The only right address for Monk Apollo is this

Monk Apollo
Monastery Dochiariou
63087 Mount Athos

Monk Apollo asked me te send this because many people
send letters for him with a different name (not Monk Apollo).
He does not reply these letters.

By the way i met him on the air last Sunday and we had a net with many Greek
I told him for all emails i have received and i asked him to be on the air
as he told
me previously. He told me again that he will try for this and how pleasant
he is
with the love of the rest world. He told us also for the many satelite qsos
with Valery, a
Russian Astronaut (sri but i don't remember the call) and many other things.
I told him also that many people complain for their qsl and he told me that
he replies
all qsls (if there is a qso otherwise no reply at all) but he is very busy
with his monastery duties
and it takes time.

Please remember to send the qsls only for him and SY2A (only this call count
as Athos).
He is NOT the qsl mngr for SY8A and other SY calls which count for Greece.

Kostas SV1DPI

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