An update on things at the KU9C incoming QSL pile!
YA5T....I pushed out a bunch of the cards in the last month, and have run out of cards (MY FAULT, I didn't watch the box empty close enough!).  I"ve re-ordered, and have labels printed for most everything I have logs for in house.  I expect that these will be sent out in June, along with any others that I can answer. 
If you have requested YA since March, there is a good chance it's in with the PW0T cards.  With the PW0T and YA5T activities in the last few months, I've had at times in excess of 10,000 envelopes UNOPENED here....I'm working through the pile, but please be patient with this process.  I take great pains to carefully deal with the incoming process, as the donations must be credited to the appropriate call sign...and thankfully, there have been several of those!
I should have a PW0T qsl card arrival date in the next week or so. I expect to be shipping these cards in June....I'll have a final date in the next week.  I have a lot of cards ready to when the cards arrive, many should go out relatively quickly.  I want to clean this mess up just as bad as you want to get your card.
Many of you have requested other cards that I manage.  They're worked as often as there are enough to work the logs, except for the rarer ones, which I try to touch once a month minimum.
One note...I've seen several comments on the various reflectors on 'WHERE ARE MY CARDS'.  Perhaps not too surprising, many of the calls, after a bit of looking, are folks that have requested several of the cards I manage at one time in one envelope with one SASE.  Some general observations:
-each call sign, depending on what call it is, based on my process, can take a month or two to process...sometimes less, sometimes more.  If you send a number of cards and simply a SASE, I'm not going to change my process to speed your cards, as you are indirectly telling me that you are not in a big hurry.
-if ONE of the cards does not have logs or cards, your cards won't come till I get the logs.  Thus, if you've requested YA5T and PW0T....even though I can answer the YA5T, I must wait for the PW0T.
Just a side note, I had one comment saying that a bureau card was sent to me 6 months ago and not received yet.  Bureaus do not work that fast...even if your card gets to me fast.  I process bureau cards no more than once a year, and with the current pile of DIRECT cards, bureau cards will take a bit of a back seat.
If you REALLY NEED SOMETHING, feel free to email...but please don't email asking about where your PW0T card ...if you've read this far, you have your answer.  I get 25-50 emails a day just on that subject, so hopefully this puts it to bed for a bit.

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