15 March 2003 No 619 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] - BBS [EMAIL PROTECTED])            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED])                                         !

3A     - Max, IK2YSE reports the will be active (on 10-40 metres CW with some
         PSK31) as 3A/IK2YSE from Monaco on 28-31 March. All of the QSOs will
         be confirmed automatically via the bureau.
6W     - John, F5VHQ will be active  (on 40-10 meters  SSB) as 6W/F5VHQ  from
         Saint Louis, Senegal from 19 April to 1 May. QSL via home call. [TNX
9M2    - Keith Kerr, GM4YXI  is going again  to Malaysia and,  as always,  he
         will try to activate  various islands. Firm  plans thus far  include
         Pulau Tioman  (AS-046) with  Rich, G4ZFE  on 22-23  March. Look  for
         9M2/GM4YXI (SSB) and 9M2/G4ZFE (CW) on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres.
         QSL 9M2/GM4YXI via  N3SL, QSL 9M2/G4ZFE  via home  call (bureau)  or
         direct to Richard Everitt, #2601, PNB Darby Park Jalan Binjai, Kuala
         Lumpur 50450, Malaysia. [TNX GM3WOJ and N3SL]
A3     - Six German operators  (namely DL3OI, DL4WG,  DL5LYM, DL8DYL,  DL8YRM
         and DL9DRA) will be active as  A35XM from Tonga from  19 March to  4
         April. Further  information at  http://www.df3cb.com/a35xm; QSL  via
         DL8YRM  (e-mail   requests  for   bureau   cards  are   welcome   at
A3     - Janusz, SP9FIH reports he will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB)  from
         Tonga from 19 March to 14  April. He will  collect his licence  upon
         arrival. QSL  via  SP9FIH (Janusz  Wegrzyn,  P.O.  Box  480,  44-100
         Gliwice, Poland).
CO     - The CL9 prefix will be aired  for the first time during  the  CQ  WW
         WPX SSB Contest, when a  group of operators  from the Federacion  de
         Radioaficionados de  Cuba  (http://frc.co.cu) will  be  using  CL9C
         (Multi-Multi). [TNX CO2OJ]
F      - The Radio Club  of the Council  of Europe  will be  active as  TP6CE
         during the BARTG Spring RTTY Contest  (15-16 March). QSL via  F5LGF.
         [TNX F6FQK]
FM     - Bernard, F5LBG will be active as  FM/F5LBG from Martinique  (NA-107,
         DIFO MN-001) from  13 March to  12 April.  He will  operate on  6-80
         metres CW. QSL via home  call either direct  or through the  bureau.
         [TNX F5NQL]
FO_mar - I2MOV, I2YSB,  IK1AOD, IK1PMR,  IK2DIA, IK2GNW  and IK2WXV  will  be
         active from the Marquesas Islands (OC-027)  from 25 April through  9
         May. They  plan to  have three  stations on  all HF  bands plus  one
         station for 6 metres (a beacon  will be active every hour and  every
         half hour for 5 minutes on  50105). The call  is still unknown.  QSL
         via I2YSB. Further information at http://digilander.libero.it/i2ysb/
         [TNX I2YSB]
HH     - Al/K3VN has had to drop from the Team Haiti [425DXN 611] due to work
         commitments, but  has been  replaced by  another Florida  DXPedition
         Group member, Bob/K9MDO. Look for  HH4/K4QD, HH4/W4WX, HH4/N2WB  and
         HH4/K9MDO to be  active from the  Northwest Haiti Christian  Mission
         until 21  March. Look  for them  to participate  in the  BARTG  RTTY
         Contest as a Multi-Single  entry using  HH4/K4QD.  The  Team Haiti's
         web site is at http://www.geocities.com/n2wb2003/ [TNX K4QD]
HL     - A group of operators from the  Korea AnSung DX  Club will be  active
         (on 80-10 metres  CW, SSB  and RTTY)  as D70HL/2  from Chebu  Island
         (AS-105) on 4-6 April. QSL via bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
I      - Andrea, IK7YTT  reports  he will  operate  from San  Domino  in  the
         Tremiti Islands (IL7,  EU-050) from  28 March  to 1  April. He  will
         participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest, possibly as IL7T (SOSB  20
         metres Low Power).
I      - A group of  operator from  "Radio Group  Etna" will  be active  from
         Filicudi Island (EU-017,  IIA ME-003) on  24-27 April.  The plan  to
         operate on HF /SSB and CW),  6 and 2 metres.  QSL via IT9EJW  either
         direct (Alfio Bonanno, P.O. Box 18,  95028 Valverde - CT, Italy)  or
         through the  bureau.  Further information  at  http://www.rgetna.org
         [TNX IT9EJW]
J5     - Simone, IV3NVN/J5UDX  became  active as  J5UCX  from  Pecixe  Island
         (AF-093) on 12 March. He expects to be there until around 17  March,
         then he will  return to the  mainland and be  active again as  J5UDX
         until early April [425DXN 618].
JA     - Look for Take, JI3DST/6 to be  active (on 40, 17, 15,  12, 10 and  6
         metres SSB)  from Miyako  Island (AS-079)  on 20-23  March. QSL  via
         bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
JA     - A group  of operators  from Kitagawa  ARC will  be active  (on  80-6
         metres SSB  and CW)  as  JH1ZHU/1 (but  they  might also  use  their
         individual calls/1) from  the North  Izu Islands  (AS-008) on  21-23
         March. QSL via JH1ZHU/1 via JH1ZHU, others via their respective home
         call, either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Taka, JR3TVH/6  will be  again active  from Miyako  Island  (AS-079)
         starting around 9 UTC on 1 May until around 10 UTC on the 5th.  Look
         for activity on 6, 10, 12, 17 and 20 metres SSB and CW. QSL via home
         call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Look for  Toshi, JM1PXG/6  to be  active from  Tokara  Kuchino-shima
         (AS-049) starting around 1 UTC on  3 May until around  2 UTC on  the
         4th. He plans  to operate on  40, 20, 17,  15, 12 and  10 metres  CW
         only. QSL via home call  either direct or  through the JARL  bureau.
         [TNX JI6KVR]
JA_ant - Obi, JA0WJN is  currently active as  8J1RF from  Dome  Fuji  Station
         (WABA JA-04), Antarctica (AN-016). [TNX JA0WJN]
JW     - Francois, F8DVD will  be active (on  10-80 metres  SSB) as  JW/F8DVD
         from Svalbard on  20-24 April. He  will operate from  the JW5E  club
         station in  Longyearbyen, Spitzbergen  (EU-026). QSL  via home  call
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5NQL and F6DWX]
KH3    - Bert, V73GOD/WH7USA will return to Johnston on 18-20 March. He plans
         to operate as either KJ6BZ or KH3/WH7USA during his spare time. [TNX
         The Daily DX]
OH     - Special event station OH3T will be  active (on at  least on 80,  40,
         20, 15 and 10 metres SSB, possibly also CW) on 22 March to celebrate
         the European Year for the Disabeld. QSL via bureau. [TNX OH2HSJ]
OZ     - Look for Ela, OZ/DL3YMK and Torsten,  OZ/DH3YMG to be active on  40,
         20 and 15 metres  from Vendsyssel-Thy (EU-171)  on 5-17 April.  [TNX
P4     - Andy, AE6Y  will be  active as  P40Y from  Aruba (SA-036)  on  22-30
         March, CQ WW WPX SSB Contest included. QSL via home call. [TNX AE6Y]
PY0_spp- Joca, PS7JN [425DXN 615] confirms he  will be active from St.  Peter
         and St. Paul Rocks (SA-014) during the first two weeks of April.  He
         will operate as ZW0S mainly on 20,  15 and 10 metres SSB, with  some
         activity on 40 metres and the WARC bands. He currently has  computer
         problems, and he is unlikely to  be able to operate RTTY. Joca  will
         be working on the island, and he plans to be QRV after 19 UTC  until
         3   UTC.   QSL    via   PS7JN.   Updates    will   be   posted    at
R1F    - Valery/RD3AF, Valery/RX3DU  and Victor/UA3AKO  were expected  to  be
         active (on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY) as R1FJ (QSL via  DL6ZFG)
         from Franz Josef Land (EU-019) until 19 March. However, latest  news
         from Boris, RU3AX is that all flights in the region are grounded due
         to bad weather; if there is  not any imrpvement in the near  future,
         the operation will be cancelled.
ST     - The ST0RY group of operators [425DXN 608] will arrive in Khartoum on
         the 17 March and will be there until 2 April. They will  concentrate
         on the  low bands,  WARC, RTTY  and 6  metres with  three  stations.
         Further   information,   including    pilots,   is   available    at
SV5    - Goran, SM0CMH will be active (on  10-80 metres CW) as SV5/SM8C  from
         Kalymnos (EU-001) from 24 March to 4 April. QSL via home call either
         direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM0CMH]
T8     - Tosy, JA6VZB  will be  active (on  160 metres  only) as  T88JA  from
         Peleliu Island, Palau (OC-009)  on 19-22 March.  QSL via home  call.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
TF     - TF3W is the new contest call for the IRA (Icelandic Radio  Amateurs)
         radio club. They are currently moving  to a new club house and  most
         of the antennas are down, but they will try to participate in the CQ
         WW WPX SSB Contest using a vertical. [TNX TF3AO]
TU     - David, F5THR will be active as  TU5CD from the  Ivory Coast from  23
         March to 1 July. QSL via F8BON either direct or through the  bureau.
         [TNX La Gazette du DX]
UA     - RZ0OH, UA0OO, UA0OZ and RZ0OA plan to operate, possibly as RZ0OWI/p,
         from the Lake  Baikal's Chivyrkujsky Bay  South (RR-2108, not  IOTA)
         and North Islands (RR-2107, not IOTA)  on 13-17 March. [TNX  WRC/RRA
VK     - Steve, G0UIH reports he will be active again as VK2IAY/4 between  21
         November and 21 December. Exact itinery is yet to be finalised,  but
         the following activations  are in  the initial  stages of  planning:
         Hook Island  (OC-160) around  1 December  for  7 days,  Dunk  Island
         (OC-171) around 9 December  for 5 days  and Moreton Island  (OC-137)
         around 15 December for 4/5 days. Further information is expected  in
         due course.  QSL via  G0UIH either  direct  or through  the  bureau.
         Pictures and  information on  Steves' activations  is 2002  (OC-142,
         OC-137 and OC-172) are available at www.rsgbiota.org/vk2iay.htm
W      - The Fall River ARC will operate on all bands as W1ACT from  Martha's
         Vineyard (NA-046) on 2-4  May. QSL via  N1JOY (Roland Daignault,  19
         Davis Road, Westport, MA 02790, USA), [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
XE     - Next month  a group  of operators  from Radio  Club Cancun  will  be
         active (on  10-160 metres  CW,  SSB and  RTTY)  as XF3RCC  from  the
         following islands: Cozumel (NA-090) on 3-6 April, Holbox (NA-045) on
         6-8 April, Mujeres  (NA-045) on 8-11  April and  Contoy (NA-045)  on
         11-13 April. The operation will celebrate  the first anniversary  of
         RCC. QSL  via  XE3RCC (P.O.Box  1883,  Cancun, Quintana  Roo  77500,
         Mexico). [TNX XE2NN]
XZ     - Frank,  DL4KQ  (XY4KQ)  is  planning  an  IOTA  operation  from  the
         Yangon/Irrawaddy/Pegu Region group  (AS-???), Myanmar  for 3-4  days
         between 6 and 12 April. Actual  dates depend on local situation  and
         are stiil to be decided, as well as the call to be used. Frank,  who
         might be joined  by another operator,  plans to be  active on  10-80
         metres CW and SSB. QSL via DL4KQ. Further information will available
         at http://www.dx-pedition.de [TNX DL4KQ]
YB     - Ten operators from Indonesia (namely YB0AI, YB0DPO, YB0ECT,  YB0KLI,
         YB0LBK, YB8BHV, YB8CR, YB8HGM, YB8HZ and  YC8CPV) will be active  as
         YE8A from Takabonerate (OC-242) on 26-31 March. They plan to operate
         on 10-80 metres SSB, CW, SSTV, RTTY, PSK31 and Satellite (AO-40) and
         to participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via YB8BRI. The web
         site for the operation  is at http://takabonerate.aerocity.net [TNX
YB     - Look for Rivai, YB2MTA/p and Pri, YC2CJQ/p to be active from Panjang
         Island (OC-237) on  28-30 March.  On Friday  they will  try to  work
         PSK31 and  CW, then  they will  participate in  the  CQ WW  WPX  SSB
         Contest. QSL  for  both via  via  EA7FTR  (Francisco  Lianez  Suero,
         Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain). [TNX EA7FTR]
YK     - Saad, N5FF plans to operate again from Syria next month. His current
         and tentative plan is to be active as YK1BA from 15 until 27  April,
         give or take a day or two, and possibly extend his stay for few more
         days up to one week. The purpose  of the trip is not amateur  radio,
         so Saad's operating will be very spotty and not extensive at all. He
         hopes to be able to operate at least  3-4 hours a day, mainly on  20
         metres (+/- 14195 kHz SSB and  14045 kHz CW) unless the  propagation
         is better on  other bands  (10-40 metres) at the  time. He plans  to
         work the Americas  and Pacific between  1-4 UTC,  Europe and  Africa
         between 19-22 UTC and possibly   some local afternoons (11-14  UTC).
         QSL via N5FF, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX The Golist]
YS     - Holger (DL7IO,  http://www.dl7io.de/news.html), Birgit  (DL7IQ)  and
         Cisco (YS1CF) will be active  (on 10-80 metres  SSB, SSTV, RTTY  and
         CW) from various sites in El Salvador between 24 March and 11 April.
         They will be using YS1/homecall from the San Salvador area and  HU1M
         (Multi-Single) during the CQ WW WPX  SSB Contest. They also plan  to
         operate from Meanguera Island (NA-190) as YS3/homecall and to take a
         side trip to Honduras and  be active as  HR4/homecall from El  Tigre
         (NA-060). QSLs for all via DK7AO. [TNX VE3LYC]
ZL     - Steve, G4EDG  will  be  active  as  ZL1/G4EDG  from  Waiheke  Island
         (OC-201) from about 14 March for 4-5 days. This will be a 20m QRP CW
         only operation, best time for Europe  is around 6 UTC. QSL via  home
         call. [TNX G4EDG]
ZP     - Tom/ZP5AZL and Jorge/CX6VM  will participate in  the CQ  WW WPX  SSB
         Contest as  ZP40Z (Multi-Single)  from Asuncion,  Paraguay. QSL  via
         W3HNK. [TNX CX6VM]

PACIFIC TOUR ---> Jeffrey, KI0RO reports  he will be active (on 10-40  metres
CW and SSB) from the Marshall Islands and Micronesia as follows:
23-28 March       V73/KI0RO   Roi-Namur, Kwajalein (OC-028)
30 March-2 April  V63JE       Kosrae (OC-059)
4-7 April         V63JE       Pohnpei (OC-010)
This is not a DXpedition and  Jeffrey will be QRV as  time permits. All  QSLs
via KI0RO.

MDXC ---> Antonio, IZ8CCW reports that several members of the Mediterraneo DX
Club (http://www.mdxc.org) will be using special calls between 1 and 6  April
to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Club. Look for IB0MDC (from Ventotene
Island, EU-045), IR1MDC, IR2MDC, IR6MDC, IR8MDC, IU8MDC, IR8M (from the  MDXC
HQ), IO8MDC (from Dino Island, EU-144), II8MDC and IR9MDC from Italy, as well
as for YC3MDC  from OC-021 and  EA8MDC from  the Canary  Islands (AF-004).  A
special QSL will be available from  the MDXC (P.O. Box  245, 87100 Cosenza  -
CS, Italy); bureau cards should be routed via IZ8BGY. The operators  involved
in the celebration are EA8AKN, I8JOQ, IK1NLZ, IK2TDM, IK2THN, IK2UVR, IK2VUC,

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

5B4AHJ ---> This is the permanent 5B call received by Alan, G3PMR on 7 March.
Alan reports he used it during the RSGB Commonwealth Contest at the  weekend,
and will use it again for all future operations from Cyprus. QSL via G3PMR.

A35KB ---> Father Kevin Burke, A35KB is now QRT. "Kevin is very busy with his
duties as  parish priest  on the  island of  Eua, and  is no  longer able  to
operate on the radio. He has  allowed his license to  expire, his station  is
dismantled and he has no intention of getting back on the air any time  soon.
Kevin can no longer respond to QSL requests". The information came from  Paul
Kidd, A35RK, who talked to Father Kevin on the phone. [TNX The Daily DX]

DX1ABC ---> The Philippine Amateur Radio  Association reports that the  "same
person using  DU1ABC now  using DX1ABC  is an  illegal  operator as  per  the
records of our National Telecommunications Commission." [TNX The Daily DX]

LF IN  POLAND  ---> Sylwester  Jarkiewicz,  SP2FAB reports  that  the  Polish
telecommunications authority  has approved  the use  of 135.7-137.8  kHz  for
amateur radio on a secondary basis with 1W e.i.r.p. on CW.

NOT THE  MANAGER --->  IK4JPR, IK4RUX  and IZ4CCO  operated from  San  Marino
(T70A) and  Vatican  (HV5PUL)  on  29-30  September  2001  and  16  May  2002
respectively. They are receiving QSL  cards, but they  cannot confirm any  of
those QSOs. Please  note that cards  for T70A should  be sent  via bureau  or
direct to A.R.R.S.M.,  P.O. Box 77,  San Marino A1,  47031 Repubblica di  San
Marino. Cards for HV5PUL should be sent direct only to Pontificia Universita'
Lateranense, Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 4, 00120 Citta' del Vaticano.

PIRATE ---> "I am sorry to report that Albert, 5R8GZ call is being pirated on
80 and 160 metres", Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH says. "Albert does not operate  on
these bands at all as he has no suitable antennas".

QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> William  Brooks, KV4DT is  willing to volunteer  his
services as a QSL manager.  Please contact him  at either [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or
P.O. Box 309, Drummonds, TN 38023, USA.

QSL ES85x  --->  Oleg, ES1RA  reports  that the  correct  QSL routes  are  as
follows: ES85M (CW) via ES1RA, ES85M (SSB) via ES1QD, ES85J (CW) via ES1RA.

QSL HK3AXY --->  W2GR (Mike  Benjamin, 1064  99th Street,  Niagara Falls,  NY
14304, USA)  is the  new QSL  manager for  Daniel, HK3AXY.  Mike will  accept
direct cards only, while bureau cards should be sent to HK3AXY.

QSL TR8XX ---> The Daily DX reports that Didier, F5OGL "received a phone call
from  TR8SA,  Christian  saying  he  visited  the  QTH  of  the  late  TR8XX,
Jean-Claude, in Libreville, Gabon. Christian was  unable to locate any  logs.
Christian had also checked the  home of Jean-Claude  in France earlier,  also
with no luck". Didier is therefore  unable to confirm  past QSOs with  TR8XX,
all requests will be returned to sender. Please note that F5OGL does have the
logs for the 3C2JJ operation (AF-082, May 1999) and another one from Corsica.

QSL VIA DJ2MX ---> Mario, DJ2MX  reports he has  finally received the  3D2IR,
5W0IR, 6Y5/VK2IR, J6/VK2IR and KH8/VK2IR cards that had been mailed direct to
VK2IR. Mario will not be able to reply to these cards before April, as he  is
currently moving to Munich and QSL management has to be put on hold for a few
weeks. Mario will announce his new address as  soon as he settles in his  new
home; at all events, all  the mail sent  to his Bad  Nauheim address will  be
forwarded until April 2004.

QSL VIA WD9EWK ---> Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK is the new QSL manager for LU6XQ
and LU3XQ. Cards can be sent either direct or through the W9 QSL bureau. [TNX

VP6DIA ---> The second Ducie Island operation  went QRT on 13 March in  their
local morning.  QSL  via  JR2KDN  (Yuichi  Yoshida,  4F  Kato  Building,  529
Rokugaike, Kita-Ku, Nagoya 462-0002, Japan).

WORLD ROBINSON CUP 2003 --->  The Russian Robinson  Club sponsors the  "World
Robinson  Cup"  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  for  contacting  stations  operating  from
islands between 1 April and 30 September 2003. The national island programmes
considered by  WRC  are CIsA  (Canada),  DIA (Denmark),  DIB  (Brazil),  DICE
(Chile), DIE and DIEI (Spain),  DIFM and DIFO  (France), DIP (Portugal),  GIA
(Germany), IIA  and  ILIA  (Italy),  IOCA  (Croatia),  IOSA  (Scotland),  RRA
(Russia), SPIA  (Poland),  UIA  (Ukraine),  USIA  (United  States)  and  IWDR
(Islands of West Dvina River). Full  information is available on the  Russian
Robinson Club's web site (http://www.hamradio.ru/rrc)

XE1IH ---> Please  note that the  *new* address for  XE1IH is Enrique  Garcia
Munive, P.O. Box  118-481, 07051 Mexico  - D.F., Mexico.  Enrique is the  QSL
manager for  the 20-27  March XF2IH  operation from  Enmedio Island  (NA-???)
[425DXN 611]. [TNX XE1IH]

ZL1AMO AIR AMBULANCE FUND ---> The  International DX Association has  reached
its goal of collecting 20,000 USD  for the ZL1AMO Air Ambulance Fund  [425DXN
603]. INDEXA absorbed all administrative costs so that 100% of each  donation
went directly to the Fund.
"On behalf of  INDEXA, ZL1AMO,  and the  Wright family",  Judy Rousch,  AA7UC
says, "please express our gratitude to  your subscribers. In a time of  great
need, they and many others in the DX/amateur radio community came together to
provide assistance to a colleague. Working together as a team, we provided  a
humanitarian service that none of us could have accomplished alone".

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:              The  logs  for  the  recent  JW/SM0BSO,  JW/SM0LQB  and
                   JW/SM1TDE operation from Longyearbyen, Svalbard (3319 QSOs
                   in 5 days)  are now available  at http://www.qsl.net [TNX
RUSSIAN DISTRICTS: The Russian Districs Award web site  (http://rdaward.org/)
                   is  under   reconstruction   and  information   has   been
                   transferred to http://www.dxsoft.com/~rdaward [TNX UA9ORQ]
QSL DB:            Boye Christensen, OZ7C  has updated his  QSL DBase  (which
                   now contains 337,256 unique  records) for Packet  Cluster.
                   The      package      can      be      downloaded       at
                   http://www.qsl.net/oz7c/qsl [TNX OZ7C, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QSLs received direct: 3A2MD, 3C5XA, 3D2RW, 3V8BB, 4W6GH, 5K0Z, 5R8FL, 5T5PBV,
5U7JB, 6W/F6HLC, 6Y0T, 6Y5/K3TEJ, 7Q7CE, 7Q7LA,  8N1OGA, 8P8P, 8P9NX,  9H3JR,
9J2BO, 9L1AB, 9M6/OK2PBM, A45WD, A61AJ, A92ZE, BI5D (AS-141), BI7W  (AS-139),
BI7Y (AS-143), BQ9P, C53CW, C56JHF, C6ALK, CE0ZIS, CE6M (SA-061), CV1F, CV5D,
D2GG,  D44TD,  EP6KI (AS-166),  FO0PT, FS/KM3T,  FW8FP,  H2G,  HC8A, IT9MRM/9
(WAIL SI-02), J3A,  J75PL, JT1BG, JT1CO, K1B (SSB), KG4IZ,  KG4MO,  KP4/NE8Z,
N8Z,  NH6D/KH4,  NH7Y,  P40TA, PJ2/WC4E,  PJ7/KM3T, PJ7/ND5S,  PZ1DG,  R1ANC,
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