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26 January 2008                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin

                                    No 873
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH 
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  26/01      EA8/ON5JV and EA8/ON6AK: Tenerife (AF-004)             861
till  26/01      HI: Dominican Republic * by IZ5JNQ                     870
till  26/01      EA8/OZ7FOC: Canary Islands (AF-004)                    869
till  27/01      LM8EHC/1 and LM8EHC/2: special callsigns (Norway)      871
till  27/01      LM8EHC/3 and LM8EHC/4: special callsigns (Norway)      871
till  27/01      LM8EHC/5: special callsign (Norway)                    871
till  26/01      P29SI: Papua New Guinea                                871
till  27/01      YS3/I2JIN: El Salvador                                 869
till  28/01      BY4JN/4: Tianheng Island (AS-150)                      872
till  28/01      VI2BMARC50: special event station (Australia)          865
till  29/01      6W/F6HMJ: Senegal                                      870
till  29/01      CU8: Flores Island (EU-089)                            872
till  29/01      CE0Z/LA6IKA: Juan Fernandez (SA-005)                   872
till  31/01      VK7AAP and VK7CLA: Tasmania (OC-006)                   869
till  02/02      8Q7AK: Maldives (AS-013)                               871
till  02/02      J79SJ: Dominica (NA-101)                               872
till  03/02      UN/4J9M: Kazakhstan                                    868
till  08/02      VP6PR: Pitcairn (OC-044)                               873
till  14/02      3Y0E: Bouvet Island (AN-002)                           872
till  February   OJ1ABOA: Aboa Station (Antarctica)                     866
till  10/03      DP0GVN: Neumayer Base (Antarctica)                     872
till  11/03      S21YV: Bangladesh                                      872
till  14/03      II9CAR: special event station                          869
till  15/03      TT8PK: Chad                                            873
till  31/03      J20MB: Djibouti                                        870
till  31/03      LZ130LO: special callsign                              867
till  15/04      6W2SC: Senegal                                         871
till  15/04      J5UAP: Guinea-Bissau                                   871
till  April      VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006)                           866
till  April      ZD7X: St. Helena (AF-022)                              869
till  May        V73RY: Kwajalein (OC-028)                              869
till  15/05      YI9MI: Iraq                                            863
till  30/06      VR10: special prefix (Hong Kong)                       843
till  August     C91R: Mozambique                                       855
till  30/09      9A73AA: special callsign                               855
till  November   YE2IPY: special callsign                               864
till  31/12      C4EURO: special callsign (Cyprus)                      867
till  31/12      DR8M: special event station                            870
till  31/12      HG550REX: special call (Hungary)                       873
till  31/12      ON1000NOTGER: special call (Belgium)                   873
till  31/12      ON40BAF: special event call                            869
till  31/12      SB1658OZ and SC1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)      871
till  31/12      SH1658DK and SH1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)      871
till  31/12      SK1658DK and SK1658OZ: special callsigns (Sweden)      871
till  December   HF0POL: Henryk Arctowski Station (South Shetlands)     868
till  ??         LU1ZA: South Orkneys (AN-008)                          867
till  ??         R1ANR: "Blue One Runway" (Antarctica)                  863
till  ??         VE2XB/VY0: Southampton Island (NA-007)                 872
26/01-09/02      TM4A: special event call (France)                      869
26/01-03/03      J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101)                              872
26/01-03/02      JW/IN3TCH and JW/IN3SAU: Longyearbyen (EU-026)         871
26/01            AX: special prefix (Australia Day)                     873
27/01-01/02      9A/VE3ZIK: Croatia                                     873
27/01-10/02      E51WWA: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks                873
27/01-28/02      VP8DIF: South Georgia (AN-007)                         859
29/01-12/02      KG4AS, KG4WV, KG4SS, KG4OS: Guantanamo Bay (NA-015)    873
31/01-05/02      CU7T: Faial Island (EU-175)                            872
31/01-19/02      JD1BMM: Minami-Torishima (OC-073)                      873
31/01-08/02      PJ4/K8GG, PJ4/KD9SV, PJ4/W8UVZ: Bonaire (SA-006)       873
Jan-Feb          ZS7BYRD: SANAE IV (Antarctica)                         865
01/02-31/12      HG1848I: special call (Hungary)                        873
01/02-08/02      PW2M: Moela Island (SA-071)                            869
01/02-03/02      T88SM, T88HK, T88HS: Koror (OC-009), Palau             871
01/02-15/02      TC800NH: special call (Turkey)                         873
from  01/02      S21XJ: Bangladesh                                      871
02/02-05/02      AA8LL/4: Cedar Key (NA-076)                            873
03/02-10/02      H7/NP3D and YN2S: Nicaragua                            873
05/02-14/03      3B8/G4FKH: Mauritius                                   873
06/02-15/02      TI9K: Isla del Coco (NA-012)                           860
06/02-19/02      V31TB and V31WO: Belize                                873
06/02-11/02      ZF2XD: Cayman Islands (NA-016)                         863
07/02-14/02      HC1MD: Ecuador                                         873
10/02-21/02      E51WWA: Mauke (OC-083), South Cooks                    873
11/02-18/02      VE4GV/6Y5: Jamaica (NA-097)                            873
11/02-06/03      C56YK and C56JC: Gambia                                873
11/02-19/02      J79WI, J79IU, J79KM: Dominica (NA-101)                 873
11/02-19/02      J79PN, J79PC, J7DX: Dominica (NA-101)                  873
11/02-28/02      VP6DX: Ducie Island (OC-182)                           873
13/02-23/02      CN2XW: Morocco                                         869
13/02-28/02      JD1BLY, JD1BMO, JD1BMP: Ogasawara (AS-031)             871
14/02-18/02      HB0/DJ2MX, HB0/DJ4MZ, HB0/DJ5MW: Liechtenstein         873
14/02-18/02      HB0/DK4YJ, HB0/DK9TN, HB0/N0MX: Liechtenstein          873
15/02-22/02      FS/F5IYJ & PJ7/F5IYJ: St. Martin/St. Maarten (NA-105)  873
15/02-17/02      AB2ST/KH2, KB3LTB/KH2, KG6WTW/KH2: Guam (OC-026)       871
16/02-02/03      TM1R: special event call (France)                      869
19/02-02/02      VP8CLE and VP8DKW: Falkland Islands (SA-002)           871
21/02-27/02      HC1MD: Ecuador                                         873
22/02-29/02      8R1PW: Guyana                                          863
28/02-07/03      V4: St. Kitts (NA-104) * by W1USN, AA1M, W1SSR         867
03/03-10/03      V4/G4FAL: St. Kitts (NA-104)                           871
07/03-17/03      TX5C: Clipperton Atoll (NA-011)                        871
15/03-23/03      HQ8R: Swan Island (NA-035)                             866
16/03-27/03      9X0R: Rwanda                                           873
20/03-23/03      3W3M: Con Co (AS-185)                                  873
22/03-30/03      9M0: Spratly Islands (AS-051) * by N1UR and KB1PQN     865
25/03-28/03      3W3M: Phu Quoc (AS-128)                                873
27/03-01/04      7P8FC: Lesotho                                         871
29/03-02/04      3W3M: Dao Con (AS-130)                                 873
29/03-12/04      TM2I: special event call (France)                      869
16/04-24/04      P40ZB: Aruba (SA-036)                                  873
19/04-25/04      GB0U: Guernsey (EU-114)                                873
02/05-23/05      A52TL: Bhutan                                          873
24/05-07/06      TM7S: special event call (France)                      869
11/06-23/06      FH/DK7LX: Mayotte (AF-027)                             869
27/06-04/07      JX/G7VJR: Jan Mayen (EU-022)                           873
28/06-05/07      HB0/ON4IPA: Liechtenstein                              873
09/10-27/10      VK9DWX: Willis Island (OC-007)                         872


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                                Direttore Responsabile
                                Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                    Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                           Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                     Roma, Italia



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                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
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