>From the website:

Log Update, Low-band Info, Your Comment & QRT revised
 Logs - Log updated and includes all QSO up to:  20/04/02 20:28 

Some RTTY QSOs were not included and the last RTTY QSO in the on-line 
log is still:  19/04/02 22:14.  Apologies for any confusion if you 
worked us on RTTY since then.  Another RTTY log upload is expected 
some time today.  (RTTY QSOs are separate to all other station logs)  

 Low-bands - Here's some feedback from our low-bands guru Eric, K3NA:
"We listen for USA every night from 08:30 and SA at 07:30. Worked 1 
HC8 but keep listening.  QRN was a problem first night, but 
reasonable since. Only have a few E coast in log, many W-coast, but 
no one has been really LOUD yet. We're on continuously from 08:00 to 
13:00.  We work a few JA's if there are no US to work, but call again 
after a few mins. Big EU openings on 18th and 20th.  105 EU's in log. 
 Openings as far as F and ON, no G's yet. Openings seem to start with 
ON's and spread.  Today's EU opening (Apr 20) was from 18:10 to 
19:40. So tell those top-band dogs to get their butts down there, 
line up, and work us :-) " 
 Your Comments - A big thanks to those who take the trouble to 
contact us with constructive comments via direct e-mail, the 
Guestbook or by starting up some discussion in the Forum.

Rest assured the reef crew are seeing the comments generally within 
12 hours of you sending it.  Our PACTOR II "e-mail over HF" system 
works extremely well and is also the reason our logs are available on-
line real quick.  This great system comes with help from Marc 
Robinson from PCA.CC who supplied the SCS PTC-IIe modem and "Airmail" 
software package used at the Brisbane end.  Being able to do binary 
transfers means we can send pictures, spreadsheets and other docs 
backwards and forwards via this medium with on-the-fly data 
compression.  If you have an enquiry regarding any SCS products then 
contact Marc for some advice.  Tell him the Mellish Reef team sent 

 QRT - This has been revised and a progressive shut down will now 
commence local Wednesday morning with the intention to sail out on 
high tide Thursday.  This is one day earlier than previously 
advised... but hey, it's still a two extension on the original QRT 
date!  One HF station will be kept running as long as possible whilst 
other equipment is being de-rigged and packed around it. 




Steve - KF2TI

I live in my own little world. But it's OK... they know me here.

I am a `nobody', and nobody is perfect; therefore I am perfect.

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