Well, my W3HNK posting generated a bunch of 'what about BQ9P'...so here's the status 
on those cards...

BQ9P ... Pratas Island....March 2001 operation
QSL Status:

We just finished the card layout, and it is in the process of being sent to the 
printer.  Once they have the card, they'll respond with a ship date, and I'll be able 
to estimate when I'll start the process.  It appears it will take me about 2-3 weeks 
to clear the cards received with SASEs based on the pile I see in my office.

I will post a note when the confirmation is in my hands, but I suspect at this point 
we're looking at the cards going out during July...maybe the later part.

Steve KU9C

Steve Wheatley KU9C 
PO Box 5953 
Parsippany NJ  07054-6953  (yes, the -6953 is correct!) 

Phone:  973.644.5111 
Fax:    973.644.5053 


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