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22 December 2007                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 868
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

                    *        TO ALL OUR READERS        *
                    * WARMEST THOUGHTS AND BEST WISHES *
                    *     FOR A WONDERFUL  HOLIDAY     *
                    *    AND A  VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR    *

                 >>> SAINT-BARTHELEMY, DXCC ENTITY #338 <<<

The French Ovearseas Department (Departement d'outre-mer, DOM) of  Guadeloupe
included Guadeloupe (FG), as well as the island of Saint-Barthelemy (FJ)  and
the French part of the island of Saint-Martin (FS).

On 7  December 2003,  Saint-Martin and  Saint-Barthelemy voted  in favour  of
autonomy from Guadeloupe, in order to  form separate Overseas  Collectivities
(Collectivites d'outre-mer, COM). On 21 February 2007, the French  Parliament
passed a bill granting COM status to both Saint-Barthelemy and  Saint-Martin.
The new status took effect on 22 February, when the law was published in  the
Official Journal.

As for DXCC, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthelemy have formed one single  Entity
for decades - until 14 December 2007.  This is the official release from  the
ARRL Headquarters, dated 19 December:

   The ARRL DXCC Desk is pleased  to announce the  addition of St  Barthelemy
   (FJ) to  the  DXCC List,  making  the island  entity  number 338  with  an
   effective date of 14  December, 2007. Cards  with contacts dated  December
   14, 2007 or after will be  accepted for DXCC credit. New card  submissions
   for St Barthelemy will not be accepted  until January 1, 2008 in order  to
   allow time for administrative adjustments.

   The "event date" that caused St. Barthelemy  to be added to the DXCC  list
   was December 14,  2007, the date  the US State  Department Fact sheet  was
   updated by the Bureau of Intelligence  and Research. This update added  St
   Barthelemy to the List  of Dependencies and  Areas of Special  Sovereignty
   with its Administrative Center in Gustavia, qualifying it under DXCC rules
   in Section II -- 1 Political Entities (c).

   French St Martin (FS), while also  added to the  List of Dependencies  and
   Areas of Special Sovereignty, will remain on the DXCC List, but it is  now
   considered a Point  1 Political Entity  under the  same classification  as
   that of St Barthelemy.

   Please direct any questions you may have about St Barthelemy, St
   Martin or the DXCC program to the ARRL DXCC Desk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

3Y     - Pilot   station   and   Media   Officer   Rhynhardt   Louw,   ZS6DXB
         ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) reports that a five man Norwegian led  research
         team has been on Bouvet  Island since 13  December, and will  remain
         there until around 14 February 2008.  The medical officer is  Petrus
         Kritzinger, ZS6GCM (newly licenced, previous call ZR6PK). He has  an
         Icom IC-735 and  a Hustler 4-BTV  vertical antenna,  but limited  HF
         experience. He  was  given a  brief  training session  on  operating
         procedures a couple of days prior to departure. Petrus expects to be
         active on  the  amateur radio  bands  as time  and  availability  of
         electrical power permit. The landing  permission was granted  months
         ago, and the  callsign (3Y0E)  was issued  on 19  December. QSL  via
         LZ3HI. Bookmark  http://3y0e.com/ for  further information,  updates
         and hopefully on-line logs. [TNX http://www.sarl.org.za/]
5Z     - Nao, JK1FNL says he will  be active as  5Z4/JK1FNL from Masai  Mara,
         Kenya on 26-29 December. He will  be running 100 watts into  dipoles
         or vertical antennas on 15-40 metres.  QSL via home call, direct  or
CN     - Didier, F4ELJ will be active as CN4MC from Morocco from 27  December
         to 3 January. He plans to operate on 80-10 metres SSB. QSL via  home
         call. [TNX F4ELJ]
EA8    - Giovanni, IZ2DPX will be active  from Fuerteventura, Canary  Islands
         (AF-004) from 30 December to 6 January. He plans to operate  holiday
         style on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres. QSL via IK2DUW, direct or
         bureau. [TNX IZ2DPX]
FJ     - Martti, OH2BH and Olli, OH0XX (HP1WW)  have been active as  FJ/OH2AM
         from Saint-Barthelemy  (NA-146), the  newest DXCC  Entity, since  18
         December. They  have  two  stations  (SSB  and  CW),  and  they  are
         concentrating on giving the "new one" to as many people as possible.
         Their QRT  date is  not known  at the  moment, but  operation  could
         continue until 27 December, The Daily DX reports. QSL via OH2BN.
HS     - Those who need Thailand on 80 metres CW can look for Don, HS0ZEE who
         is QRV daily on 3505-3507 kHz from 21 to 00.30 UTC. He runs a TS940S
         to a 30m  high dipole  and welcomes  skeds ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  See
         qrz.com for the QSL information. [TNX HS0ZEE]
JA     - Look for JS6RRR and JI3DST/JS6 to be active from the Miyako  Islands
         (AS-079) from  27  December to  7  January. The  main  QTH  will  be
         Miyakojima  (JIIA  AS-079-005),  with   side  trips  to   Ikema-jima
         (AS-079-001), Kurima-jima (AS-079-003) and Ogami-jima  (AS-079-006).
         QSL via bureau only. [TNX JI3DST]
PA     - The following eight special Christmas callsigns  will be aired  from
         the Netherlands between 20 December and 6 January: PA07XMAS (QSL via
         PG7V), PC07XMAS (QSL via PA3AM), PD07SANTA (QSL via PD0AT), PD07XMAS
         (QSL via PD2J), PD08HNY (QSL via PD0EMR), PF07XMAS (QSL via PA1WLB),
         PG07XMAS (QSL via PA7JWC), PH07XMAS (QSL via PA4CHE). Information on
         the   relevant   Christmas    2007   Award   can    be   found    at
         www.pg7v.net/xmas2007 [TNX PG7V]
SP_ssh - Marek, SP3GVX  has  been  back  to  the  Polish  "Henryk  Arctowski"
         scientific station on King George  Islans, South Shetlands  (AN-010)
         since November, and will remain there  until late next year.  Expect
         him to  be active  as  HF0POL when  his  workload permits.  QSL  via
         SP3WVL. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [TNX SP3BGD]
UN     - Rashad, 4J9M is on a business trip to Aktau, Kazakhstan and has been
         authorized to  operate as  UN/4J9M until  3 February  2008. QSL  via
         DL7EDH. [TNX 4J9M]
ZL     - Paul, ZL3TX and local Radio Clubs operators will be active as ZM6JAM
         during the  18th New  Zealand/International Scouts  Jamboree, to  be
         held in  Christchurch  from  29 December  to  5  January.  The  main
         activity will take place between 20-8  UTC each day, apart from  New
         Years Eve when the station  will remain active  till 12 UTC.  ZM6JAM
         will be active on 80-10 metres  mainly SSB and Digital Modes,  along
         with Echolink  via  the ZL3CAR  repeater  Node 101553  and  ILRP  on
         145.625 repeater Node 6900. QSL via  ZL3TX. For further  information
         or for those wanting to set up skeds please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         [TNX ZL3NB]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B7C ---> The 3B7C DVD, "a colourful and comprehensive account of life on Ile
du Sud, Saint Brandon, during  the 3B7C DXpedition",  is now available.  Also
included is the 3B9C Rodrigues  video. Each video  runs for approximately  45
minutes. Complete details  can be found  at http://www.3b7c.com/DVD.htm  [TNX

C56JJ ---> Jan, PA4JJ says that  his recent C56JJ  operation from The  Gambia
(1-10 December) has been approved for DXCC credit.

CAROLINA DX ASSOCIATION ---> At its Annual Meeting & Christmas Party held  on
13 December, the  Carolina DX Association  (http://www.cdxa.org) elected  the
following  officers  for   2008:  Ted   Goldthorpe/W4VHF  (President),   Paul
Ponak/AD4IE (Vice-President), Cliff Wagoner/W3ZL (Secretary-Treasurer),  John
Scott/K8YC  (Newsletter  Editor), Dick Williams/W3OA  (Contest Manager),  Joe
Simpkins/K4MD (Cluster Manager), Paul  Sturpe/W3GQ (Cluster Manager,  North),
Wayne Setzer/WB4BXW (Webmaster). [TNX K8YC]

CLARION ISLAND ---> The team on Socorro Island (6E4LM, XF4YK and XF4YW)  went
QRT on 16 December. On the  19th they operated  from Clarion Island  (NA-115)
for a couple of hours on 20 and 17 metres. On-line logs will be available  on
http://www.6e4lm.xedx.org when the  operators are  back home.  QSL XF4YK  via

FJ &  CQ  DX AWARDS  --->  CQ DX  Awards  Manager Billy  Williams,  N4UF  has
announced that the island of Saint-Barthelemy  (FJ) has been added to the  CQ
DX Awards entity list, effective immediately, for confirmed contacts with the
island made on or after  21 February 2007.  For purposes of  the CQ DX  Field
Awards, Saint-Barthelemy is in grid field FK. For more information on the  CQ
DX Awards, please visit http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/awards.html or the CQ
DX Awards homepage at http://home.earthlink.net/~bfwillia/page3.html.

IOTA HONOUR  ROLL  ---> The  Annual  Listings as  at  February 2007  are  now
available on the IOTA Programme (http://www.rsgbiota.org/info/index.php)  and
the  IOTA   Manager's   (http://www.g3kma.dsl.pipex.com/)  web   sites.   The
performance tables include the Honour Roll and the Annual Listing, as well as
the VHF/UHF, Club and SWL listings. Listing in the 2007 tables was restricted
to those members who had updated their scores since February 2002.

QSL 5L2MS ---> The first direct cards for 5L2MS (October 2007) are  arriving.
Henk, PA3AWW would like to remind that one USD does not cover return  postage
expenses and those direct requests will be processed via the bureau.

QSL HZ1MD ---> Effective 1 January  2008, Peter, PA2V will  no longer be  the
QSL manager for HZ1MD. However, Peter  will honour all  the QSL requests  for
HZ1MD's activity from the  Farasan Islands (AS-193).  The cards are  expected
from the printer  between late December  and early January.  [TNX VE3LYC  and

QSL SU8BHI ---> Gabi, HA3JB expects to  receive the new QSL cards for  SU8BHI
(see www.qsl.net/ha3jb/news.html) at the end of  January. QSL direct only  to
HA3JB (Kutasi Gabor,  P.O. Box 243,  H-8601 Siofok, Hungary).  If you do  not
receive your card, please e-mail him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] [TNX HA3JB/SU8BHI]

QSL YB0ZZ & YE0X  ---> Pri, YB0ECT  reports that the  "P.O. Box 8000  Jakarta
11000" address is no longer valid. The new address for both YB0ZZ (ORARI  DKI
Jakarta Club Station)  and YE0X (Contest  ORARI Daerah DKI  Jakarta) is:  Jl.
Suryo Pranoto  No.8 Gedung  Prasada Sasana  Karya  Lantai 10,  Jakarta  Pusat
(10130), Indonesia

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8FQ       K5XK        EM10KDR     RU6UR       R10KDR      RU6UR
4L1FP       LZ1OT       ER10KDR     ER3GS       R1AND       RU1ZC
4L1UN       EA7FTR      ES1A        ES1AJ       S05A        EA1BT
4L4WW       EA7FTR      ES1WN       ES1AX       SY2TSL      SZ2TSL
4L8A        DJ1CW       ET3JA       OK3AA       T88GS       JE1PGS
4S7DXG      UR9IDX      FJ/OH2AM    OH2BN       T88LY       JJ2VLY
5H9PD       W8FV        FK8DD       LZ1JZ       T88PR       JJ8DEN
5N8NDP      IK5JAN      FK8GX       W3HNK       T88RA       JH1RMH
5P0MF       DH1LAO      FM1II       ON4IQ       T88YU       JQ2GYU
5R8FL       G3SWH       FM5CD       F5VU        TF3CW       LX1NO
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      FM5WD       W3HNK       TF3ZA       KT6YL
5R8GZ       G3SWH       FO5RH       F2HE        TM7VT       F6KJX
5X1AB       K6EID       GB6GW       GW0TKX      TN/9Q1TB/P  SM5DJZ
5X4X        DF5GQ       GB80GKZ     2E0NCG      TN6X        DJ6SI
9G1YK       PA3ERA      HF50SSM     SP9KJM      TN9Z        DJ9ZB
9J2CA       G3SWH       HF85GN      SP5ZDH      TR8CA       F6CBC
9L1BTB      SP7BTB      HG70LL      HA3KNA      TR8CR       F6AJA
9M2TO       JA0DMV      HK4OBA      EA5KB       UN3M        EA7FTR
9V1YC       N5ID        HR9/WQ7R    AI4U        V44KJ       WB2TSL
A92BND      A92GR       HS0ZDR      W4FOA       V55SRT      IZ8EDJ
A92GT       EA7FTR      HZ1SK       IZ8CLM      VK2IAY/4    G0UIH
A92HB       GM6TVR      HZ1ZH       EA7FTR      VP5E        K0OK
AI4VU/HI3   JT1CO       II0TH       I0YCB       VP9/VE3ZF   VE3ZF
BP100S      BX4AN       II1C        I1OJE       VQ9JC       ND9M
CE0ZAA      CE2AA       KH0/AB2WE   JI1JPJ      W1VX/KH0    JF1OCQ
CO2CI       WD4OIN      LU1ZD       LU4DXU      W8XGI/KH2   JA1XGI
CO2NB       EA5KB       LY10KDR     LY3W        XT2WC       F1IQH
CO2WL       IZ8EBI      LZ07IPY     LZ3SM       XV1X        OK1DOT
CO6XN       N3ZOM       LZ40VP      LZ2VP       YE9FCCC     YB1GJS
CV5K        CX2ABC      N3YS/KH0    JE1SYN      YI9MI       AD7MI
CW2C        IK1PMR      OH9SCL      OH9UV       YI9QX       SP8WQX
CX7CO       KA5TUF      OJ1ABOA     OH2FFP      YU60BCD     YU7BCD
DQ10KDR     RU6UR       OX3XR       OZ3PZ       YW6YL       IT9DAA
E4/OM2DX    OM3JW       P40GH       WA2TTI      Z29KM       EA7FTR
EA8/8S8L    SM0DXT      PA25HSG     PA4PS       ZL1HY       EA7FTR

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2AG   Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt, c/o Sam Torope, P.O. Box 3040, 98846
        Noumea, New Caledonia
DL7EDH  Alexander Spielmann, Hubertusstr. 5, D-85095 Denkendorf, Germany
GM6TVR  John Black, Solway View, Carlisle Road , Annan DG12 6QX, Scotland, UK
IT9DAA  Corrado Ruscica, P.O. Box 1, 96018 Pachino (Succ.1) - SR, Italy
JD1BMM  Masafumi Ishihara, 2-305 Loran, 2-5-35 Miyazaki, Chuo-ku, Chiba
        260-0806, Japan
OH2BN   Jarmo J. Jaakola, Kiilletie 5 C 30, Helsinki 00710, Finland
OM3JW   Stefan Horecky, Mlynska 2, Stupava 900-31, Slovak Republic
OZ7AEI  Jakob Pedersen, Naltoftevej 15, DK-7500 Holstebro, Denmark
SP7BTB  Zbigniew Blechacz, Os.Sadkow 1 m 10, 26-603 Radom 5, Poland
TZ6JA   Makoto Obara, P.O. Box 59, Tama, Tokyo, 206-8691 Japan


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                                MAILING LIST

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                  or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                  Stefano Turci, IK4WMH ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia



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