I don't know how interesting is but...
Monk Apollo SV2ASP/A is again outside of Mount Athos and he is gathering
olives. He will absent this week
and he is expected back to Mount Athos after 6 of December. I met him
yesterday personally. He is very well in his health and he told me that no
operation from last May. He is not so pleasant with Greek Authorities
because they don't give the SY prefix only in Mount Athos and many people
outside are confused with the several sy calls from Greece. I asked him to
be again on the air. He told nothing for this but i hope he will be again on
the air after next weekend (9 December or later). The qsling is slow because
a lot of work. I am expecting for my qsl a lot of time (hi), so be patient.
He is answering all the qsls for people who are in log. He showed me a
letter for a dl station (i don't remember the call). The dl station was
complained abt his qsl. Apollo does not speaking good english so he gave the
letter for translation. He looked agn his log and finally found the qso.
Don't forget that he doesn't use a computer log so if your info in your qsl
are not exactly it is very difficult to find the qso. So becareful for the
exactly time on your qsl.
I hope he will back on the air soon and all of us working him in Mount Athos
(in garden of Virgin Mary like he says).
73 Kostas SV1DPI

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