SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.517
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 517

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 517
BID: $OPDX.517
June 25, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K2KW, KA2BZS, N3SL, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4ANA, KJ4UY,
9A3ZG, 9A7K, DL1EK & DX News Letter, DL2VFR, DM5JBN, E21EIC, EI6FR, F5NGL,
F5PBL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, IK0REH, JA3AAW, LU6EF, OH6NJ, RA0FF,
SV8DTL, UA6LQ, VA3RJ and VK4AAR for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 17/June, through Sunday, 24/June there were 202 countries
active. Countries available: 3B8, 3B9, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X,
5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2,
9M6, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE,
CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, D6, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI,
EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FY,
G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HI, HK, HK0/a, HK0/m, HL,
HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J6, J8, JA, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OY, OZ,
P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30, T5,
T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN,
UR, V3, V5, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, YB,
YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).
  OPDX InterNet Subscribers will receive an additional bulletin (due to its
  size) with a complete breakdown and "DXCC/Entities Chart of Activity".

5R, MADAGASCAR (Callsign Change). Fidy, 5R8FV, General Secretary of the
Madagascar Amateur Radio Association (M.A.R.A)., reports that Albert,
5R8O is now signing 5R8GZ. His old callsign 5R8O was a special callsign
issued by the Malagasy Authority Transmission because his station was
operating from Antananarivo Gendarmerie County.

EX, KYRGYZSTAN. John Janssen, K4ANA (ex-KZ5RQ, WA4WKY, C9RJJ, C91J and
KH2/K4ANA) is now living and working in Kyrgyzstan. He has been on the air
signing as EX/K4ANA. Anyone needing John's card from EX-land can QSL via
the #4 QSL bureau to K4ANA or via the #2 QSL bureau to W2PS. Direct
requests can be mailed to: Ben Bond, W2PS, 55 Eberle Road, Latham, NY
12110 ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] for E-mail requests ).

HK0M, MALPELO ISLAND. Reports now indicate that Jairo/HK5MQZ and Hiro/
HK5QGX will take down their antennas (from on top of the mountain) and
end their operation as HK5MQZ/0M and HK5QGX/0M on June 25th around 1300z.
However, Jairo, HK5MQZ, was heard saying that they hopes to set up
dipole(s) again halfway down the mountain and may be on one or two more
days. The operators will leave Malpelo Island on June 27th. QSL HK5MQZ/0M
to: Jairo Vargas, P.O. BOX 10862, Cali, Colombia. QSL HK5QGX/0M via JA0MGR.

IOTA NEWS ....................
   AS-149.  The RK0FWL teams plan to visit Moneron Island in August. It
            is the first Marine National Park in Russia. If interested
            in joining this DXpeditions, please contact Ken, RA0FW at:
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            Ken is the team leader of this operation. There may be a
            possibility of undersea sail with an aqualung. For some
            information on the island (map and photos), check the RA0FF
            special Web page at:
   EU-036.  Uwe, DG1RUG, will be active from Averoya (Grid JP33), August
            9-22nd, as  LA/DG1RUG. His activity will be on 2 meters SSB
            (144.180) and MS (Perseiden) 6 meters. QSL via homecall.
   EU-057.  Operators DL2SWW, DL2RTK, DH7NO, DH1LA and DL2VFR will be
            active as DL0KWH from Hiddensee Island (GIA O-05) during the
            IOTA Contest. Activity will be from July 27-29th. Operators
            will be active before/after the contest with their own
            individual callsigns.

   EU-107.  Didier/F6ELE and Bertrand/F6HKA reportedly signed homecall/P
            from Les Sept Iles on June 23-24th. They were expected to be
            active on SSB and CW on all bands.
   EU-122.  The WestNet DX Group will be active from Rathlin Island now
            through Tuesday June 26th. Their callsign will be MI/EI7NET/P.
            QSL via EI2GX.
   EU-129.  Eddy/DM5JBN and his son DO1CSH/DN1CR will be active from
            Usedom Island, July 26-31st (this includes the IOTA Contest).
            Activity will be on 80-2 meters on CW, SSB, PSK31 and RTTY.
            QSL via DM5JBN.

   EU-136.  Emir/9A6AA and Ewald/9A5ID (DK3ID) will activate the Island
            of Unije (IOCA CI-135) for only one day, June 25th. Activity
            will be on 40/20/15 meters SSB between 0800 and 1200z.  
   EU-170.  Kresimir, 9A7K, will be active as 9A7K/p from Pag Island
            (CI-82) during the period of July 1-10th. Kresimir informs
            OPDX that he will also activate 2 lighthouses located on Pag
            Island, Stara Novalja CLH-135 and Zaglav CLH-195. They are
            valid for the Croatian Lighthouse Award. QSL is OK via the
            bureau or direct to 9A7K. For more information on this
            DXpedition and the Croatian Lighthouse Award, check the the
            following Web page at:
   EU-174.  Look for Panos/SV8DTL and his wife Evi, SV8DTZ, to be active
            as SW8T from Thassos Island, July 28-29th. They plan to
            operates on all bands 80-10 meters. QSL via home call.
   EU-184.  Operators OH6HJE, OH6UV, OH6MTG and OH6NJ will be active as
            OH6AW/8 from Hailuoto Island, July 29th and August 4th. QSL
            via OH6AD. Operation will be on HF, 6m, 2m and 70cm. A Web
            page is available at:
   NA-083.  Nat, WZ3AR/4, will be active from Chincoteague Island, VA
           (USI VA-002S), from June 25-30th. This operation also counts
           for the relatively rare Accomack County, VA, as well as ARLHS
           USA-021. Activity will be kept nearly exclusively to the IOTA
           SSB frequencies of 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128 and 14260 +/- QRM
           with some minor trips to the ARLHS and County Hunter frequencies.
           Nat will try and spot himself on DX Summit whenever he's
           operating. All QSLs are via WZ3AR either direct or through
           the bureau.

   OC-182. (Rare IOTA/Possible New Entity!) The Pitcairn Island Amateur
           Radio Association announces that it will undertake an IOTA
           DXpedition to Ducie Island, with operations to begin at 0000z
           on November 16, 2001. This operation will utilize three stations
           operating around the clock, with emphasis on providing contacts
           to as many different individual stations as possible. The leader
           of the DXpedtion is well known operator Tom Christian, VP6TC,
           president of PIARA. Other DXpedition members are VP6DB,
           JA1BK/VP6BK, JA1SLS/ex-VR6BB, JF1IST, and three other operators
           to be named later. This international DXpedition will be
           attempting to provide worlwide coverage for this rare IOTA.
           Satellite logchecking is planned by the team. The QSL Manager
           will be Garth Hamilton, VE3HO, and the Pilot station will be
           Dr. Bill Avery, K6GNX. Further information will be provided as
           the date approaches.

NEW LIGHTHOUSE ACTIVATED. Bernard/F5LRC and Phil/F5OGG were expected to
activate a new lighthouse called "Pilier" (LH 0622) on June 24th for the
World Lighthouse Award. Their expected callsigns were F5LRC/P and F5OGG/P.
QSL via home callsigns.

OH0, ALAND ISLAND (YL Ops). According to a press release by Tim, N4GN, a
group of YLs from Finland and Sweden have "madly been bitten by the
DXpedition bug, and plan to be active from Aland Islands as OH0YLS,
June 29th through July 5th. Operators will be Raija/SM0HNV, Eine/SM0UQW
and Marjatta/OH1MK. Look for them on 14185, 21285, 28485 kHz and CW
occasionally. Another station will be active on 40 and 80 meters. The
special feature of this operation is that all direct QSLs will be answered
from Aland Islands using attractive Aland postage stamps. You can
take a look at the Aland Islands on the Web site:
Please note their specific location in the island group of Brando
(IOTA EU-002). QSL via the address: Marjatta Kaistila, OH1MK,
Nahvontie 5B1, FIN-25410 Suomusjarvi, FINLAND.

QSL INFO AND NEWS..............
   QSL REQUEST. OPDX was asked to find out what the QSL status is on
   the following Andorra special HF event stations (c34ji, c36hk, 
   c35pr... etc.) active during March 2000. Well, OPDX was informed
   that the Andorra URA stated that they have some 16,000 QSLs and
   1000 special certificates to process. It appears the cards are
   awaiting manpower to get them answered.
   3B6RF QSL STATUS. Steve, N3SL, reports: "The QSL for 3B6RF, will be a
   full color, trifold job, and it made it to the publisher in time
   (allegedly) to be printed (35,000 copies) and delivered at
   Friedrichshafen the last weekend in June. According to plans in place
   today (always subject to change, as we so painfully and expensively
   discovered), Kenton Dean, HB9DOT (also NK6F), is due to fly back to
   the U.S. for a visit on July 2nd (the Monday after Friedrichshafen).
   He will bring 3000 cards with him (to California) and immediately ship
   them to me. IF all this goes according to plan, the first cards should
   hit the postal service by July 15 or so.
   CROATIAN INFO. Denis, 9A3ZG, informs OPDX that the official URL address
   of the Croatian Amateur Radio Association is now:
   For the moment, everything is only in the Croatian language. The most
   interesting thing on the Web page is the news about the future and
   all past activities from all islands qualifying for the "Croatian
   Islands of Croatia Award" (IOCA). Also, if you click on the callbook
   on the main menu, and then in the appropriate field write any 9A
   callsign, you will get the address you are interested in. Denis states,
   "Every suggestion is welcome. I am the chief editor of the Web page
    and Kreso, 9A5K/K5CRO, is the webmaster. The E-mail address to contact
    them are:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Claude, F5PBL, informs OPDX readers that he has received the 3W2KF cards
   from the printer and he has just started answering the direct requests.
   Claude apologized for the delay which was due to his participation in
   the JW0PK expedition. He will do his best to answer all direct QSLs
   which have been received as of June 24th. The correct address to use
   is: Claude TERRIER, 18 allee du Mail, F-92360 Meudon-la-Foret, France.
   CORRECTION: Goran, 4N7RGH, reports that QSLs for 4O1X go to YU1NW.
   Daniele, IK0REH reports that cards for SV8/IK0REH/p, June 9-20th, from
   Zakynthos Island can be sent to IK0REH via the bureau. Those who need
   a direct card should use Daniele's new address:  Daniele Casini,
   P.O. Box 31, 06010 Citerna - PG, Italy. Cards will be ready in 45 days.
   Logs are available at:
   Alan, VK4AAR, reports that Rex, C21RH, will be making periodic trips to
   Nauru and has asked Alan to look after his QSL cards.  QSL to VK4AAR: 
   Alan Roocroft, POB 421, Gatton  4343, Australia.

   Champ, E21EIC, reports he is the QSL Manager for the following:
       E20HHK/p (AS-053) --  QSL via E21EIC
       HS4BPQ            --  QSL via E21EIC
   John, K4ANA, reports that he expects to have the last of the KH2/K4ANA
   bureau requests (approx. 700-800) in the mail as of last week.

   Raul, LU6EF, GACW Coordinator, reports that electronic confirmation
   for GACW's past expeditions can be asked for via the "" Web page.
   These include LU7X, L8D/X and LU3ZI, but others will be included in
   the future.

   UPDATE/CORRECTION. Dr. Dima Tonkopi, UA1ACX/PJ5, informs OPDX that
   Vladimir, RV1CC, is the QSL Manager for ONLY his ex-USSR operations.
   All QSL information is availabe on his Web page at:
   He also mentions that he will NOT confirm any cards via bureau, except
   his ex-USSR Republics operations.
   Ivan, UA6MF, is the QSL Manager for the following stations:
   9X1A, A61AR (op. Alex), R3RRC/6 - (RR17-02), R100P - (RR17-04),
   UE6ADI - (RR17-01), UE6ADI/p - (RR17-01), UE6LRD, RV6LNA, 9X/RV6LNA,
   A71/RV6LNA, UK6LAL, UZ6LWJ, RK6LWJ and UV6LUA. He has all the logs and
   QSLs. QSL to the bureau or direct to: Ivan A. Gudima, PO Box 4102,
   344103, Rostov-on-Don-103, Russia. ADDED NOTE: If you send QSLs direct,
   please use REGISTERED MAIL or Scotch tape to prevent mail theif. Ivan's
   E-mail address is:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SPECIAL EVENT. Gary Capek, K8BN, Event Chairman for Central Arizona DX
Association (CADXA) informs OPDX that the members of the Central Arizona
DX Association will conduct a special event operation honoring the late
Senator Barry M. Goldwater on October 20 and 21st (0000z Friday through
Sunday night local, 0200z, i.e. 50 hours). The callsign used will be the
famous K7UGA. Operation will be on both SSB and CW, 160-6 meters. A special
commemorative QSL card will be available for stations that send direct
requests. QSL via the club station trustee, KC7V, at 6545 E Montgomery
Rd., Cave Creek, AZ 85331, for commemorative QSLs, or via the W7-Bureau.
Bureau reply QSL cards may not be the same.  Any and all proceeds from
this event will go to the CADXA Scholarship fund administered by the
ARRL. As such, donations are appreciated. Please direct your questions
or comments regarding this press release to: Gary Capek, K8BN, Event
Chairman, CADXA, via his E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SPECIAL EVENT. The Dragon Amateur Radio Club celebrates the "Coast Wireless
Stations Centenary" with amateur radio station GB100HD at Holyhead "HD".
Look for GB100HD to be active on 3537, 3773, 7037 and 7073 kHz (+/- QRM).
Reference numbers are: WAB SH24,  Loc. IO 73 TE, NGR SH 244-828 and
IOTA EU-124. Part of the GB100HD operation will take place from the
operating room used in 1901. The Dragon Amateur Radio Club (GW4TTA) of
Anglesey is one of ten radio clubs around the coast of UK and Ireland,
and is collaborating to make it possible for this unique centenary
celebration of the 1901 Marconi stations. Operation will be on 80 and
40 meters, SSB and CW, on June 30th and July 1st. "Dedicated QSL from
each station, via bureau." A Certificate to commemorate the centenary
is available on request + certified copies of log showing QSOs with a
minimum 4 participating stations qualify + voluntary contribution to
RNLI funds. Apply to GW3PRL.

ST, SUDAN. Two stations were active this past week. Zedan, JY3ZH, was
signing JY3ZH/ST2. His activity was on June 20th on 18150 kHz around
1615z. Also, active was Sid, ST2SA, on June 22nd, on 21230 kHz around
1500z. QSL via DJ9ZB. No other details are available on these two stations.

T5W AND T5X QRT. Baldur/DJ6SI/T5X and Tom/DL1QW/T5W went QRT June 21st
around 1000z. QSL T5X via DJ6SI: Baldur Drobnica, Zedernweg 6, D-50127
Bergheim, Germany. QSL T5W via DL1QW: Thomas Lind, Saturnstr. 1,
D-44579 Castrop-Rauxel, Germany. Some information about T5-land and their
operation could be found on the following Web page at:

V31, Belize (IOTA Activity). Rick/W7AV and Darleen/K6JEN will be on
Ambergris Caye (NA-073) as V31TE now through June 29th. They will be
active on 80-10 meters CW/SSB/PSK31. QSL direct to W7AV.

V4, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS. Lawrence, KJ4UY, will be traveling back to St.
Kitts and Nevis on July 19th. He will be operating from V44NK's on Nevis
from July 20th through July 31st and also operating the IOTA contest. His
activity will be 160-6meters, with the primary bands being 20 meters
through 10 meters. Operations will be on SSB, CW, RTTY and maybe PSK31.
During his second week, he is expected to be joined by RB, WB4FNH, his
proposed callsign to be V47FNH. Please QSL V47UY via KJ4UY and V47FNH
via WB4FNH with SASE for USA stations and SAE plus IRC or USD for return
postage. They will be returning to the USA on August 1st.

V7, MARSHALL ISLANDS. Bruce, AC4G, is expected to be active again from
Kwajalein signing V73CW, June 26-30th. He will mainly be active on 40
and 6 meters, also AO-10. QSL via AC4G.

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. Dick, K9APW, informs OPDX that he will be
here beginning Thursday evening, August 2nd, through Sunday morning, August
12th, as VP5/K9APW from North Caicos Island (NA-002), and NOT Providenciales!
He states, "While this is the same IOTA, it is a different grid square for
the 6 meter fans." His operations will be from the villa owned by K4ISV on
Whitby, North Caicos Island. His main emphasis will be on 6 meters, hoping
to give out not only a new DXCC for many USA and EU 6 meter fans, but also
a new grid square for the deserving. Operations will be CW/SSW on all
bands, 160 through 6 meters. QSL to home call, CBA, which has been good
for past 25 years.

W1AW/6 (Special Activity). Excerpts from a press release by Ken, N6RO,
state that for 24 hours, from 1200z on July 14, to 1200z (that's 8 AM
Eastern time, 5 AM Pacific, etc.), July 15, 2001, the ARRL Headquarters
station callsign will be activated from CALIFORNIA as W1AW/6 for the
duration of the IARU HF World Championship Contest. Prominent contest
operator teams in Northern California Contest Club territory will make
this unique station callsign available to the world, and attempt to top
the IARU Headquarters competition category in this event. Activity will
be on CW/SSB on 160-10 meters. Look for W1AW/6 near the following 
frequencies for USA/DX:
  CW  - 1818/1833, 3538/3508, 7038/7008, 14038, 21038, 28038
  SSB - 1848, 3838/3798, 7238/7158, 14238/14158, 21338, 28338
  A certificate will be awarded to each station achieving a QSO with W1AW/6
on 8 of the possible 12 band modes for North American stations, 6 band-modes
for those outside NA. Stations working W1AW/6 on all 12 band-modes will
receive a special endorsement on the certificate. More details on the awards
and the operation can be found at: 
Web site includes lots of hints on "how to work W1AW/6", including
propagation information, best times on the low bands, etc. The IARU
Contest rules are available on page 111, April 2001 QST. or on the Web
page at:
Please QSL via ARRL. Questions by hams should go to N6RO at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 (440) 237-8208
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