The team finished the CQWW and went QRT and the mad rush to pack up all the gear and antenna systems has started so that they can catch the plane back to NZ tomorrow. The flight from ZL7 to New Zealand with the gear totaling over a ton in the Convair 440 will take about 3 1/2 hours. I don't know what the final tally of QSOs is at this point but it will be on the web site in a few days for sure.
Thanks to all the hams around the world that played "cat and mouse" with the team over the past two weeks. Without hams to work it, there is no DXpedition.
Check your logs on the web site  http://www.qsl.net/zl7c/ 
QSL via:
Kermadec DX Association ZL7C
C/O Ken Holdom ZL4HU
P O Box 7
Clyde, Central Otago
And from me.... thanks for the all the nice emails over the past few weeks..
73 de Lee ZL2AL - ZL7AA, ZL8RI, ZL9CI, VE3OE, Pilot ZL7C October, 2002
DX is!


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