All QSOs uploaded to LOTW.

    Callsign Used : JT1T

         Operator : JT1DA Enkh

         Category : SOAB HP

             Name : Enkhbayar.B

          Address : P.O.Box 830,

   City/State/Zip : Ulaanbaatar-24,

          Country : Mongolia

        Team/Club : Mongolian Amateur Radio Society

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones


  160CW        8           8          8         3         6

   80CW       57          57         82        10         8

   40CW      210         210        291        25        15

   20CW      733         733       1466        61        22

   15CW      521         521        822        55        22

   10CW       24          24         25         5         6


 Totals     1553        1553       2694       159        79

    Final Score = 641172 points.

Best 73s



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