Hi All

The Kermadec Dx Association is undertaking a DXpedition to Chatham Island
ZL7 between 15 October and 29 October 2002. 

This DXpedition follows on from our previous very highly successfull
DXpeditions to ZL8RI  (Raoul Island) in May 1996  and  ZL9CI  (Campbell
Island ) in January 1999.

We do realise that ZL7 is not on the most wanted country list but the
timing of this event will coincide with the CQWW SSB contest which will
give DXers and Contesters alike, the oportunity to perhaps gain a new
band/mode for their awards etc.

This ZL7 DXpedition will be International in make up with members from USA,
England, Germany, Japan, New Zealand and possibly Canada participating. 
There is an exceptionally good mix of talent within the team, most of whom
have been on previous DXpeditions.

We hope to be able to operate 160 through 10 meters on all bands where
possible, realising of course that this may not be the best time to
undertake such an event due to the position of the solar cycle.

Our operation site has been arranged and confirmed as has our callsign and
we would prefer the callsign not be released until nearer the time of
operation for fear that "Pirates" may use the call prior to the DXpedition
as has happened with our two previous DXpeditions.

As we are all very well aware that the costs of undertaking even the
easiest and simplest of DXpeditions are high, our Association would welcome
donations of support for ZL7.  If you are to support this DXpedition in any
way we would appreciate hearing from you. We would also appreciate you
making this email available to your friends, clubs, associations, societies
etc and please feel free to publish our information in any way.  By other
reflectors and Packet Systems are also permitted.

What we do ask is that any funds sent to us directly are accompanied by an
email address in order that we may acknowledge receipt. This helps with our
funds in that we do not need to reply via the postal system.

In addition to financial support we are also looking for equipment support
in the way of filters, Warc and low band antennas, Radios etc.

Our address for ALL correspondence is

Kermadec DX Association   ZL7
P O Box 7
Central Otago
New Zealand

Please note that this is the ONLY valid postal address for our Association.
 Cards etc sent to our previous Wellington addresses will no longer reach

When replying to this email please do so direct only and not to the

Relative questions and comments regarding this ZL7 DXpedition are most
welcome and will do our very best to ensure a satisfactory answer is

Please note that there will be NO online logs or pilots and we will NOT be

This is a back-to-the-basics DXpedition and we hope that you will all get a
great deal of satisfaction in making contacts with us. 

We Look Forward to your support.

Kind Regards and Good DXing

Ken Holdom     ZL4HU
Group Organiser / Team Leader / QSL Manager
Kermadec Dx Association



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