A word of warning regarding DX-CHAT:

If you receive an e mail from someone and hit the reply button, thinking
your reply will go directly to the sender, please pay attention to the
return e mail address because I discovered it was going to the dx-chat
reflector instead of the individual.

I have finally learned that whatever I say on internet can be used against
me by someone forwarding the written word to somebody else. So
what goes around, comes around. The safest thing to do is grit your
teeth and maybe yell full blast at the computer monitor then drop it.

I felt humbled this morning by something that happened over this city
around 10am. I was sitting here gritting my teeth while looking at the
computer screen when all of a sudden out of the blue came what
I thought had to be a falling jet liner plane that was going to crash in
my back yard. I ran outside as fast as I could only to discover that
the local Lemoore Naval Air Station did a masive fly-by. This has not
been done in 20+ years or so I thought. After I thought about it I
felt humbled that the air station would show such support but I felt
good after that.

During bad times when the naval air station squadrons are leaving for
the carriers, one plane might make a pass over this small farm town
and put on full afterburner for one or two reasons: 1. To say goodbye
to family and friends or 2. Remind all of us that they are going in harms

Just be thankful we live in such a great country and can express ourselves
without people with big guns knocking our door down in the middle of
the night....oops, sorry Janet Reno, I really didn't mean it.... really.

Ron, K6UR

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