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H40 update:
- all equipment went OK through custom clearance
( BIG thanks to Greg Pearson, H44GR !) and stored safely
in Honiara. Unfortunately, YT6A is NOT going and
I yet have to figure out how I'm going to manage
125 kg of equipment. Obviously, something
will need to stay in H44 therefore only most important stuff
will be taken to H40. This include an FT920, MLA2500 amplifier,
tribander, antenna mast and lowband vertical.
No WARC antenna, RTTY is also under question.
Also, I would need to cut on coax (heavy RG8)
therefore I can only have one antenna at the time - either vertical or
tribander. - no activity from Honiara BEFORE departure to Temotu, 
later - April 7-9. Callsign H44TL. - Temotu call is H40XX. (verbal
approval; to be finalized on Friday) - I'm leaving in less than 24
hours (March 21) ; if all goes well I expect to be on the air around 
06Z March 24.

My main concern is the Honiara - Temotu flight
which is, as you all know,  totally unreliable...
Let's hope for the best...

CU and 73,
Nick VK1AA/2

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