Absolutely correct Steve!
With a rate of 2-4 QSOs per minute in the heat of the moment, for hours and
days on end, for thousands and thousands of QSOs during a DXpedition it's
not a perfect world. It amazes me that they get it right so many times,
especially when you mix in lack of sleep, unruly customers, unruly
operators, lousy food, crabs (on atolls that is) blizzards (on some islands)
and unbounded enthusiasm for endeavours such as these.

Getting it right is like a blind man in a dark cellar looking for a black
cat that isn't there. It's a highly nebulous process!

I just love your new call of KW8K Steve!


"Does anyone have a spare rocket for orbiting purposes?"
                                                         Don Stoner, W6TNS
CQ Magazine, April 1959

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Litwins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 1:40 PM
Subject: [DXR] a thought...

> Hi all;
> Just saw a posting to a web page that sports a log look-up that I thought
> pretty interesting.  The posting states that some hams have complained
> their call is wrong by one letter in the web log look-up.  And the
> that have the wrong call in the log have to try and work the dx stn agn to
> fix the problem.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this plainly say
> (the dx) are perfect'...we (the dx) do not make errors in the log as we
> the pile.  The posting to the web page went on to say it is the
> responsibility of the caller to make sure his call is ok b4 he ends the Q.
> I think that is true enuf, but what if the dx gets the call ok on the air
> but logs it incorrectly?  Having been there done that I know that this is
> entirely possible.  So when a guy sends me a request for a qsl card for
> Q at such a time es date mode band etc, and I can't find the call
> entered into my computer log, I look to see if it could have been me who
> the call ok in the pile but just logged it incorrectly.  My call is
> cannot tell u how mny times I have to correct this from it's busted form,
> that I am satisfied that the Q is ok.  But I have no control over what
> into the log.  If the op sends 'ok k8wk-tu' and he had it b4 as k8kw
> (whatever), and then still puts it into the log as k8kw, that should be a
> problem that is up for negotiation.  Sometimes it even takes an email to
> other call (k8kw) to see if he was there at the time...whatever.  But it
> NEVER a done deal (at least for me) just because I get the call (any call)
> into the log...what do u guys think?  Of course they (the dx) can have it
> any way they want...they are the ones gg to the far-off lands...hi...some
> now are saying that if u send us an email, asking about a 'problem' Q...u
> into a pile labeled "problems" and ur qsl card may be delayed while we
> figure out what happened...That sounds a bit more reasonable doesn't it?
> ...73/dx
> steve, k8kw...uh...oops...I mean k8wk
> ********************************************
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