SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.528
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 528

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 528
BID: $OPDX.528
September 10, 2001
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & The GoList, W1JR, W3UR & The Daily DX, K4YT,
EA5RM, EY8MM, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, FM5GU, IK8UND, IZ8AJQ, JF2MBF,
ZS4BS for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 2/September, through Sunday, 9/September there were 223
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R,
9A, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BY, C3, C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0A, CE0Z, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX,
D2, D4, D6, DL, DU, E4, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET,
EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ,
GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I,
IS, J3, J6, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH8, KL,
KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S2, S5, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T30,
T33, T5, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2, UA9,
UK, UN, UR, V4, V5, V6, V7, VE, VK, VK9N, VK9X, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP9, VQ9,
VR, VU, XE, XU, XX9, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA,
ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZF, ZK1/n, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

3W, VIETNAM. Robert, N4CD, expects to be active in 3W6-land, October
2-15th. No callsign was mentioned. Activity will be on 20/15/10 meters
and maybe 40 meters (No other bands possible at this time). QSL via
N4CD CBA or via overseas bureau.

6Y, JAMAICA. Harry/AC8G, Richard/N6NR, ELSIE/N7YX, Ron/WA8LOW and Ron/W8ILC
will activate 6Y6L as a Multi-Multi entry in the CQ WW SSB Contest, October
27-28th, from a site near Montego Bay. The group plans to have four complete
stations with amplifiers and a selection of beams, verticals and dipoles.
QSLs go to WA8LOW - SASE preferred. Do not send to the 6Y5 bureau. The group
expects to begin limited activity under the operators home call/6Y5 by
late October 23 using SSB, CW, PSK31 and may include 6 meters. QSL via
the appropriate home call. Again, do not send QSLs to the 6Y5 bureau.

AUGUST DX REPORT. "August is usually a slow month DX wise and conditions
aren't that great, stated Joe." However, Joe, W1JR, will tell you otherwise.
Joe states, "Despite the above, I put on a new Yaesu FT-817 just 4 weeks
ago and the latest tally is over 158 different DXCC entities and 35 zones
(missed zones 3,4, 19, 30 and 38) worked. No help or nets or going from
QRO to QRP! The antenna is a Hygain TH-11 up 20 meters. Contacts are split,
very close to 50% for CW and SSB with over 90 worked on each mode! Not bad
for 4.0 Watts!. DX is still alive and well."

BACK IN MARTINIQUE (FM5GU/I wrapped up!). Denis, FM5GU, informs OPDX and
its readers that after 5 years of transmissions from Italy where he had
to stay for his job, FM5GU has now wrapped up his Italian portable station
and has returned to Martinique. From Italy he had logged tens of
thousands of QSOs, with 227 DXCC countries, most of them barefoot with an
incredibly simple station and a "bewitched wire" as antenna. All details
on the "bewitched wire", the station in Italy and Martinique, the logs,
his contesting and DX schedule, can be found on the Web site:
FM5GU wishes to thank all those who gave him a report. All QSLs direct
via KU9C.

BV7, TAIWAN. NODXA's good friend Holger, DL7IO, informed OPDX that he was
in Taiwan for 2 weeks a few weeks go on business. Because of the very short
preparation time (received info 3 days before flight) he thought there was
no hope to be active from there. Nevertheless, Holger was able to receive
a license (TNX to BV5AF). He was able to find some hours of spare time and
some BV ops (BV7FO & BV7GA) to operate some radio a little bit as BV7/DL7IO.
Holger told your editor that he will go to Taiwan again on September 13th
for another 1 or 2 weeks, and there is a good chance he'll be back on the
air again for a few hours during his nights. This time Holger was able to
prepare some antennas (40-17m) and will be on CW on the bands around
1400-1800z, if he can (because of QRL). His callsign will be BV7/DL7IO,
and he will operate from Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan. QSL via DL7VRO.
PLEASE NOTE: Holger states Taiwan's 30 meter band is from 10130-10150 kHz.
So one has to check the upper part of that band. Other suggested frequency
ranges to look for him are: 
              17 meters - 18068-18080.5 and 18110-18112.5 kHz
              12 meters - 24890-24902.5 and 24930-24942.5 kHz

C9, MOZAMBIQUE (IOTA Op). Babs/DL7AFS, Lot/DJ7ZG, Karl/DL2FAG and Simone/
DL8GCS (IV3NVN) will operate between September 28th and October 13th from
Inhaca Island (AF-066), Mozambique as C98DC. The group will be on 160-10
meters, including the WARC bands, using SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. Two and
possibly three stations will be used and when band openings are permitted,
also 6 meters will be activated. QSOs with Babs will be specially signed
to validate them for the YL-Awards. An online-log will be available after
the DXpedition on their homepage. QSL C98DC via DL7AFS (bureau) or direct
to: Babs Linge, Eichwaldstr. 86, 34123 Kassel, Germany Their web page
for this operation is at:

D4, CAPE VERDE. Xara, CT1EKF, has been active on the air with his new
callsign D44TD and will be there until September 23rd (or possibly October
1st). Xara mainly likes 6 meters, but he has been active on 17/15/15/10
meters. Most of the activity seems to be between 1900-2300z, but he has
been on as early as 1300z. QSL via CT1EKF.

DU, PHILLIPINES. Gerard, F2JD/PY0ZDX/HP1XBI/HK3JBR... etc, has packed his
luggage again and has headed to the Phillipines for one year. He hopes
to get a permission to operate.

announced this week the annual DX Magazine's Most Wanted Survey is now
available on the DX Publishing Web site at: 
Please be careful when filling in the boxes at the top of the form so
your reply will be counted in the proper time-zone/continent. The world-
wide results of the 2000 Survey are posted on the web site under "DX News"
and the continental/mode breakdown was published in The DX Magazine for
January/February and March/April 2001. Carl hopes you will all participate
in this survey as it is considered to be the most accurate survey of
"Most Wanted." 

E3, ERITREA. Chris/DL5NAM and Dieter/DF4RD inform OPDX that, "We are going
to do it again!" After a very successful trip last year as E30TA they
will go again this year as E30NA to Eritrea. Last year the two got many
E-mails with questions for the low bands and CW, so they will double
their team for this year to include Chris/DL5NAM (SSB,RTTY,6m), Dieter/
DF4RD (SSB/CW), Wolf/OE2VEL (low bands, SSB/CW) and Falk/DK7YY (low band,
CW). The team will start on October 17th through November 3rd. The exact
QTH has not been determined at the moment, however, they will try to go
to the Dahlak Archipelago IOTA island group (AF-038). The problem at the
moment is the power situation on the island and the high cost for shipping
to the island. The only location on the island is under construction and
should (!) be finished by the end of September. There is no ferry service,
so they will have to charter a boat and will need a truck for transport
from airport to the port (5 hour trip). If they can't go to the island
they will stay again in the capital. The group must again pay 500 (USD)
for each license. At the moment they have no big sponsors, as they have
been told this is not rare enough. The group is asking the DX community
for financial support. Anyone who can help support this operation is
asked to please contact team leader Chris, DL5NAM, by E-mail to:
                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The emphasis this year will be for more North America, Asia, and the
lowbands. A web site for E30NA will be coming soon to:

EA6, BALEARIC ISLANDS. Andree, DL8LAS, will be active from September 24th
through October 8th from Menorca as EA6/DL8LAS. Activity will be on CW
on 80-10 meters. QSL via Bureau.

EY10, TAJIKISTAN. Nodir, EY8MM, reports to watch for these two stations,
EY10S and EY10T, to be active in September celebrating the 10th anniversary
of Independence for Tajikistan. According to the cluster networks, most
of the activity seems to be on 20/15 meters CW/SSB. QSL via DJ1MM.

FG, GUADELOUPE. Robert, N4CD, expects to be active as FG/N4CD, November
15-30th. His activity will be on all bands, CW and SSB. QSL via N4CD
CBA or via overseas bureau.

FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA. Ghis, ON5NT, informed OPDX that he talked to Marcel,
ON4QM, on the phone, and he will be on the road again (or we should say
on the boat again, hi!). Marcel will be leaving Brussels on September 21st
heading for Tahiti, French Polynesia. On this trip he expects to activate
some IOTA islands in the Tuamotu Island Group: Nakupa IOTA OC-094, Hao
IOTA OC-066, Pukapuka IOTA OC-062 and Hereheretue IOTA OC-052. Some
transportation problems still have to be worked out upon his arrival in
Tahiti. He expects to be on Napuka on September 26th. If he cannot get
to Napuka he will go to Hao. For Hereheretue, confirmation of accomodation
and local generator is OK, but he still has a lot of details to work out
on how to get to this tiny island. His callsign will be FO0DEH, as usual,
and QSL via his homecall ON4QM.

HA, HUNGARY. James, N1BCL, will be operating as HA/N1BCL from September 18th
through October 12th. Activity will be on SSB, PSK31 and 80-10 meters.

HO, PANAMA. Wil. DJ7AA, informs OPDX that their group will be again active
from September 22nd through October 8th, which includes the CQ/RJ RTTY
Contest. They will be active before and after the contest on all modes and
bands, also special modes (PSK31 etc) are possible. All RTTY QSLs from the
2000 Contest were mailed last month to the German QSL-Bureau, so they
hope everyone get his/her card. There will also be a second station active
outside the contest signing HP1/DL7CM. QSL HO1A via DL6MYL. QSL HP1/DL7CM
via DL7CM.

IOTA NEWS................
   AF-066.  Didier/F6ELE (CN2LE) and Bertrand/F6HKA (CN2KA) will be
            active from Mogador Island only if they receive the landing
            permission before they leave. The activity dates are
            September 15-16th.
   AS-NEW.  Alan, BA1DU, and BI4F team leader, reports that the team is
            making great efforts in order to be active from Furong Island
            which is located in 37 20'E, 119 48'N and belongs to Shandong
            Province Northwest Group in the IOTA program. Since the Island
            is used as a military bomb-dropping range, there are a lot of
            unexplosive bombs on the Island and it is very dangerous. To
            insure team members' safety, an advance party which consists of
            Alan/BA1DU, Jerry/BA1FB and Chen/BA1HAM will head to the Island
            on September 5th, and will search the Island to see if it is
            safe enough for amateur radio activity. If everything is
            suitable, the rest of BI4F team members will arrive the Island
            on September 7th. They plan to operate until September 10th,
            using three stations and work on CW, SSB and RTTY on normal
            IOTA frequencies from 40-10 meters bands. QSL via operator's
            instruction. (Editor's Notes: This operation did start and is
            active with the new IOTA number AS-160.)

   AS-123.  Erminio/IZ8AJQ and Nando/IT9YRE will be active on SSB and CW
            from Bogzak Island from September 16-19th, with callsigns
            TA0/IZ8AJQ/P and TA0/IT9YRE/P. QSL cards via homecall.
   EU-158.  Operators Tiny/ON4CAT, Gulli/TF8GX, Fred/DL8DXL and Norby/LX1NO
            will be active from Flatey Island, September 12-19th. There
            will be two callsigns aired from the same location using the
            same equipment: 
               TF4RX (operated by Tiny and Gulli), QSL to K1WY or ON4CAT.
               TF4/LX9EG (operated by Fred and Norby), QSL to LX1NO.
            Their acitivity is planned to take place between 80-10 meters,
            using SSB and CW, maybe also some digital modes.

   EU-170.  Tibor, HA3HP, will activate the Island of Dugi Otok (CI-018)
            from September 8-15th. He also plans to operate next from
            the islands of Croatia: Arta Mala (CI-003), Arta Vela (CI-004),
            Murter (CI-074, No IOTA), Murvenjak (CI-075), Radelj (CI-097),
            Vrgada (CI-143) and Zminjak (CI-153) on September 16th (weather

   EU-171.  Knud, OZ2ZB, will activate the Jylland East and Fyn Group as
            OZ2ZB/p, September 13-15th. Other reference numbers are:
            DIA NJ-002, 003, 004, 007; plus ARLHS - LH Nr. DEN-064, 065,
            079, 080, 073. QSL via the Bureau.

   NA-217.  John, K1FWE, will activate the Isles of Shoals (Star Island),
            September 15-16th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters including
            the WARC bands and on SSB/CW. Look for him on the IOTA QRG.
            He will use an IC781 with R7000 antenna. QSL via the Bureau.

J4, CRETE. Operator Salvatore/IK8UND and Luigi/IK8HCG will be active from
IOTA EU-015 during the CQWW SSB Contest next October. Their callsign will
be J49Z, and they will operate as a Multi/Single/All Bands entry.

JT, MONGOLIA. Karl, K4YT/DL4YT, and Ken, K4ZW, will fly to Beijing on
September 16th, and then travel to Ulaan Baatar on September 19th to
install a new Titanex vertical for 80/160m for Chak, JT1CO. They plan
to operate with their own callsigns during their visit; JT1FZW and
JT1FYT. QSL to their home callsigns. They plan to be there until September
28th. Once they install the new vertical for Chak, they are hoping he will
give out more Zone 23s this winter on 80 and 160 meters. Karl states that
he worked him (Chak) this past December on 80 meters CW, but it was difficult
from Virginia. With the new antenna, many more hams will be able to finish
their 5BWAZ this season.

KH3, JOHNSTON ATOLL (OC-023). The final countdown has started for the K3J
operation. Remember to look for Dan/KH6UW (leader), Mike/AL7KC, Bob/W7TSQ
and Tom/K7ZZ to be active from here September 11-18th. The critical
permission letter to visit the island has been received. Some of the
equipment has already been shipped to the atoll. The four operators will
take three full stations plus a barefoot rig with a six-meter beacon.
Operations will be on 160-6 meters including the WARC bands using SSB
and CW. There will be two 24-hour stations active with a third as needed.
European contacts will be emphasized when band openings permit. Many people
contributed to the success of the trip, but special thanks go to Force 12
for antenna support. QSL is via AH6HN. Visit their web site at:

NP2/WP2, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS. Dennis, K7BV, will operate from the St.
Croix Windwood's WP2Z QTH, November 21-25th. His activity will include
entering the CQWW CW Contest in the Single Band 15 meter category. Look
for NP2/K7BV to be used during most of the operation. QSL WP2Z and
NP2/K7BV via Steve KU9C. Also, check out the web page:

PJ2, CURACAO (Netherlands Antilles). Joeke, PA0VDV, will be active again
as PJ2/PA0VDV, September 15th through October 12th. Activity will be CW
only on the HF bands. QSL direct (Joeke van der Velde, Delleburen 1,
8421 RP Oldeberkoop, Netherlands) or via the Bureau. Please mention R14
on your card. QSL requests can also be made via E-mail, to:
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please do not send earlier than the second half of October. Answers
on E-mail requests go out via the bureau.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.............
  3Y0C QSL UPDATE. Mac, WA4FFW, states "that with the help of N4OL and WJ4T,
  all DX and all Stateside cards have been MAILED as of September 6th,
  except for the bureau cards. There are several hundred cards, some DX
  and some U.S., in which one or more QSOs did not appear in the computer
  log. Before returning those requests as "Not In The Log ", Mac wants to
  check these against the paper log. He did not want to slow the overall
  process by doing this as they were processing the other cards. This would
  have delayed all the cards. We are working on all those cards presently
  and are mailing them daily. So we ask that you give us some time to
  complete. Bureau cards and any further request will be processed
  immediately following NIL cards. We appreciate everyone's patience while
  we were processing the cards. We did them as fast as we were capable of
  and everyone owes N4OL and WJ4T a big thanks for all the hours and effort
  they put in to make it happen. Without their assistance the cards would
  have not been out as soon as they were."
  Emir, 9A6AA, is back home in Zagreb from the Island of Losinj (EU-136,
  CI-058) after 77 days and 3000 QSOs. Last QSO he made was on September
  3rd, 2001. From Losinj Island, he visited the Islands of Lunga (EU-110,
  CI-059), Sv. Juraj (NO IOTA, CI-115) and Galila (EU-136, CI-020,
  WLHA-0315). Note: Emir, 9A6AA, is member of IPA (International Police
  Association) and IOCA Manager.
  Ghis, ON5NT, reports that he is receiving QSLs for a "9X1A" who was
  active mostly in September 2000. He doesn't know anything about this
  station and apparenty he gave a P.O.Box in Kigali. However, Ghis is
  the only QSL Manager for 9X1A for the CQ WPX Contest in May 1995. This
  was an operation by Mark, ON4WW ( 9X4WW).
  A61AJ now has a new QSL route. Bernie, W3UR, Editor of "The Daily DX",
  states: "Due to a lack of time with my family and business I must step
  down as QSL manager for Ali, A61AJ. Joe Veras, N4QB, will now be handling
  the QSLing chores. He will have all logs for all QSOs made by A61AJ.
  Effective today (September 5th), all QSL requests need to go to N4QB.
  If you have already sent your request to W3UR they will be answered by
  me. Direct QSLs will go out this month. Bureau cards will go out by the
  end of the year. Any requests sent to W3UR after today will be forwarded
  to N4QB. The A61AJ Contest team will be very QRV over the next 3 months.
  Please help spread the word to your friends, clubs, news letters and
  magazines of this change." N4QB's address is: Joe Veras, P.O. Box 1041,
  Birmingham, AL 35201, USA.
  Ron, AC7DX, informs OPDX that he is now the QSL Manager for LW9DAH.
  Bert, PA1KW, QSL Manager, reports that the logs for LX9SW are now
  online at: 
  Alan, VK6CQ (aka VK0LD and VK0MM), reports that following discussions
  with the ARRL DXCC desk, VK0LD eQSL cards are now being personally
  authenticated for those that require these eQSLs for DXCC purposes.
  Check out the updated VK0LD web site for more details and to check
  whether your card has been received and processed. Alan will update
  the "processed" page each time he posts a batch of cards (about once
  a week). Use the following web pages for info:

  Lee, VP2VE, informs OPDX that he has a new QSL Manager WA2NHA:
  Howard Messing, 90 Nellis Dr. Wayne NJ 07470.
  There is special QSL information for sending a card to YN4SU. QSL
  to: Bengt Hallden, Domicilio Conocido, Nueva Guinea (Zelaya Central),
  Nicaragua (send registered air mail and IRCs are not accepted here).

T32, EAST KIRIBATI. Takashi/JR7TEQ, Hiro/JA1PCY and Hiro/JP1TRJ will be
active from Christmas Island, October 1-7th. Activity will be on 160-6
meters and on SSB/CW/RTTY.

TA, TURKEY. Mill, LX1CC, will operate as YM3CC (special callsign) from
Izmir (Selcuk-Pamucak) between September 15th and October 5th. He will
be active on the HF bands (160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meters), VHF/UHF
bands and the modes SSB, CW and FM. QSL via LX1CC.

TG, GUATEMALA. Toni, EA5RM, Radioaficionados-URE Magazine DX Editor,
informs OPDX that the URE's "Radiosolidarity" group has received/confirmed
the callsign TG0R by the autorithies, so all is ready for the Guatemala
2001 expedition. All their equipment has been tested in Spain and
everything is working OK. They will be working on the installation of
the Emergency Digital Network at the same time that they are doing the
DXpedition. All the activities will be jointly done with the Club de
Radioaficionados de Guatemala (CRAG). Their activity will take place
September 17-26th. Operations will be on all the bands from 160-6 meters
on SSB,CW and RTTY. QSL via EA4URE. Additional information, including an
on-line log, can be found on the Web at:

TI9, COCOS ISLAND. Henry/TI2HMG along with others to be announced
soon, will be active as TI9M from February 4-16th. The licenses and permits
are already secured. Activity will be on 160-6 meters including the WARC
bands on CW/SSB/RTTY. An interesting Web site has been set up by Henry
with maps, photos and detailed information about the operation and the
island itself. We highly recommand a visit to the Web site at:

W9DXCC. Just a reminder that the W9DXCC convention begins this week on
Friday evening September 14th at the Holiday Inn in Rolling Meadows,
Illinois - a northwest suburb of Chicago and convenient to O'Hare Airport.
Join Carl, N4AA, and the gang at the DX Publications Welcome Reception at
7:30, followed by the Northern Illinois DX Association's hospitality suite
at 10 PM. There is a full day of programs on Saturday followed by the
traditional Dinner Banquet, including the DXCC countdown and Hog of the
Year Award.  Banquet speaker Bob Allphin, K4UEE, will review highlights
from a career of award winning DXpeditions. Stay late and enjoy the Greater
Milwaukee DX Association hospitality suite following the banquet. Details
and on-line registration are on the Web at:

YASME DX PRESS RELEASE (Manchester, Conn., USA, September 4, 2001)....
   DXCC Squared the Hard Way! The late Iris Colvin, W6QL, and Lloyd Colvin,
   W6KG, worked, confirmed, and received DXCC from more than 100 DXCC
   Countries, operating as a team. This fact has now been established as
   research continues on biographies of the Colvins. The biographies'
   author, Jim Cain, K1TN, continues to seek information, photos, and
   anecdotes on the Colvins and on the early (1950s) Yasme days. He can
   be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .
   "We've counted DXCCs from 109 DXCC countries so far," Cain said, "not
   including any of the dozens of DXCCs Lloyd and Iris achieved as
   individuals from California. Can anyone top this?"

ZK1, NORTH COOK ISLANDS (Update). Victor, ZK1CG, informs OPDX that their
plans for Manihiki, North Cook Islands (OC-014), are almost complete;
just the food, more fuel and antennas will be shipped sometime within a
week. This will complete the shipments of gear and food for the six
operators who will to be active in the CQ WW SSB Contest. Victor/ZK1CG,
Roger/ZK1VVV (W7VV) and their host Tuatai/ZK1MA will fly to Manihiki on
October 18th to start setting up the antennas and do some testing for 24
hours before the contest. This effort will be the largest with the most
antennas set-up for any North Cook operation in history. They want to
make sure their score is something for other operators to take notice,
and to make sure everyone has a chance to work North Cook on all the
bands. They will be on Manihiki for 2 weeks with the main group for the
contest, and then they will return to Rarotonga, South Cook (OC-013) for
2 to 3 weeks operating on all bands and modes. Victor reports that this
is a costly expedition, so any donations would be a big help to the group.
The group has donated to the Island a freezer and stove, plus gear for
Tuatai/ZK1MA to be able to operate after the Atoll was hit by a hurricane
a few years ago which wiped out his antennas and house. Donations can be
sent to Roger, W7VV.

ZK1, NORTH COOK ISLANDS. Yuu/JR2KDN and Yasu/JI1NJC will be heading back
to Penrhyn Island (OC-082), October 20th through November 3rd. They will
receive their callsign upon their arrival. Activity will be on 160-6 meters
using CW/SSB/RTTY/SSTV. They will have a beacon on 50.095 MHZ (breakable
beacon) and will be listening on 50.145 and UP. Their equipment will be
an IC-756PRO, IC-706, kilowatt AMP for HF and 6m, and atennas will be
a Triband Yagi, R-7000, 5 element beam (6m) and Dipole/Vertical (160/80m).

ZK1, NORTH COOK ISLANDS. Mike/KM9D and YL Jan/KF5TUG are now active as
ZK1QMA and ZK1TUG, respectively, from Penrhyn Atoll (Tongareva Island),
IOTA OC-082, until September 16th. Activity is expected to be on 160-10
meters including the WARC bands. Mike will be working mainly on CW,
especially on the lower bands. Jan has been getting busy on SSB on the
higher bands, especially on 15/10 meters after 1830z. QSL via OM2SA.

ZS, SOUTH AFRICA (Radio Ops To Operate From The Hell). Dennis, ZS4BS,
informs OPDX that over the weekend of September 21-24th, twelve radio
amateurs from the Western Cape will pack their equipment and make their
way to "The Hell", where a special station will be erected. "The Hell" is
also known as Gamkaskloof or Gamka's valley, and is situated in the
Swartberg Mountains of the Southern Cape Province. [In the area between
33 deg 28 S, 21 deg 15 E and 33 deg 33 S, 21 deg 42 E.] An application
has been made for the callsign ZS1HEL, and a special QSL card will be
issued for contacts. The team will consist of Rassie/ZS1YT, Bob/ZR1BS,
Clyde/ZS1CS, Bud/ZS1B, Johan/ZU1LR, Deon/ZR1DQ, Karl/ZS1KC, Willem/ZR1OR,
Johan/ZS1WC, Alexander/ZR1BA, Martin/ZR1MH and Herman/ZS1HZ. It is hoped
that many fellow hams will be able to make contact with this station in
"The Hell". Information about the operating frequencies, modes and QSL
information will be made available during next week.

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Tedd Mirgliotta  KB8NW
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