SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.581
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 581

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 581
BID: $OPDX.581
October 7, 2002
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, NC1L, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, W5AJ,
W5UE, AH6HY, K8YSE, 4X6HP, 9V1SM, CX8FB, DL1EK/DL7VOA & DX Newsletter,
EW2EO, F5NQL & UFT, FJ5DX & La Gazette du DX, F8BPN, G3XTT, G4OBK,
OZ6OM/OZ7M & OZ 50 MHz DX Bulletin, PS7AB, S50U, VA3RJ & ICPO, XE1KK,
XE1YJS and Z36W for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 29/September, through Sunday, 6/October there were 226
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4S, 4W, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q,
8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6,
A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C9, CE, CE0A, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX,
D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX,
EY, EZ, F, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4,
HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK, HK0/a, HL, HM, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I,
IS, J2, J6, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH9, KL,
KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5,
SV9, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TI9, TJ, TK, TL, TR, TT, TU, UA, UA2,
UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, VE, VK, VK0M, VK9L, VP2V, VP5, VP6,
VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN,
YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD9, ZK1/s, ZK2, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

4D0/DZ1/DX0, PHILIPPINES (Attention Prefix and IOTA Hunters). Just a
reminder that the Philippine Amateur Radio League, Inc. (PARL) and other
members of Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) are planning to activate
Talicud Island (OC-235) this week through October 10th using the callsign
4D0MS. Also to be activated is Cuyo Island (OC-120) from October 11-16th
using the callsign DZ1MS and ending with activity from Lubang Island
(OC-126), October 17-20th using the callsign DX0L. QSL via DU1MS.

4X, ISRAEL. Andy, NP3D/W2, will be active as NP3D/4X in the CQWW DX SSB
Contest (October 26-27th). Look for NP3D/4X to be active on on all HF
bands on CW/SSB/RTTY between October 20-28th. QSL via W3HNK.

9V, SINGAPORE. Sasi, informs OPDX that he is now active as 9V1SM. His
activity will be on 80-6 meters with most of his operations on 20, 17
and 15 meters. Currently the operations are limited to SSB but will
operate PSK 31, hopefully, in a month's time. QSL via W3HNK.

CARIBBEAN DXPEDITIONS. The Low-Land DXpedition Team will once again be
active. This year it will be from the Caribbean starting from J7 (Dominica,
NA-101) and VP2M (Montserrat, NA-103) between October 14th and November
1st. The J7 team will be Bouke/PA0ZH, Ronald/PA3EWP, Enno/PA5EA and
Rob/PA5ET. The J7 Team will move onto Montserrat (VP2M) on October 21st.
Operators Henk/PA3GCV and Martin/PA4WM will join the team on October 23rd.
The team plans to do a serious effort in the CQWW SSB Contest as a
Multi-Single entry. Their Montserrat activity will end on November 1st.
All callsigns are currently unknown and will be received upon their arrival.
QSL via PA5ET. For more details, check the Web page at:

CT2 PREFIX (Important Fact). Sergio, CT2HMN, reports that some hams still
think the prefix CT2 is assigned to Azores Island according to their
logbook programs and/or prefix list. In fact, CT2 *was* assigned to Azores
Island in the past, but not anymore. So, the main prefixes for Portugal
are CQ, CR, CS and CT (including CT2). The only prefix assigned to the
Azores Islands is CU.

DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Manager, reports the following:
  *  They continue to log DXCC applications that were postmarked on or
     before September 30, 2002. The backup is heavy, so it may take some
     time to log all of the September mail into the system. Keep checking
     the DXCC Web site "List of DXCC Applications Received," at:
     If your application does not appear on this page by October 20th,
     you can check with "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to determine the status of your

  *  The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:
     K1B  -- Baker & Howland Island from April 20th to May 21st (2002)
     ST0F -- Sudan from February 19th to December 31st (2002)

FRENCH CASTLE ACTIVITY. Look for members from the town of Beziers-Herault
Radio Club to be active about 0830z on October 12th, as F6KEH/p for the
French Forts and Castles Award (DFCF) program. The operation will be from
the Castle of Montpezat (DFCF reference 34012, WAZ 14, ITU 27), located
in the Provivnce of Languedoc Roussillon (Dept 34). Look for them on 14120
Hz +/- QRM, SSB. QSL via F6KEH, direct or bureau.

GB2, ISLE OF MAN (LH and GS Op). Just a reminder that operators Bill/G3WNI,
Tom/G0PSE and Richard/M5RIC are expected to sign GB2IOM from here now
through October 11th. Operations will be from the Point of Ayre Lighthouse
(IOM-013) which is in the rare WAB square NX40. Activity will be on 160-10
meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via the Bureau or direct to G0PSE.
E-mail requests for bureau cards go to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GM, SCOTLAND. Jim, GM4CHX, will be active as GM4CHX/p on October 8th, from
the Scottish Island of Ornsay (IOSA reference NH40, SCOTIA reference CN15).
He is expected to start on 40 meters, then move to 20 meters afterwards.

GU, GUERNSEY. Just a reminder to look for Gerhard/DL3NBL and Rainer/DL2MDZ
to be active from here late in the week (October 11-27th). Please refer to
OPDX.576. Their activity will be on 160-110 meters on CW/SSB/RTTY.

HC8, GALAPAGOS ISLANDS. Ramon, XE1KK, will be active from the Galapagos
Islands as HC8/XE1KK on HF, 6 meters and UO-14 from October 20-30th. QSL
via homecall bureau or direct.

HH & HI, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC AND HAITI. Koh, JA7KAC, will be active from
the Dominican Republic (HI), October 18-22nd, as either K2AC/HI8 or
JA7KAC/HI8. He will also be active from Haiti (HH), October 23-30th, as
K2AC/HH2. Koh will also be active in the CQWW DX SSB Contest from Haiti
as K2AC/HH2 as a Single Op/All Band entry. Activity from both places will
be on 80-10 meters CW/SSB. QSL all three activitie via his home callsign

IOTA NEWS.......................
    AS-017.  Takeshi, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/6 from Okinawa
             Island (Okinawa-ken, not fix QTH [JCC or JCG]) from 0600z,
             November 18th through 0000z, November 21st. His activity will
             be on 40/17/15/12/10/6 meters SSB. QSL via JI3DST; address is
             on or via the Bureau (Bureau is Best).

    AS-049.  Takeshi, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/6 from Tokara
             Island (Kuchino-shima Toshima-mura Kagoshima-gun Kagoshima-ken
             Japan) from 0600z, November 9th through 0000z, November 17th.
             His activity will be on 40/17/15/12/10/6 meters SSB. QSL via
             JI3DST; address is on or via the Bureau (Bureau is

    AS-079.  Takeshi, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/6 from Miyako Island
             (Miyako-jima Hirara-City Okinawa-ken Japan) from 0600z,
             November 21st through 0000z, December 6th. Also, from 0600z,
             December 29th through 0000z, January 5th. His activity will
             be on 40/17/15/12/10/6 meters SSB. QSL via JI3DST; address
             is on or via the Bureau (Bureau is Best).

    AS-100.  Yuki/4X6HP and Ros/4Z5LA were active this past Sunday as
             4X6HP/p and 4Z5LA/p from Akhziv Island. Activity was only
             expected to be between 0330-1430z. QSL via their CBA.

    AS-147.  Takeshi, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/8 from Okushiri
             Island (Okushiritou Okushiri-cho Okushiri-gun Hokkaido)
             from 0600z, October 24th through 0000z, October 27th. His
             activity will be on 40/17/15/12/10/6 meters SSB. QSL via
             JI3DST; address is on or via the Bureau (Bureau is

    NA-040.  Look for Randy, AL7PJ, to be active as KL1SLE from St. Lawrence
             Island (USI AK-015S, 2nd Northwestern county, Alaska) between
             October 14-18th, weather permitting. This will actually be a
             business trip, so he will operate when time permits. Suggested
             frequencies are: 14260, 21360 and 28460 kHz (+/- QRM). QSL
             via AC7DX.

    OC-046.  Anci, JA2ZL, will be active as FO/JA2ZL from Morea Island
             from October 30th through November 2nd. He hopes to operate
             on 40-10 meters, mainly SSB but some CW and RTTY using only
             a 100 watts + vertical. QSL via his homecall: Anci Yamada,
             17-8-2 Takirocho, Tajimi, 507-0813 JAPAN.

J28, DJIBOUTI. Vincent, F8UNF, is now active as J28UN until June 1, 2003.
He will be active on 160-10 meters CW/SSB, however, his favorite band is
10 meter SSB. Watch 28400-28500 kHz between 1730 and 1930z. QSL direct
via F8UNF at: Vincent Charles, BP 12, 54760 Leyr, France.

KH8, AMERICAN SAMOA. Dave, AH6HY, one of the team members of the upcoming
Double IOTA DXpedition to American Samoa (K8T and K8O), informs OPDX that
he will be arriving in Pago Pago a few days before the DXpedition team for
some scuba diving and may squeeze in some brief low power activity during
and after the CQWW contest as AH6HY/AH8 to hand out multipliers. QSL via
home callsign direct or via the bureau. UPDATE TO IOTA DXPEDITION: The
operators of the Double IOTA DXpedition to Tutuila Island (callsign K8T,
IOTA OC-045, October 29th-November 8th) and Ofu Island (callsign K8O, IOTA
OC-077, October 30th-November 6th) are:  Glyn Jones, GW0ANA, Team Leader;
Doug Roberts, G0WMW; Dr. Markus Dornach, DL9RCF; Roger Mulzer, DL5RBW;
David Flack, AH6HY; and Thomas Steinmann, DJ6OI. Their pilot stations will
be Larry/AH8LG, and Fumio/JE4CIL. See the Web page for more details at:

LU8WFY and LW8EXF are planning to be active as L65W from the Lighthouse
(ARG-071) on the Lyons Island (IOTA SA-065), October 11-13th (depending
on the weather conditions because it is not easy to disembark on the island.
Activity will be on 20-6 meters. QSL via Claudio, LU7DW.

and GU4YOX will be active in the CQWW Phone Contest in the newly created
Multi-Two category. They will use the Chiltern DX Club contest callsign,
MU0C, and operate as guests of the Guernsey Amateur Radio Society from
its HQ station. QSL via G3XTT.

NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS. At a recent Chiltern DX Club (CDXC) meeting,
The UK DX Foundation, the following were elected to serve on the 2002/2003
     President: Neville Cheadle, G3NUG          Committee Members:
     Chairman: John Butcher, G3LAS                Jim Kellaway, G3RTE
     Secretary: Shaun Jarvis, M0BJL               Mike Devereux, G3SED
     Treasurer: Nigel Peacock, G4KIU              Paul Brice-Stevens, G0WAT
     Digest Editor: Don Field, G3XTT              Mark Haynes, M0DXR

  Although the CDXC is targeted primarily at HF operators in the UK with
an interest in competitive amateur radio (DXing and contesting), CDXC has
a worldwide membership and is a significant contributor to major
DXpeditions, as well as producing a bi-monthly newsletter (typically 60
pages) with high-quality articles including equipment reviews, DXpedition
stories, regular contests, SWL and IOTA columns. For further details,
please contact the Secretary Shaun, M0BJL, ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) or
check the CDXC Web page at:

P4, ARUBA. Robert, W5AJ, is expected to be active as P40P in the CQWW DX
SSB Contest as a Single Op/All Band entry. The operation will operate
with a kite supported 80 meter antenna. QSL via WJ5DX.

P5, NORTH KOREA. Bruce, KK5DO, reports that Ed, P5/4L4FN, has postponed
Kids Day with North Korea (see OPDX.580) due to poor propagation on 10
meters. This activity will be rescheduled towards the end of October or
the beginning of November. Ed will be out of the country from October

PACIFIC IOTA DXPEDITIONS. Michael, HB9DKX, informs OPDX that he will be
active from a few IOTA islands in the Pacific during October and November.
His planned activity/schedule is as follows:
    October 24-26th  -- Tongagatapu (OC-049), Tonga (A3)
    October 25th-November 1st -- Niue (OC-040, ZK2) (Datums Grenze!!)
    November 2-7th   -- Ha`apai (OC-169), Tonga (A3)
    November 7-11th  -- Vavau (OC-064), Tonga (A3)
  Activity will be on the following suggested frequencies/modes:
     CW  - 7015, 14015, 21015 and 28015 kHz
     SSB - 3580, 7080, 14280, 21280 and 28480 kHz
Michael states callsigns will be issued upon his arrival. Also, he will
work split and try to make a lot of European Hams during his stay. QSL
via HB9DKX via the bureau. INTERESTING NOTE: Please notice the dates
overlap. Reason: Niue is behind the date line, so Tonga is in the new
day and Niue is in the day before! For more details on his Pacific trip,
look at the Web page:

QSL INFO AND NEWS...............
    QSL 8N1OGA via JA1MRM: Saburo Asano, 3-26-8 Toyotamakita, Nerima,
    Tokyo, 176-0012 Japan.

    EW900B INFO. Larry, EW2EO, informs OPDX that anybody can check to
    see if your QSL cards have already been confirmed and received for
    the EW900B operation (from May 1st-Aug 1st, 2002) on the EW2WW Web
    page at:        

    Randy, W5UE, reports: "Since contest season is underway, I would like
    to remind everyone that the new QSL Manager for HC8N is W5UE. AA5BT
    no longer handles HC8N cards. I maintain a Web page that DXers can
    check the status of their QSL request at:
    QSL direct with SASE to Randy Becnel, P.O. Box 170, Kiln,
    MS 39556-0170 or via bureau."

    Alfredo, LU7JA, reports that Patrick, WD9EWK, is now his QSL Manager.
    Please send QSL cards for LU7JA via WD9EWK (direct or throught the
    QSL bureau). More information is available at his web page:

    Dan, S50U, informs OPDX that he has just completed a log search for
    Charles, S9SS, on the Web. He also has inclued QSL information for
    Charles' previous A22AA, S92SS, SV0LM and A25/KY4P operations as well.
    The log, along with nice S9SS photos and station information can be
    found at:   

    SV5/G4OBK WRAP-UP. Phil, G4OBK, states that his SV5/G4OBK holiday
    DXpedition to Tingaki Kos went QRT on October 1st, and he is now back
    home. He provided a quick resume of his operation: "Total of 1840
    QSOs made. I did better on RTTY than I thought I would and ended with
    798 QSOs. Out of those QSOs I spent 18 hours in CQWW/RJ RTTY Contest
    and made 633 QSOs. I also made 1015 QSOs in CW, 20 on SSB and 7 on
    PSK31." QSLs are available now direct to Phil Catterall, Wayside,
    Lendales Lane, Pickering YO18 8EE England or via the QSL Bureau.

    Venco, Z36W (ex-Z31JA, Z32JA and 4N5JA), informs OPDX that the Radio
    Club in Stip, Z37GBC (better known as Z30M), since May has changed
    their callsign to Z37M. Their first activity with the new callsign
    was from Turkey as TA0/Z37M. The last acitivty was in CQWW RJ RTTY
    Contest, as a Multi Single station. QSL for Z37M (and for the Z37GBC
    and Z30M callsigns) go via: Radio Club "Nikola Tesla",  P.O. Box 71,
    2000 Stip, Macedonia. ADDED NOTE: For a few years the QSL Manager
    for this station and for other stations (club members) was Mike, NN6C.
    But since he had heart attack, he is not able to manage them anymore,
    so do not send cards anymore to him.  Those other stations are Z33F
    and Z36W, and the address for both stations are OK at

SO2, POLAND. Operators Kazimierz/SP2FAX, Roman/US5WDX, Przemyslaw/SP7VC,
Adam/DJ0IF, Leszek/SP2WKB and Waldemar/SM0TQX will be active as SO2R in
the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 26-27th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL
via SP2PI, Bureau is OK.

SPECIAL EVNT. Look for 6F1LM to be active on all weekends until the end
of 2002. This is the official station of the Federacion Mexicana de Radio
Experimentadores (FMRE), A.C. operating on digital modes (RTTY, PSK31, MFSK,
SSTV and HELL). The special callsign 6F1LM is to celebrate the 70th
anniversary of the FMRE, A.C. Their Web page is at:

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event/callsign CW60F to be active now
through October 20th, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Scout
Group, "Jose Gervacio Artigas", from the City of Juan Lacaze. Activity
will end with and entry in the "Jamboree on the Air". QSL only direct
with two green stamps or 1 IRC coupon (new ones) to CX3FH.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for station TM2E to once again be on the air from
October 14-17th to commemorate the new currency in Europe. Activity will
be on 160-6 meters CW/SSB. A TM2E QSO can be used as a wild card for the
"Euro Award". For more information, check the Web page at:
QSL via F8BPN, bureau or direct.

T8, PALAU. Nob, JH1EAQ, will be active during the CQWW SSB Contest as
T88EA as a Single Op/All Band/High Power entry. QSL via JH1EAQ, Bureau
or direct to: Nob Watanabe, 6-11-2 Azuma-chou, Iruma-City SAITAMA,
JAPAN 358-0002. He will be using PPR's shack. Check the Web site at:

VP2M, MONTSERRAT. Operators Dick/K5AND, Llewellyn/W5OZI and John/W5LXG
will be active from October 31st through November 8th. Their main focus
will be on 6 meters, but there will be activity on other bands. They will
have an FT-897, 7 element 6 meter beam and 800 watts. It is supposed to
be a great location for EU, AF and US. Their CW beacon will be on 50155.
If there is propagation, they will operate split listening up 5, but
they doubt that this will be necessary. The callsign to be used will
most likely be VP2MJD.

WEB PAGE OF INTEREST. Ronaldo's, PS7AB, Webpage contains information about
Amateur Radio in Brazil (QSLs, DXpeditions, islands, special callsigns,
QSL Managers, awards...etc.). For further information, please visit at:

ZB2, GIBRALTAR. Wolfgang, DH3ZK, will be active as ZB2/DH3ZK from October
7-21st. Activity will be on SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. Bands of activity were
not mentioned.

ZK1, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Members of the Southwest Scania Radio Amateurs
(SSRA) Bengt/SM7EQL and Ronnie/SM7DKF are now active as ZK1EQL (CW only)
and ZK1DKF (SSB only) until October 14th. Activity this past week was
from Mangaia Island (OC-159). Their length of stay on this island is not
known. They are expected to also activate Rarotonga Island (OC-013).
ZK1EQL was quite active on 40 meters (7005 kHz) and also 17 meters (18095
kHz) for a few hours over the past week. ZK1DKF was heard mainly on 17, 15
and 10 meters (around 18144, 21260 and 28465 kHz). QSL ZK1DKF via SM7DKF:
Ronnie Nilsson, V. Haggviksvagen 12, SE-236 32 Hollviken, Sweden. QSL
ZK1EQL via SM7EQL: Bengt Falkenberg, Blomstervagen 6, SE-225 93 Lund,

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