL via WQ5W, direct or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW.  Alan
         has set up a blog at http://wq5w.blogspot.com [TNX WQ5W]
JW     - Roger, G3SXW and Nigel, G3TXF will  operate CW only as JW/G3SXW  and
         JW/G3TXF from the JW5E station in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen (EU-026)
         on  2-5  November.  QSL  via  home  calls.  Their  web  page  is  at
KH0    - JI5USJ and JI5RPT will be active as KH0/JI5USJ and AH0V from  Saipan
         (OC-086) on 10-14 January. They plan to operate CW, SSB and  digital
         modes on  80-6  metres, plus  satellite  and 60m  for  the  US.  QSL
         KH0/JI5USJ via JI5USJ, QSL AH0V via JI5RPT. A web page is  available
         at http://www.ji5rpt.com/ah0v/ [TNX JI5RPT]
KL     - Rick, K6VVA  will participate  in the  ARRL  160 Meter  Contest  (30
         November-2 December) as KL8C from Revillagigedo Island (NA-041).  He
         also hopes  to  be  QRV  on other  bands  as  K6VVA/KL7  during  the
         daytime/non-160m hours. QSL via N6AWD. [TNX islandchaser.com]
KP2    - Ann, KP2YL and Brian, KP2HC have  relocated to California, but  will
         visit St Croix, US Virgin Islands  (NA-106) on 15-23 November.  They
         will be  QRV on  HF SSB  and CW  throughout their  stay. Brian  will
         monitor 6m and take full advantage of any openings on that band. Ann
         will  take  part  in  a  multi-op  effort  for  the  ARRL   November
         Sweepstakes Phone from the NP2B contest station. QSL KP2YL and KP2HC
         direct only via their  California address. QSL  NP2B via NP2B.  [TNX
V2     - Alan, WQ5W will  be active  as V25W  from Antigua  (NA-100) from  30
         November to  2 December.  The primary  purpose of  this trip  is  to
         participate in  the  ARRL  160  Meter  Contest,  with  very  limited
         activity outside that event.  QSL via WQ5W,  direct or bureau.  Logs
         will  be   uploaded  to   LoTW.  Alan   has  set   up  a   blog   at
         http://wq5w.blogspot.com [TNX WQ5W]
W      - Dennis, WA2USA  will  be active  as  WA2USA/4  from  Dauphin  Island
         (NA-213) on 14-21  November. He  will operate  SSB and  CW on  80-10
         metres. QSL direct or bureau. [TNX QRZ-DX]
XF4    - Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Federacion Mexicana de Radio
         Experimentadores (FMRE),  a DXpedition  to Socorro  Island  (NA-030)
         Revillagigedo will take place between mid-November and mid-December.
         The team (XE1YK, XE2YW, XE1VVD and XE3RBA) will depart Manzanillo on
         a Navy ship on 16 November. They expect to be QRV on the 18th or the
         19th at the latest, and to be active for about 30 days. They plan to
         operate as  6E4LM, XF4YK  and XF4YW  on 160-10  metres CW,  SSB  and
         digital modes, plus 6m, 2m and  satellite. On their way back to  the
         mainland, they might  stop and operate  for 3-4  hours from  Clarion
         Island (NA-115) on 15, 17 and 20 metres. Further information can  be
         found at  http://www.6e4lm.xedx.org,  where logs  will  be  uploaded
         after the expedition. The pilot stations for the expedition will  be
         XE1J and XE1GRR. QSL 6E4LM via XE2K, QSL XF4YK via XE1YK, QSL  XF4YW
         via XE2YW. [TNX XE1GRR]
XU     - Jack, F6BUM will be active as XU7BUM from Cambodia from 22  November
         to 12 December. He plans to  operate only CW during his spare  time.
         QSL via F6CXJ. [TNX F6BUM]
YB     - Hotang, YC0IEM will be  active from Bangka  Island (OC-144) from  18
         November to  5 December.  QSL via  IZ8CCW,  direct or  bureau.  [TNX
YB     - A transceiver problem caused Adhi, YB3MM to cancel his late  October
         operation from Karimunjawa (OC-186) [425DXN 860].  A new attempt  is
         now planned for the CQ  WW DX CW  Contest weekend (24-25  November).
         QSL via IZ8CCW. [TNX 4X4-2238]
ZL     - Steve, G4EDG  will be  active from  Stewart Island  (OC-203) on  5-7
         November either as ZL4/G4EDG or with  his own ZL callsign. He  plans
         to operate CW only on 17-40  metres. QSL direct  only. Logs will  be
         uploaded to LoTW. [TNX G4EDG]

INDIAN OCEAN ---> Pekka, OH2YY will be active as FR/OH2YY from Reunion Island
(AF-016) on 12-15 November and as 3B8/OH2YY from Mauritius Island (AF-049) on
16-22 November). He plans to operate SSB  on 40-10 metres with 100 watts  and
vertical/dipole antennas. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX OH2YY]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

OQRPC ---> The QRP Contest Community  invites QRP enthusiasts to  participate
in the 23rd  Original QRP Contest  (OQRPC), which  will take  place on  20-30
December (from 15 UTC to 15  UTC) on the CW  portions of the  80, 40 and  20m
bands. For  further information  please visit  http://www.qrpcc.de or  e-mail

QSL VP8NO  --->  Geoff,  G4AFJ  still  receives  cards  for  VP8NO's  current
operations from the Falkland Islands. G4AFJ  was the QSL manager for  VP8NO's
activities from Antarctica (1974-76), but nowadays Mike, VP8NO does not  have
a manager. Cards  can be sent  direct or via  the RSGB bureau,  and logs  are
uploaded weekly to LoTW. [TNX VP8NO]

QSL VIA  PA0RRS --->  Richard reports  that all  of the  direct requests  for
YB9/PA0RRS were processed and mailed on 2 November. Cards can be sent  direct
(Richard Smeets, Schoorveken 100, 5121 NM Rijen, The Netherlands) or  bureau.
E-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (this  applies
also to all of Richard's past  operations as 9M2MRS, 9M2/PA0RRS,  9M6/PA0RRS,

UKRAINIAN DX CONTEST ---> The Ukrainian Contest Club (UCC) and the  Ukrainian
Amateur Radio  League  (UARL) invite  amateur  radio operators  worldwide  to
participate in  the annual  Ukrainian DX  Contest. It  will  be held  on  3-4
November (from 12 UTC to 12 UTC), on 160-10  metres SSB and CW. Rules can  be
found at http://www.ucc.zp.ua [TNX UT1IA]

TOP LISTS  ---> The  latest Topband,  Topmode and  Toplist listings  are  now
available  at  http://www.425dxn.org/awards/toplist/index.html.  Please  send
your scores,  as well  as any  request for  further information,  to  Erminio

ZL7 ---> The Polish operators  (SP5EAQ, SP9PT and  SP9BQJ) who were  recently
active from the Chatham Islands made about 15,000 QSOs (7500 CW, 5500 SSB and
2000 RTTY), including  more than 500  contacts on  160 metres.  QSL via  home
calls. [TNX SP5EAQ]


QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A0KM, 3B7SP, 3B8GD, 3D2ER,  3D2UU,
3XM6JR, 4L1DA, 4O3A,  4S7BRG, 4X4WN,  4X6AAV, 5H3HWB,  9Y4AA, 9Y4VU,  A25OOK,
A43MI (AS-014), A45WD, AP2TN, B7P, BO0K (AS-102), BS7H, C6ALP, C6ASV,  CN2FB,
HB0/DL1ARS,  HC2SL,  HK4QMH,  HR9/WQ7R,  HV0A,  IE9/IK4RUX  (EU-051),   IR8DX
(EU-144), J8/W6JKV, JT1CO,  KG4IZ, KG4MO, KH2/WX8C,  KL7J, KN5G/KH6,  KN5G/p,
LR4A, LZ1ZF, MM0NDX/p  (EU-008), MM0XAU (EU-012),  N8S, OA4/N6XQ,  OA4/S57CQ,
OH0Z, OJ0MI, OX/PA3EXX/p  (NA-213), OX2A, OX3LX,  OX3XR, P41USA,  PJ7/EA3GHZ,
PZ5RA, R1FJT, RA0LV,  S21RC, SV2ASP/A, SY8AN  (EU-067), T30ONM, T30RY,  T77C,
T77NM, TY5ZR, UA1QV/1 (EU-160), UE1OTA/1 (EU-161), UK/JI2MED, V73NS, VO2/NF6J
(NA-044), VP6DB, VP8/LZ1UQ, VP8ROT, VQ9LA, VR10UW, VY2/KV8Q (NA-029),  XW3DT,


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


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       and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                  or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                  Stefano Turci, IK4WMH ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia



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                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
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