At the risk of a lot of jokes, I gonna ask the following anyway.

Have any DXers (or just ordinary hams, if there are any) had the experience 
of feeling that any radio contact you made resulted from any form of ESP ?  
I say this because of recent readings in the subject (remote viewing is 
especially interesting and lots of US tax dollars were spent investigating 
it) and because during some especially difficult DX contacts, I have had the 
feeling that I made the contact (that he heard me or I heard his reply) 
beyond regular expectations, given the very difficult condx.  This has also 
happened to me during contests.

I am also interested in stories of hallucinations during long periods of 
radio operations especially if the stories relate to radio results (not just 
hallucinations, but radio ones!).

You may reply in confidence and be assured I will not use your identity in 
any way related to this inquiry or you may reply without id.  I am a serious 
researcher with a Ph. D. and know how to do this kind of scholarly work 
ethically.  Thanks, Charly K4VUD
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