The Horror stories are growing ever larger with all the companies! With
shoddy construction practices, poor designs, lousy delivery systems, and
high prices its a wonder any of this stuff ever works. I had two EXPENSIVE
radios totally destroyed by the carrier. After weeks of negotiations I
finally got some of my money back minus $100 shipping. Bottom line I paid
the Selling company $100 Dollars to allow the delivery trucks to destroy my
radios..(which I don't have) Ain't progress wonderful??  No more for me,
they can keep them!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Rey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 5:39 PM
Subject: [DXR] Stupidity @ its best

> Hello Everybody:
> Here's my little story. I've got Kenwood TS 570 D and for some time it had
> been having on going problems of all sorts, the memory went Berzerk, then
> the Atomatic Ant.tuner didn't want to tune anymore and some other problems
> that I later found out that were all glitches that Kenwood found out 3
> after selling its first 570D. Well, then I call the Kenwood Service Center
> in Virginia. I tell them I'm calling from Colombia and that I wanted to
> in the radio, then the geniuses at Kenwood in a somewhat arrogant voice
> me: "Yeah send it in, we'll fix it in no time ..we're KENWOOD !"
> So me in my 3rd world ignorance believes them and send in my radio from
> Bogota ...for a mere U.S. 150.00. Take a trip and when I get back I get a
> call from the post office which I had sent the radio, telling me that the
> radio was back. Well I was so happy that it had taken so little I jumped
> my car a drove down to the P.O.
> Only to find out that the Kenwood bozos had refused the package and it had
> been sent down to me again because they didn't want to pay customs fees,
> now I have to pay the Colombian customs U.S. 350.00 for getting back a
> damaged radio and another U.S 150 for return postage!!!
> I then called the Kenwood freaks to ask them what happened and they said:
> Oh.. Mr. Rey I'm sorry we didn't mention this before please calm down and
> will have the boys down in California resolve this "little" mishap, give
> your email and we will contact you ASAP.....
> That was three days ago ....nothing yet
> So whats going to be my next radio ??? U You can bet your sorry _ _ _ , it
> aint gonna be KENWOOD !!!!!
> a Kenwoodless HK3CW  ROB
> Anybody wanna join me throwing away U.S. 650... we can burn them together
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