I/11                          DIAMOND NEWS                   14/5/2002
                 ANTARCTIC - IOTA - WABA/WASA Digest
                           Diamond Dx Club
               Editors:Gennaro,I8YRK & Egidio,IZ8BRI
                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              Number I/11               Date 14/5/2002


- R1ANZ                                [WABA  UA-07]
Wally, RU1ZC, just arrived on Mirny Base on board of the supply vessel 
"Magdalena". He will be on air very soon hopefully on the Antarctic Net - 

- R1ANF                                 [WABA UA-04]
Oleg lost the main mast with two antennas during a big storm. Now they are 
on air with a vertical antenna R6000.

- R1ANC & RW1AI/ANT                     [WABA UA-10]
They have very poor conditions to Europe. However Alan has made over 9000 
QSOs as R1ANC so far. The first 2000 has arrived and could be loaded into 
QSL DataBase very fast.
Note that QSL aren't printed yet.


- DL5EBE says:
"All direct QSL cards for R1AND have been answered. Cards for outside of 
Europe were mailed from Germany. All european cards were sent in a package 
to Czech Republic for mailing (lower postage relative to Germany). I hope 
that EU cards will be delivered within the next 14 days. Unfortunately, I 
realized too late that the coordinates printed on the R1AND QSL card are not 
correct (in the layout the coordinates were correct). The correct 
coordinates of Novolazarevskaya Station are 70°46'S 11°50'E. Please change 
this info on the QSL card when you get the card".

- R1ANF/P                         [WABA PY-03]
with very pleasure Diamond Dx Club will print the QSL cards of the last 
activity from Refugio Astronomo Cruls made possible by Oleg. Thanks very 
much for this new one.


MAY 2002

- 7W4HI                         [IOTA AF-New One]
All is ready for the new one from Algeria. The team composed by 7X2RO, 
7X2YL, 7X2 ZL, 7X2SA, DL7FER, OM3CGN, OM2DX count to be on air the early 
evening of 14th May, until 18th. For this activity they will run two 
stations with verticals and dipoles antennas.
OZ/DL Callsign                [IOTA EU-125]
A group of German Radio Scouts will be on a camp side in Kongsmark on the 
danish northsea island Roemoe between 18th and 21st of May.The team will be 
composed by: DL9BCP, DL4KBS, DM1CG, DL9BQ, DG2BCI, DG2BCJ, and they plan to 
be on air from 80/10 mt all modes.

- R3CA/0                        [IOTA AS-New One]
UA9OBA informes DDXC that:"Arctic expedition "Polar Ring" R3CA/0 plane 
shortly visit to two IOTA AS-NEW ONE during few days (will be wait good 
weather conditions for landing) after my flight to Yakutsk- Nizhneyansk of 
10 May for meeting with expeditions polar vehicle. Only tranceiver 
(200Wtts)and G5RV antenna will be use. Please looking around 14260 and 
sometimes 14120 (traffic with russian) at 07 and 14 (15) GMT.
Now I fly from Novosibirsk (temperature +20 C) to north of Yakutiya (-20 C).


- YK0KA                        [IOTA AS-099]
Z31RM, Z32PT, Z33F, Z36W, YU7AV, TA1E, TA2DS will be QRV from Bozcaada Isl. 
from 20th to 28th May. Activities planned on all bands and all modes. They 
will be QRV also during CQWW WPX contest.

OnLine: www.qsl.net/z30m/Bozcaada.html

- 9K2F                         [IOTA AS-118]
A group from Kuwait Amateur Radio Society will be on air from Failaka Isl. 
with the call 9K2F. The team plan to be active from 22 to 31st May.


JUNE 2002

-OJ0VR                         [IOTA EU-053]
Seppo, OH1VR, will be on air from Market Reef from June 7-11 and July 8-11. 
Activity will be on 160 to 10mt include 6mt on CW/SSB modes. Seppo will use 
a 4 el for HF and a 5 el for 6mt.


- 7N2UTO                       [IOTA AS-031]
Now we plan a small DX-pedition to JD1 Ogasawara islands as follows; Six JA 
operators will be active on all bands (includes 6m) and all mode from 
Ogasawara (AS-031) on 8-10 June. The calls will be JA1UII/JD1, JG1GGU/JD1, 
JH1HHC/JD1 JI1LET/JD1, JK1KNB/JD1 and 7N2UTO/JD1. The details and logs will 
be available at

QSL > Home Call
On Line: www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis-Mars/9110/.


>>>   DO YOU KNOW ?

- ARU Isl.
YC9BU will be active from Aru isl at the end of May 2002. More news and 
details on DDXC.org

Informes that will take place in the next IOTA contest as EA5KB/EA7 from 

- KB5GL/4
Silvano, KB5GL, came back from Marco Isl. NA-052 and he puts in log over 
than 1250 QSOs. Marco Isl was not a new one but
he was happy becouse give the new one to a lots of us. QSL will be out at 
the end of June 2002.
Any support for the DxPeditions will be always appreciated.

- K1B
33820 QSOs are available in on-line logs as of today. Please visit any if 
the three URLs:
http://www.kragujevac.co.yu/kh1/logs/logs.htm - http://www.magma.ca/~ve3exy 
- http://dx.fireroute.com/kh1/index.php



The DDXC Board of Directors (I8LEL, I8YRK, IK8CVZ, IK8DDN, IK8FYZ) in
date 27/04/2002 acknowledged this new qualified members inside Diamond Dx 

Num.    Name          Surname         Call
142     Raimondo      BARONE          IK8BQE
143     Nuccio        MEOLI           I0YKN
146     Egbert        HERSTEN         ON4CAS
147     J.Louis       CHABERNAUD      F5UJK
148     Mike          CROWNOVER       AD5A
149     Dominik       WEIEL           DL5EBE

This are the Ham that ask to enter in side Diamond Dx Club:

Call           Name      Surname
AA5AT        Donald      Burns
TA2RC        Oksuz       Ozer
IZ8DBJ       Mario       Pesce
IZ8AJQ       Erminio     Cioffi
IK8TMI       Massimo     Dattilo
I0OCD       Christine    Renaud

DIAMOND NEWS an idea of Diamond Dx Club -
Editors: Gennaro Casaburi, I8YRK - Egidio Settimio, IZ8BRI

For this number THANKS to the following Ham and Dx Associations:

Web Site:www.ddxc.org

Subscibe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          [Eng]
          [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [Ita]
DIAMOND DX CLUB                              www.ddxc.org

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