Subject:                [DXR] STATE OF WAR

I personally understand what happen on 9-11.  My next door 
neighbour and the father of my 10 year old's best friend will not be 
coming home and I can't explain to Rachel why anyone would hurt 
her friends Daddy.  I can't even explain why it happen to my 19 
year old in college.

My good friend who lives across the street is a NJ Transit train 
conductor and is in shock.  He keeps saying that he brought 
people to their deaths.  Nothing that we can say will help him.

Amidst the hurt comes a deep feeling of gratefulness to all here on 
the DXR and around the world for their words of kindness, for they 
are the things that bind us together.

My suggestion is that, after the posts of condolences are placed, 
that posts of outrage and opinion and soul searching now be taken 
to DX-CHAT where all can participate if so desired.

G-d bless all of us and G-d bless the United States of America

Steven Adell>>KF2TI

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