> Am I to understand that this what you honestly believe to be the norm
> for qsos with a dxpedition. The amount of dupes here is nothing short
> of absurd. Man u should be ashamed to even enter the debate. 

And this is where I step in, performing AGAIN, my duties and will 
advise all parties to cease and desist.

As is ALWAYS the case, these "discussions" know wil boil down 
into the nasty name calling bandwidth eating examples of 
Testosterone on steriods.

The challenge above will NOT be meet with a least through 
this reflector as it is not policy to allow flames..flame wars, etc.

Once again, one person decides to post an opinion piece despite 
knowing that it really doesn't belong and then sits back and 
watches.  Worse still, it is cross posted to another list so that 
every reply shows up twice and every reply generates a ton of not 
subscribed replies.

Gentleman..I ask..nay beseech thy.. Go direct do not pass go  don 
not collect $200.

Any questions..comments, etc  TO ME DIRECT.

Thank you for you co-operation


Steve - KF2TI

I married my wife for her looks...
but not the ones she's been giving me lately

Growing old is not an option...
Growing up IS!!!!!  
Have a fun filled day...laugh a little  :-)
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