SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.602
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 602

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 602
BID: $OPDX.602
March 10, 2003
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, W1JK, W2LO, WA2MOE, WB2RAJ, WA2VQW,
NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, KV4DT, KX4WW, N4AA & QRZ DX, K8YSE, N8BJQ, NE8Z,
W8TTS, AA0MZ, 9K2HN, A35RK, DJ2MX, DJ7IK, DL1EK/DL7VOA & DX Newsletter,
DL2VFR & IOTA-POST, EA5RM, F5NQL & UFT, FJ5DX & La Gazette du DX, G4TSH,
DX Notes, VK3ZZ, VK4FW, VK8NSB, YB0DPO and ZP5AZL/ZP6Y for the following
DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 2nd/March, through Sunday, 9th/March there were 229
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X,
8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9N, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9Y, A4, A5,
A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU,
CX, D2, D4, D6, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET,
EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ,
GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ,
I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, J8, JA, JT, JW, JX, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL,
KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OY, OZ,
P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV,
SV/a, SV5, SV9, T31, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT, TU,
TY, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2E,
VP5, VP6, VP6/d, VP8, VP8/h, VP8/o, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW,
XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4,
ZD7, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

9N, NEPAL. Bjorn "Hugo" Ark, LA5YJ, is once again active as 9N7YJ after
a two week break to his home QTH in Vestre-Toten Kommune (county), in a
town called Reinsvoll, located in western part of the area Oppland, South
Eastern Norway. Hugo's length of stay in Kathmandu is unknown at this
time (possibly through December). He is there on a mission for the U.N.
Hugo has a better rig with him this time. He used a Kenwood TS-50 before
and is now working with a Yaesu FT897 w/CW Collinsfilter, and 100 watts.
He also has trap dipoles made by Rag, LA6FJA, for several bands now.
This will allow him to be active on 160/80/40/30/20/17/12 meters. He
plans to be active on 160 meters during the weekends. He will not be
active on PSK31 or RTTY; however, someone has been active on the Digital
modes and this is the work of a Pirate. QSNs show to look for him on
10103 kHz on various times throughout the day (betweeb 1230 and 1830z;
even as late as 0030z), 7003 kHz at 1600z and 3503 kHz between 2300-0100z.
Hugo will try to get access to a linear which may be availble later. No
QSLs via the bureau. QSL only direct with 2 USD/2 Euro or valid IRCs to:
Bjorn Hugo Ark, Rute 504- Paulsrud, NO-2840 Reinsvoll, NORWAY.
PLEASE NOTE: Hugo will not answer any QSL requests until he returns home.
He has answered some QSL requests (for his activity between November 2002
and February 10th) when he was home during his 2 week break.

A35KB QRT!. Paul Kidd, A35RK, informs OPDX that he hasn't heard Father
Kevin Burke, A35KB, on the air for some time, so last week Paul telephoned
him. Father Kevin told Paul he is fine and in good health. However, Father
Kevin states he is very very busy with his duties as parish priest on the
Island of Eua, and is no longer able to operate on the radio. He has
allowed his license to expire, his station is dismantled, he has no
intention of getting back on the air any time soon, and he can no longer
respond to QSL requests. Paul states, "So, if you were hoping for a contact
with Father Kevin, or if you were hoping to receive his QSL card, then
I'm afraid that you are simply out of luck.....he's just too busy to deal
with ham radio."

A3, TONGA. Janusz, SP9FIH, informs OPDX that he will be active from here
March 19th through April 14th. He does have verbal permission to operate,
and his license will be given to him after arrival on the island. Activity
will be on 80-10 meters including the WARC Bands on SSB. He will use 100
watts into a HF9V antenna and wire verticals. Janusz states he plans to
make 12000 to 15000 QSOs. QSL Manager will be SP9FIH: P.O. Box 480,
44-100 Gliwice, Poland.

DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Manager, reports that the following
operation has been approved for DXCC credit:
 TT8ZZ - Activity from Chad between September 24, 2002 to November 8, 2002

FM, MARTINIQUE. Joachim Gilbert, FM5FJ, states he will be active in the
CQ WPX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/Single Band (15m) entry. QSL via KU9C.

FO/M, MARQUESAS ISLAND (Update to OPDX.597). Silvano, I2YSB, informs OPDX
the dates for the DXpedition to the Marquesas are April 25th to May 9th.
The details on their schedule can be found on the Web page at:
There will be 3 stations active on HF and one on 50 MHz. The beacon on
50105 MHz band will be active every hour and every half hour for 5 minutes.
Their callsign at the moment is still not yet known.

FS & VP2E, SAINT MARTIN AND ANGUILLA. Nigel, G3TXF, is planning to be
active from Anguilla (VP2E) using his old callsign of VP2EN from Thursday,
March 6th through Wednesday, March 12th. He was expected to be active
in this past weekend's RSGB's Commonwealth Contest (March 8-9th) using
100w to a vertical antenna. During the period of Thursday, March 13th
through Tuesday, March 18th, Nigel hopes to operate on a number of
occasions as FS/G3TXF/p from Tintamarre Island (NA-199). These are likely
to be daytime only operations from about 1400-2200z. He will try to
"stick to the zeroes" (i.e.: 14030 or 14040, 18080 or 18090, 21030 or
21040, 24900 or 24910 and 28030 or 28040). Both operations will be CW
only. QSL via G3TXF. For more details, visit:

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. Pascal, F5RZJ, will be active from here as HB0/F5RZJ/p,
March 15-16th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters CW/SSB. Pascal will be
using only 100 watts into a HF6V antenna. QSL via his home callsign. For
direct QSLing, use the following address: Pascal Sotty, Grand Champ,
F-71130 Chassy, FRANCE.

HH4, HAITI (Update). The HH4 Team Haiti 2003 plans to be active from the
Northwest Haiti Christian Mission about 2300z on March 10th. K3VN had
to drop from the team due to work commitments, but has been replaced by
another Florida DXPedition Group (FDXPG) member, Bob, HH4/K9MDO. The rest
of the team is the same: Jan, HH4/K4QD; Bill/W4WX, and William/N2WB. The
team plans to try to upload the logs once or twice over the next two weeks.
Look for the team as a Multi-Single entry in the BARTG Contest next weekend
using HH4/K4QD. Check the Team Haiti website at:

and Teodosio/HI3TEJ will be active as HI3CCP in the CQ WPX SSB Contest
(March 29-30th) as a Multi-Op/Single entry. QSL via AD4Z.

IOTA NEWS......................
   AF-073.  Andy, DJ7IK, informs OPDX that the planned DXpedition (Callsign
            TS7N) to Kerkennah Island from March 21st to April 1st has
            been cancelled due to the insecure political situation. Their
            plans now are to try again at the end of November with
            participation in the CQWW DX Contest. They will update this
            information as soon as they receive their license.

   AS-043.  CANCELLED. Operators Eiji/JQ1SUO, Tatsuhiko/JF1CCH and JA2HMD
            were expected to sign homecall/1 from Hachijo Island, March
            8-9th. However, due to the bad weather airplanes will not
            fly to the island, so the DXpedition had to be cancelled.

   AS-049.  Toshi, JM1PXG, will be active as JM1PXG/6 from Tokara
            Kuchino-shima, starting around 0100z on May 3rd until around
            0200z on May 4th. Activity will be on 40/20/17/15/12/10 meters
            CW only. QSL via the JARL Bureau or direct to his home call.

   AS-079.  Taka, JR3TVH, will be active once again as JR3TVH/6, from
            Miyako Island starting around 0900z on May 1st until around
            1000z on May 5th. Look for activity on 6, 10, 12, 17 and 20
            meters SSB and CW. QSL via home call or the JARL QSL Bureau.

   EU-012.  Stewart, GM4AFF, will be active as GZ7V from Shetland during
            the CQWW CW Contest later this year (November 29-30th). For
            updates, check the Web page at:

   EU-125.  Operators Karl/LA8DW (CW) and Lars/OZ1HPS (SSB) plan to
            activate two islands in the Jylland West Group in the late
            spring. Both islands are good for the Danish Island Award.
            Look for them to be active from Fano Island (NS-02) and Mando
            Island (NS-03) using the special callsign OZ4DI (OZ4 Danish

   EU-187.  There will be a DXpedition to Gavdos Island from June 1-10th.
            There was no callsign mentioned or bands/modes of activity.
            QSL via SV2DGH.

   OC-NEW.  Tom Marlowe/VK3ZZ, Peter Forbes/VK3QI, Keith Proctor/VK3FT
            and Jack Bramham/VK3WWW with on-shore "pilot" David McCaulay/
            VK3EW will activate Waldegrave Island East (part of the South
            Australia State West Centre Group) from April 17-22nd. They
            will be using the special callsign of VI5WCP to celebrate the
            historical naming of the island by Mathew Flinders during his
            coastal exploration of March 1802. A special bicentary
            commemorative QSL card will be prepared to celebrate this
            historical event. Activity will be on all bands except 160m,
            both Phone and CW. QSL will be direct to VK3ZZ: P.O. Box 368,
            Leongatha, Victoria 3953, Australia, with a self-addressed
            envelope plus sufficient return postage, or, via the bureau.
            Direct QSL cards notconforming to the above will be returned
            via the bureau.

   OC-142.  By the time you read this, Bill Horner, VK4FW, should be
            active from Fraser Island. He is there to work and fix a
            communicational link on the island. He will be on the island
            until Tuesday, March 11th. However, he will be extremely busy
            but hopes to get a little time in for some radio operations.
            His activity will be mostly CW. QSL direct only with a
            greenstamp/IRC to: Bill Horner, PO Box 1343, Maroochydore,
            4558 Australia.

   OC-242.  Operators YB8CR, YB8BHV, YB0KLI, YC8CPV, YB0DPO, YB8HZ, YB8HGM,
            YB0ECT, YB0LBK and YB0AI will be active from Latondu Island,
            Takabonerate, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, between March 26-31st.
            The callsign will be YE8A, and the QSL Manager is YB8BRI.
            They planned to be active on all HF bands 80-10 meters CW,
            SSB, SSTV, RTTY, PSK31 and AO-40 Satellite. Also, look for
            them to participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest. Please visit
            their Web site at:
            If you would like to be a sponsor, please open their proposal
            documents on:
            Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
            contact them at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   SA-042.  Luc, PY8AZT, informs OPDX that the ZY8C operation had to be
            rescheduled suddenly from the ARRL SSB Contest week to the
            CQWW WPX SSB Contest. They had two reasons to reschedule the
            operation. First, some of the team members had last minute
            business commitments and their absence would have been missed
            (because of their modes and skills of importance) for a
            successful operation. Secondly, their initial schedule was
            to get there some days before the ARRL SSB Contest and stay
            a coupled days after to not only work stateside stations
            but also non-USA stations. However, this was not going to
            happen. With the new schedule, the team will now be active
            for 8 days between March 27th and April 3rd. Activity in the
            contest will be a Multi/Single effort.

OH0, ALAND ISLANDS. Operators Claus/DF8QJ  Marvin/DL2VB, Mike/DK6QW, DG1YTF
and Reinhard/DL6YFB will be active as OH0/DF8QJ, OH0/DL2VB, OH0/DK6QW,
OH0/DG1YTF and OH0/DL6YFB from April 19-25th. Activity will be on 80-2
meters including the WARC bands on CW/SSB/RTTY. QSL via their homecalls.

that Al, F5VHJ, who was active as TM5A in last week's ARRL SSB Contest and
will also be active in the upcoming CQ WPX Phone Contest, is in France.
Actually, the heading should have read: "TM5/TO5, FRANCE AND MARTINIQUE."
(Sorry for the confusion.)

OY, FAROE ISLANDS (LLDXT DXpedition Update). Rob, PA5ET, informs OPDX
that the team has received confirmation from the Faroer Telecom Department
and that the following callsigns can use:
     OY7ET operator PA5ET           OY7WB operator AK0A
     OY7QA operator PA3FQA          OY7WP operator PA3EWP
     OY7TW operator GM4FDM
     OY8PA for 80/160 meters, digital modes and the WPX Contest.
   Their activity will take place between March 24th and April 3rd. They
will have 3 stations with amps active. One will be dedicated to the
digital modes. During their dark periods, they will mainly be active on
80 and 160 meters. Rob states, "You can expect lots of digital mode
activity on the WARC bands, so this is your change to fill the OY gaps
on all bands and modes." All QSLs will be handled by the LLDXT QSL Manager
PA5ET: Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS  Voorburg,
The Netherlands. They are currently investigating if they can make use
of an Internet Cafe or local Hams to upload the logs on a daily basis.
The latest information can be found soon on the LLDXT Web site at:

PJ2, NETHERLANDS ANTILLIES. Steve/N8BJQ and Bob/N8NR will be active from
Curacao during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th), as PJ2T and PJ2C,
respectively. Both will probably be a Single-Op/Single Band entry (one on
10 meters and the other on 15 meters, depending on the conditions). The
operators will be on vacation there and will arrive on the island late
Tuesday, March 25th, so they don't know how much operating they will do
outside of the contest. Steve told OPDX, "I hopes to get a little low band
and WARC band CW stuff in before the contest. I'm sure Bob will also get
on a bit and do likewise." QSL both contest operations via N9AG.

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
   Hamad, 9K2HN, reports that he has uploaded the 9K2USA log to the
   DX.QSL.NET Web site at:
   If you have any QSL problem, please let Hamad know. He has just taken
   over this QSLing job from the previous QSL Manager after getting a
   lot of complaints. His E-mail address is:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Younis, A41MA/p, was active from Suwadi Island (AS-112) over the past
   week. QSL via the A41 bureau or direct to home callsign: P.O. Box 1470,
   CPO, 111 Oman. For more information, check the Web page at:

   CY0MM QSL STATUS. OPDX has been informed that Lali, VE3NE, states,
   "I have received the first 5,000 cards on March 3rd. Also, the picture
   and video CD have arrived a couple of days ago. I already mailed the
   CDs and cards to our sponsors like NCDXF and others. The rest follows
   very soon. On Sunday afternoon (March 9th), I am expecting Nick/VE3EY,
   Peter/VE3NWA (He was doing the online LOG), Geo/VE3NZ, Dragan/VE3FF,
   Yuri/VE3DZ and maybe a couple of others to prepare the return envelopes
   and cards. I am hoping to answer all the direct cards in a few weeks.
   Please pass along this info and I hope everybody will be satisfied."

   5W0IR, KH8/VK2IR, 3D2IR, J6/VK2IR and 6Y5/VK2IR QSL STATUS. Mario,
   DJ2MX, informs OPDX that he has finally received all the cards that
   have been mailed directly to Tommy's address in Australia. Due to
   moving to Munich (see below), Mario will be replying to these cards in
   April. CHANGING ADDRESS: Mario states, "I'm currently in process of
   moving to Munich, which is about 500 km south from here. I hope you
   will understand that the QSL management has to be put on hold for a
   few weeks. The new mailing address will be announced as soon as I
   settle in Munich, but all the mail sent to current address will be
   forwarded for next 12 months (until April 2004)."

   FW8FP QSL STATUS. Bill Horner, VK4FW, reports all QSL cards received
   as of February 28th are now processed and in the mail.

   HJ-HK QSL VOLUNTEER. William, KV4DT, informs OPDX that he is available
   to be a QSL Manager for any HJ-HK station that needs one. His E-mail
   address is:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   His home address is: William Brooks, P.O. Box 309, Drummonds, TN 38023.

   Taka, JR3TVH/6, was active from Miyako Island (AS-079) this past
   weekend (expected to go QRT around 1000z on March 10th). QSL via his
   home callsign or JARL QSL Bureau.

   J7/VP2M QSL STATUS. Rob, PA5ET, reports that he has finally received
   the "Caribbean Tour 2002" J7/VP2M QSL cards from the printer over the
   past weekend. They will do their best to get most of the direct QSLs
   in the mail before they start their next OY DXpedition in March (see
   OY above). They still need quit a bit of time for their preparations,
   so please be patient if you don't get your QSL in the first round
   while others got theirs already!

   QSL MANAGER ADDRESS CHANGE. Long time QSL Manager Kash, WB2RAJ, has
   a new QTH and a new mailing address. Send all QSL requests to:
   Dick "KASH" Kashdin, 4591 West Overlook Drive, Williamsville, NY 14221.
   WB2RAJ is QSL Manager for EM3W, FK5DX, FK8GM, J39BW, LZ2TU (1992 ONLY),
   ST2/G4OJW, ST2AA (up to February 25, 1995), ST0K, UZ3AYR and WB2RAJ/VP9.

   Lee, WA7OBH, is now the QSL Manager for the following stations:
   MM5PSL, GB2ELH, EI9HQ and EJ9HQ. QSL via the Bureau or direct with
   a SASE or SAE and 1.00 USD.

   ZY7USA QSL STATUS. Ciro, PY7ZY, informs OPDX that all the cards for
   the ZY7USA operation received direct have now been answered as of
   March 6th. If you don't receive your QSL within the next 10 days,
   please contact Ciro at:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   You can see a sample of ZY7USA QSL on the following Web site at:

RE-ELECTED OFFICERS FOR 2003. Members of the Northern Ohio DX Association
have re-elected the following individuals for May 2003 through May 2004:
           President      : Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
           Vice President : Dwaine Modock, K8ME
           Secretary      : Ron Borkey, K8VJG
           Treasurer      : Mary Michaelis, N8DMM

RSGB IOTA CONTEST 2002 (Results). Justin, G4TSH, reports that the results
listings for the RSGB 2002 IOTA Contest are now available for viewing at:

S0, WESTERN SAHARA. Toni, EA5RM, URE Magazine's DX Editor and EADX Bulletin
Editor, informs OPDX that almost everything is ready for the upcoming
"Sahara 2003 Dxpedition". He states to look for the first press release
to be sent out at the end of the week.

SILENT KEY. It has been reported by the Russian Robinson Newsletter that
Vladimir Lukjanchuk, RX3DQU (RRC #629), has died in the plane crash on
March 1st. As a "Robinson" member, Vladimir may be well known for his
participation and activation of several Russian Robinson Award (RRA)
Islands. OPDX and its readers would like to send out their deepest
sympathy to Vladimir's family and friends.

SOUTH AMERICAN TRIP. Dr. Rick, NE8Z, informs OPDX that from March 14-30th,
that he will be operating from various locations in Argentina, Uruguay
and Brasil with the following callsigns:
     LU/NE8Z  - various locations in Argentina (LU0 for WPX)
     CX/NE8Z  - Colonia, Uruguay (CX0 for WPX)
     PY5/NE8Z - Iguazu Falls, Brasil
No specific dates were provided, but Dr. Rick will use a TS-50s with an
Outbacker TriSplit antenna. Operations will be on 40-10 meters CW (with
most of the activity on WARC bands). QSL via NE8Z: Dr. Rick Dorsch,
P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139 USA.

ST, SUDAN. Look for Claudio, IV3OWC, to operate as ST2CF (not ST1C as
previously announced) from March 16-31st. His activity will include an
entry in the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL direct only via home call.

SUDAN PIRATE. Reports indicate that the QSL Manager Claudio, IV3OWC, is
stating that Nobili, ST1MN, operations at this point are those of a pirate.
In fact, this callsign has indeed been issued and that activity is
anticipated, but the real ST1MN has no time for radio now (per IV3OWC).

the W2RZS Radio Club, will be active from the Providenciales (NA-002)
during the CQ WPX SSB Contest as VP5RZS (contest callsign), and will be
active before and after the contest as VP5/W2RZS and VP5/homecalls. They
are scheduled to be there from March 27th untill April 1st. They expect
to be active on 160-10 meters and possibly on 6 meters as well. There
will be WARC band activity before and after the contest. QSL via their
home callsigns through the bureau or direct. All cards will be answered
in the manner in which they are received. Please remember to use SASE,
etc....if sending direct. WB2NVR collects stamps, so overseas direct mail
bearing postage stamps will be an added plus for him.

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS. Operators William/KX4WW, Bruce/W4OV and
Charles/W4SAA will be active as VP5WW during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest
(March 29-30th) as a Multi-Single entry. Bill, KX4WW, informs OPDX that
he will be there from March 24th-April 2nd. The other operators will be
down there for a shorter stay. Outside of the contest, look for activity
on most HF bands both CW/SSB. QSL via KX4WW.

VP6/D, DUCIE ISLAND. It seems the Ducie Island DXpedition began a little
before 0001z, Sunday March 9th. The callsign they are using is VP6DIA.
It was announced late last week the following suggested frequencies will
be used:
   CW - 1826.5, 3507 and 7007 kHz (listen up per instructions)
        10102 or 10124 kHz (listen up per instructions)
        14020, 18070, 21020, 24900 and 28020 kHz (listen up 9 kHz on all)

        Up 9 allows other DX to transmit in the DX edge.

  SSB - 3793 and 7070 kHz (listen up per instructions)
        14195 kHz listening up on 14215 kHz (+), allows U.S. Generals
                  stations to call on 14225 and up
        18130 kHz listening up on 18140 kHz
        21295 kHz listening up on 21305 kHz
        24950 kHz listening up on 24955 kHz
        28445 kHz listening up on 28455 kHz(allows U.S. Technicians to call)
 RTTY - 21080 kHz listening up on 21100-21120 kHz (as a primary band as
                   long as there is demand)
        14080 kHz listening up on 14085 kHz (as a second band)
 50 MHz - 50110 kHz SSB/CW on operators instruction. A beacon will be
          there 24 hours.
Remember to QSL via JR2KDN: Yuichi Yoshida, 4F Kato Building, 529 Rokugaike,
Kita-Ku, Nagoya 462-0002, Japan. The URL address for pilot station's
bulletins are at:
There is also a link there to the official web site which has, among other
things,the log. The official web site is at:

WARD 2003 AWARD. The "World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) 2003 Award" is devoted
to commemorate the World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by the IARU on April
18th each year. The theme for the 2003 WARD is "Amateur Radio Supporting
Technology Education in the Classroom". It is issued by the MK QTC - Polish
Amateur's Radio Journal with PZK (Polish Amateur Radio Union) support. The
WARD Award is available for at least the following number of contacts:
10 QSOs on HF bands or 5 QSOs on VHF bands. All contacts must be made on
April 18th between 0000 and 2400z. A standard application form including
the list of QSOs should be sent before May 31, 2003 to: Redakcja MK QTC,
ul. Wielmozy 5b, 82-337 Suchacz-Zamek, Poland. The price of the WARD Award
is 5 USD or 5 Euro. This is a full color award, sized 210 x 297mm. The
WARD Award is available also for the same amounts of SWL reports. Any
questions can be sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

WEB SITE AND INVITATION. Stuart, VK8NSB, President of the Darwin Amateur
Radio Club, announces that their club is now online with Web pages located
The Darwin Amateur Club welcomes all visitors to the Northern Territory
Australia. Their meetings are on Wednesday nights starting at 1930 local
time. For more infomation, please feel free to contact Stuie at:
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

past week signing YU8/9X0A from Kosovo. The length of his activity is
unknown. He was heard on 17/12 meters 1230 and 1630z. Watch 18130, 18144
and 24964 kHz. Also, watch 20 meters CW/SSB after 0600z. QSL via UA3DX.

ZP40, PARAGUAY (Attention Prefix Hunters). Tom/ZP5AZL/ZP6Y and Jorge/CX6VM
will operate from Tom's station in the CQWPX SSB Contest as a Multi/Single/
High Power entry using the special callsign as ZP40Z. QSL via W3HNK.

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