Vince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nonsense !

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:

> This subject should be discussed on DX Chat, not DX News.

Actually Vince, the reason why DX-CHAT was formed several months ago was to maintain 
the news only forum of DX-NEWS.  It's been this way since it's inception over 3 years 
ago and the reasonong behind that was sooner or later (most likely sooner) every 
thread breaks down into a "urinating" match where one person tries to outdo the other 
in crudeness.

DX-NEWS was/is a forum foe the disemination of news related items, with the ocassional 
question relating to DX.  Items that generate discussion ARE DISCOURAGED as they take 
up a lot of bandwidth, take a lot of time to go through the bouncing mail addresses, 
etc etc

This is why you will see me forward many threads to DX-CHAT, to allow discusion in a, 
hopefully, friendly forum where civility will reign.

This policy was determibed by the charter subscribers when the DXR was started and has 
worked very successfully over the years.  We learned from the successes and failures 
of the 1st DX reflector VE7TCP.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away.  I answer 100% of my e-mail either 
direct or via the buro :-)

Steve KF2TI
DXR Systems Administration
Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems, etc 

To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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