I.C.P.O. (Islands, Castles & Portable Operations)
Update -

07/03/2003:  Nigel, G3TXF, plans on being QRV as VP2EN until March 12 from
Anguilla (NA-022). He also hopes to be active in the RSGB Commonwealth
contest. QSL via home call. [Tnx ARRL DX news]

08/03/2003:  Look for Mario, IV3VBM/p, to be active March 8th from the
Castle of Maniago (DCI reference PN-004, for the Italian Castles Award).
Operation will be on 40 and 20 meters, with start time of 09:00 UTC. The
Castle of Maniago is located in the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia,
Province of Pordenone (PN). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx

08/03/2003:  Look for IZ5BSB/p to be active March 8th, in the morning, from
DCI reference LU-046 for the Italian Castles Award. This reference is
located in the Region of Toscana, Province of Lucca (LU). QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. [Tnx IZ5BSB]

09/03/2003:  Look for ON4AWT and ON7SS to be active March 9th from Fort
Brialmont 3 (BCA reference AN-003, for the Belgian Castle Award) at
Wommelgem. They will use the call ON4OSA. Fort Brialmont 3 is located in
Antwerpen (Region Vlanderen), reference AN, for the Belgian Provinces Award.
They will be active on 20, 15 and 10 meter PSK31 and RTTY. On 80 meter CW
during the UBA Spring Contest for a few hours and 40 meter SSB for their
French friends. QSL via the bureau. [Tnx ON7SS]


Antarctic Update From DL5EBE -

Oleg is currently active from the German Dallmann Laboratory as DP1ANF,
DL-07 for WABA (new one). Due to his work load on Bellingshausen Base he
will have to go QRT tomorrow on the 8th of March. The exact time of QRT
depends on the WX which is very poor at the moment. QSL via RK1PWA.

Oleg's and Alex's activity from Ballve (LU-22) resulted in 1400 QSOs only
due to the poor propagation. We really acknowledge the great efforts of our
Russian friends to bring WABA new ones on the air! Oleg will probably return
to Antarctica in November of this year and he will try to make more QSOs
from Ballve then. However, again we will support our friends with the print
of QSL cards and we are looking forward for DXers who would like to sponsor
the R1ANF/p and DP1ANF operation. Please contact DL5EBE for any help.

Someone asked for Roman, UT7UA, some time ago: Roman has arrived on
Vernadsky Base very well, but he is very busy at the moment. He has daily
skeds with R1ANF and we expect him to show up on the bands very soon. QSL
via DL5EBE.

New QSLs: R1AND/A cards were sent out via direct and via buro. I still have
to check some call signs which seem not to be in the log, but I will check
these calls very carefully. R1ANC: the first batches of cards were sent out
yesterday and today. The other cards will be proceeded very soon. Please be
patient. Also Goran, YZ1SG, has announced that he got the R1ANF/p cards
(Refugio Padre Balduino Rambo) from the printer. The cards as well as
R1ANF/A (Artigas) and CE9/R1ANF (Escudero) should be available soon via


CY0MM QSL Update From Lali, VE3NE -

I have received the first 5,000 cards on March 3rd.
Also the picture and video CD have arrived a couple of days ago.
I already mailed the CDs and cards to our sponsors like NCDXF and others.
The rest follows very soon.
On Sunday afternoon (March 9th) I am expecting Nick-VE3EY, Peter-VE3NWA (He
was doing the online LOG, Geo-VE3NZ, Dragan-VE3FF, Yuri-VE3DZ and may be a
couple of others to prepare the return envelops and cards.
I am hoping to answer all the direct cards in a few weeks.
Please pass along this info and I hope everybody will be satisfied.
My best regards,

73  es  DX
Lali  VE3NE


WLH - World Lighthouse Award Update -

New Reference: Today (March 7, 2003) we give the WLH number LH 1206 for

73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
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