SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.604
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 604

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 604
BID: $OPDX.604
March 24, 2003
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
Online at 440-237-8208 28.8k-1200 Baud 8/N/1

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, ARNewsline, K1XN & GoList, N1NA, AI2Q,, WA2MOE, NG3K,
W3UR & The Daily DX, K4SV, N4AA & QRZ DX, N4GN, AA5XE, N5FG, K8YSE,
EU1SA, F5NQL & UFT, FJ5DX & La Gazette du DX, HK6DOS, I1JQJ & IK1ADH -
Islands News, OK1JR, OZ6OM/OZ7M & OZ 50 MHz DX Bulletin, PA5ET, PS7AB,
and ZS1AN for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 16th/March, through Sunday, 23rd/March there were 228
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3C, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 3X, 4J,
4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q,
7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9Y,
A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT,
CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, ER, ES, ET, EU,
EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR,  FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM,
GU, GW, H3, H4, HA, HB, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J3,
J5, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH3, KH6, KH8,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY,
OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV,
SV/a, SV5, SV9, T30, T31, T32, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR,
TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE,
VK, VK9N, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP8/h, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, YB,
YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP,

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations. As
  always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL).

3XY, GUINEA. Leo, UT1WL (a member of Lviv Shortwave Club regional branch
of UARL) is currently working for one of the companies in Conakry in the
Republic of Guinea. He obtained the license from the local authorities
(as of March 16th) to operate as 3XY1L. He is expected to be active during
the year 2003. This is not a DXpedition, and he will be active only during
his spare time on the weekdays after 1800z and probably in the daytime
during the weekends. Most of his activity will be on 20 and 15 meters.
However, he will later try to activate 40 meters. Over the past week,
he was mainly on 20 meters (watch 14195 and 14210 kHz) and activity took
place between 2000-0000z. There were a few QSNs reported on 40 and 15
meters. Leo is using a TS-50S transceiver on battery power due to the hard
situation with electricity. During his stay there, Leo will try to activate
some local islands (including some new IOTAs - AF-NEW) but the exact dates
will be announced later on. QSLs should be sent to UY5XE: George Chlijanc,
P.O.Box 19, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine (either direct or via the bureau). A
special thanks to Branko, YU1FW, for his consultations on the info about
obtaining the license in Guinea.

4L, GEORGIA. Look for Shota, 4L6AM, to be active in the CQ WPX SSB Contest
as a Single-Op/Single Band (band not mentioned)/High Power entry. QSL via
the address on

5Z4, KENYA. Tom/DL2RUM (5Z4BL) and Jan/DJ8NK (5Z4BK) will be on a vaction
trip from here, March 30th to April 12th. Activity will be on CW/SSB/RTTY.
No activity on 160/30/6 meters. QSL via their home callsigns.

9K, KUWAIT. Faisal, 9K2RR, is expected to use the new contest club callsign
9KCC next weekend. Activity for this new callsign is planned to be used
on March 23rd on CW/SSB on 15 meters between 1200-1600z. More details
about the new contest club can be found on the Web page:

C5, THE GAMBIA. Andrius, LY2TA, will be active as C56TA from March 25th
to April 7th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters SSB/CW/RTTY. QSL via LY2TA:
Andrius Ignotas, P.O.Box 15, Kursenai, LT-5420, Lithuania.

C5, THE GAMBIA. An international group of operators LY2TA, RA4HTX, RZ4HF,
YL1ZF, YL2KL and YL3CW will be active as C5P in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest
(March 29-30th) and EA RTTY Contest. Their operating class is unknown. QSL
via YL2KL. The group will be there for 2 weeks from March 25th through April
7th and will use the following callsigns: YL2KL - C53KL, YL3CW - C53CW,
YL1ZF - C53ZF, LY2TA - C56TA, RZ4HF - C56HF and RA4HTX - C56HTX. They will
be active CW/SSB/RTTY on all HF bands.

C5, THE GAMBIA (Lighthouse Activity). Kas, YL1ZFI, one of the international
operators from the operation above, plans to be active from Fort James
Island and also activate the lighthouse there (reference GAM-002). To
indicate that he is on the island, Kas will sign /p to his Gambian callsign
C53ZF. If you hear him without the /p then he is located at the hotel in
Banjul and not on the island.

CT3KU, CT3KY and CT3HK will be active as CQ9K in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest
(March 29-30th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via CT3EE or CT3BD or CT3DL.
The station is located in Santo da Serra- Madeira Island and is composed
of 1 FT 1000D, 1 FT1000MP, 1 TS 870, 2 IC756PROII, 2 Ameritron AL1500, 1
Commander, 1 Heathkit 922 Antennas: 2x3 Elem. Tribander, 1x6 element for
20m, 1x2 element for 40m, 2 dipols for 40m, 2 dipols for 80m, and a Delta
loop for 80m.

CS6, PORTUGAL. Look for CS6RPA to operate as a Multi-Single station during
the CQ WPX SSB Contest from Mendro Mount in Alentejo, South Portugal. This
is a TEAM PORTUGAL joint effort by ARPA (Associacao Radioamadores Planicie
Alentejana) and CRCV (Club Radio Costa Verde). The club station of ARPA will
be used, including two Cushcraft A4S and a 40/80 m dipole. TEAM PORTUGAL
this year is: CT1EAT, CT1ERK, CT1ETE, CT1GQN and CT2IAF. QSL cards should
be addressed to CT1EAT direct or via bureau.

DXCC (EARLY) LISTING AVAILABLE. The DXCC 2002 Annual Report is now available
on the ARRL web site at:
The report is in Adobe Acrobat format, and you will need Acrobat Reader
4.0 or later to read it.

EA8, CANARY ISLAND. Richard, EA8AJO, is expected to be active in the
CQ WPX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/All Band entry. QSL via CBA.

EA9, CEUTA AND MELILLA. Jim, N6TJ, will be active as EA9LZ during the
CQ WPX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All Band entry. QSL via VE3HO (this
operation ONLY).

FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA. Jean-Baptiste, F8DQL, will be active as FO/F8DQL
from Tahiti (IOTA OC-046 and DIFO FO002) between May 3-25th. This will be
a CW ONLY activity. Jean-Baptiste has also planned a several day trip to
Moorea (IOTA OC-046 and DIFO  FO010) whose dates will be provided later
on. Suggested frequencies are: 14030, 21030 and 28030 kHz (+/- QRM). QSL
via F8DQL to the French REF Bureau or direct to: Jean-Baptiste JACQUEMARD,
241, Boulevard Voltaire, F-75011 Paris, FRANCE. Direct QSLs without
sufficient postage will be answered by the bureau.

FY, FRENCH GUIANA. Didier, FY5FY, will be active in the CQ WW WPX SSB
Contest (March 29-30th) as a Single-Op/All Band/High Power entry. QSL
via FY5FY.

HC8, GALAPAGOS ISLANDS. HC8N will be active during the CQ WPX SSB Contest
in the Multi-Multi category with the following operators: N5KO, XE1KK, NM5M,
KI7WX, OH0XX, K5KA and LU8ADX. Pre-contest activity will begin on Monday,
March 24th on all bands from 160-6 meters plus FM Sats. QSL via W5UE.

HU, EL SALVADOR (Update to OPDX.603). Holger, DL7IO, informed OPDX that
he and Birgit/DL7IQ will use the callsign HU1M for the whole time they
are there (March 24th-April 11th and not only for the contest). Their
contest effort is planned for a Multi-Single entry or possibly a Multi-2
entry if they get help from some local HAMs. On the weekend of April 5-6th,
they will be active from Meanguera Island (NA-060) as HU1M/3. The schedules
for the HR4 Island (Amapala Island) is not confirmed yet. Also, the callsign
is not sure yet. Holger asked for HQ4M and the decision was expected last
Wednesday, however, nothing was heard as of print time. If the callsign
is denied, they will use HR4/homecall. They will have two radios (FT890)
and 1x PA (500 W). Antennas will be: a beam for 20-10m, a HF9V vertical
(80-10m) and dipoles (160/80m). They will be active on 160-10 meters on
CW, SSB and RTTY. Holger cannot promise SSTV. The QSL route will be DK7AO.
A log search will be available after their return. ADDED NOTE (from Holger):
Germany had a change in their postal rates. For small letters (to outside
Europe destinations) there is no difference between airmail or surface mail
charges. Every letter costs 1.50 Euro. So it needs 2 green stamps or better
one IRC. Letters mailed inside Europe are cheaper now and cost 51 Eurocent.

IOTA (XE) OPERATIONS.  Look for a group of operators from Radio Club Cancun
(RCC) to activate a few Mexican IOTAs using the callsign XF3RCC during the
first part of April. All activity will be on 160-10 meters CW/SSB/RTTY.
Their expected schedule is as follows:
    Cozumel (NA-090) - April 3-6th      Mujeres (NA-045) - April 8-11th
    Holbox  (NA-045) - April 6-8th      Contoy  (NA-045) - April 11-13th
Their operations are to celebrate the first anniversary of the RCC. QSL
via XE3RCC: P.O. Box 1883, Cancun, Quintana Roo 77500, Mexico

IOTA NEWS.............................
    AF-018.  (UPDATE) Operator Giuseppe "Joe", IT9BLB, informs OPDX that
             he and the International team will activate Pantelleria Island
             (CQ Zone 33, IIA TP-01 and WAIP TP) as IH9P during the CQ
             World Wide DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a Multi-Multi
             entry. Joe states that it will be the 6th time to be active
             from there (IH9P M/M since 1998). The team usually stays on
             the island for about 8 days before the SSB contest, operating
             during their free times. Pre-contest testing times will be
             on all WARC/HF bands, on CW and RTTY. QSL via KR7X. More
             details will be forthcoming closer to contest time. Please
             visit the Web page at:

    AF-064.  (Update to OPDX.596) Robben Island is listed amongst the
             top 500 most wanted IOTA groups in the latest IOTA Directory.
             There have been several fairly low-key operations in recent
             years, mainly on SSB only. The team, consisting of Phil/G3SWH,
             David/G3UNA, Vidi/ZS1EL, Kosie/ZS1SR, Malcolm/ZS1MC and
             Andrew/ZS1AN, has been allocated the special callsign ZS1RBN.
             Additionally, the lighthouse on the island counts as SAF023
             for the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Service (ARLHS). The team
             plans to activate the island between April 4-7th, and,
             propagation permitting, have two stations on the air on a
             24 hours a day basis. One station will operate SSB and one
             will operate CW on all bands 40-10 meters. QSLs will be handled
             by G3SWH, either direct to his CBA with SAE and return postage
             or via the RSGB bureau.

    AS-017.  (Update) Look for Nobu, JQ1EYN/6, to be active from the
             uninhabited island of Komaka Island (next to Okinawa, which
             takes about 15 minutes to get there by the express ship). If
             the WX is bad, he will not be able to reach the island. His
             activity will take place April 27-28th (possibly the 29th)
             on CW/SSB on all bands including 6 meters. Main frequencies
             will be: 21260 kHz (SSB) and 7030 (CW). He will use a FT-817
             with a 50w PWR AMP and portable generator. Antenna will be a
             Delta loop (wire)+ATU(icom AH-4). QSL via the bureau or direct
             to: Nobuhiko Hiruma, Engel Kawasaki Glandia 1405 higasida-chou,
             Kawasaki-ku KAWASAKI city KANAGAWA, 210-0005 JAPAN.

    AS-125.  Winit, HS1CKC (HSDXA's preasident), has announced a mini
             DXpedtion to Chang Island in the southeast part of Thailand
             during April 5-7th. The callsigns to be used are as follows:
                  HS0GBI/P  80m and 40m CW   QSL via CBA/Bureau
                  HS1CKC/P  High band   SSB  QSL via CBA/Bureau
                  E20HHK/P  High band   CW   QSL via E21EIC
             Operating frequencies will be on the IOTA frequencies. The
             operators will include: HS0GBI, HS1CKC, E20HHK, HS9IFG,
             E20NTS, E20RRW, HS0NNU, HS6MYW, HS6TIM and E21LSE.

    EU-025.  Giuseppe "Joe", IT9BLB, will be active from Sicily Island
             as IU9S during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th) as
             a Single-Op/Single Band (20m)/High Power entry. QSL via

    EU-051.  Members of the "Project DX Team" (Ari Lomazzo), which includes
             operators Andrea/IK2XDE, Giovanni/IK2JYT, Antonio/IK2ZJR,
             Dario/IK4MED and Angelo/I2ADN will activate Ustica Islands
             (IE9, IIA PA-001 and WW. Loc. JN68OR) between March 26th and
             April 1st. Activity will be on all HF bands 80-10 meters plus
             50 MHz and Satellite, on SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31 and some SSTV.
             The callsigns used during their activity will be IE9/homecall
             (this also includes their activity in the CQ WPX SSB Contest).
             During the week they will concentrate their activity on the
             WARC bands and also on the digital modes. So, this is your
             chance to work the IE9 prefix on all bands and modes. All QSLs
             will be via their home callsign for sure via the BUREAU.

    EU-124.  The North Wales Radio Rally Club, Bardsey Island Lighthouse
             DXpedition 2003, will take place from August 17-23rd. They
             will be using the callsign GW0NWR/p. Operation will be on 80-6
             meters SSB and CW. The Lighthouse references numbers are
             LH-0685 for the World Lighthouse Award and WAL-001. QSL via
             GW0DSJ: E. Shipton, 34 Argoed, Kinmel Bay, Rhyl, Conwy,
             LL18 5LN, Wales, UK (w/ IRCs or return envelope with postage

    OC-242.  A group of YB operators will be active from Rajuni Island,
             as YE8A. QSL via YB8BRI. They hope they will be active during
             next weekend's WPX SSB Contest. More information will be
             available during the operation. Frequency Band plan can be
             found on Web at:

KH2, GUAM. Yoshi, JE2EHP, will be active from here as K1HP/KH2 between
April 11-14th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters CW/SSB. QSL is via the
Bureau to JE2EHP.

KH3, JOHNSTON ISLAND. John, KT6E, will be here for the next several months.
Reports indicate that he is using just 100 watts with a long wire and has
been worked on 20 SSB. QSNs show him signing KH3/KT3E and active on 14185
kHz around 0615z. John is there working, so his operating time will depend
on his work schedule. "The Daily DX" is reporting the QSL address of:
John Lee, PO Box 153, APO AP 96558 Johnston Atoll.

MU, GUERNSEY. Members of the Scouts Radio Club SP5ZCC (Operators SP5UAF,
SP5LCC, SP5MBQ and SP5ULC/M0ULC) will be active from Guernsey Island from
April 2-8th. This operation is organized to celebrate 23 years of the
Scouts Radio Club SP5ZCC and also 70th Anniversary of the SP DX Contest.
The callsigns to be used: MU/SP5UAF, MU/SP5LCC, MU/SP5MBQ and MU0ULC. The
callsign MU0ULC will be used during the SP DX Contest. SPDXC is a single-
country contest (SP HAMs work stations outside Poland), but all callsigns
will be answered. Before and after the contest, operators will be active
on all possible bands and modes. All QSL cards (for all callsigns) go
via SP5ZCC (the best via the bureau).

OY, FAROE ISLAND (DXpedition Update). Rob, PA5ET, reports that thanks to
a strike at SMYRIL LINE (the ferry line between Denmark-Shetland Islands-
Faroe Islands) they had to change their planned OY activity. They are
currently planning to go one week later which means they will arrive in
the early morning of Monday, March 31st and stay until April 10th.
Unfortunately, they will miss the CQ WPX Contest. The published callsigns
will remain the same: OY7ET operator PA5ET, OY7QA operator PA3FQA, OY7TW
operator GM4FDM, OY7WB operator AK0A, OY7WP operator PA3EWP and OY8PA for
160 meters and probably digital modes. On 80 meters they will be using
their individual callsigns in contradiction to earlier announcements.
They will have 3 stations with amps with one to be dedicated to digital
modes. During the dark periods, they will mainly be active on 80 and 160
meters. You can expect lots of digital mode activity on the WARC bands,
so this is your chance to fill the OY gaps on all bands and modes.
All QSLs will be handled by the LLDXT QSL Manager PA5ET: Rob Snieder,
Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS  Voorburg, The Netherlands. They hope to
upload logs on daily basis using cellular phones. The latest developments
can be found on the LLDXT web-site:
Currently, they are working on a back-out plan if the strike is still on
next week, and will go to the Isle of Man.

and UA9OTM will be active as P3A during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March
29-30th) as a Multi/??? entry. QSL via W3HNK.

QSL INFO AND NEWS............................
   DO NOT QSL VIA THE BUREAU. Floyd, N5FG, informs OPDX that N5AU will not
   answer Bureau cards..

   QSL H44H via Kazuo Miyamura, P.O. Box 321, Port Moresby, PAPUA NEW

   Oscar, HK6DOS, informs OPDX that the QSL Manager for HK6DOS, HK6KKK,
   HK6ISX and HJ3ISB is Pepe, EA5KB. Also, the QSL Manager for HK6PSG is
   Paco, EA5OL.

   QSLs for the Caribbean Tour 2002 J7/VP2M have been mailed this past
   weekend per Rob, PA5ET.

   Online logs are now available for JS6QVP and JS6QVQ from the IOTA
   AS-047 Daito Island operation at:

   K1B QSL REMINDER. Dave, K4SV, K1B North America QSL Administrator, K1B
   Team member (as KW4DA), wants to remind everyone that K1B QSLs can
   be sent to Stephen, K4YL (direct ONLY, NO BUREAU QSLS). They have put
   about 2000 QSL requests in the mail so far, and they receive an average
   of 25 QSLs daily from all over the world. Please keep them coming, it's
   working! Please contact Stephen, K4YL, the new K1B QSL manager, (if you
   have any special requests) at:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Stephen will do all he can to help you in obtaining all K1B QSL cards.
   Send your direct requests to: Stephen Grose, K4YL  (ex W4SMG),
   PO Box 183, Flat Rock, NC  28731-0183, Their goal is to get everyone
   QSLed for K1B who has not received their cards. Please remember:
      USA - send SASE.
      DX  - send SAE, one Green Stamp preferred or one Large IRC accepted.

   NOT THE QSL MANAGER. Chuck, N1NA, reports that he has been receiving
   QSL Cards for PJ5NA, and he is NOT the QSL Manager nor the operator of
   PJ5NA. The correct QSL Manager is K1NA.

   PS7AHR is the official station of "The Brazilian Amateur Radio Historical
   Archive", the only organization in Brazil that is devoted to documenting
   and preserving the history of amateur radio in Brazil. QSL via the
   Bureau, or P.O. Box 2021, Natal/RN, 59094-970, Brazil.

   QSL SO6A via SP6IHE. Jan, SP6IHE, states this is a special contest

   Activity as TG0AA in the 2003 ARRL International DX CW Contest was
   done by operator Dennis, K7BV. QSL direct to: Club de Radioaficionados
   de Guatem ala (CRAG), P.O. BOX 115, CORREO CENTRAL, GUATEMALA CITY 01011,
   GUATEMALA. Their Web page is at:

   Vasilij, RW6HS, reports that he is now the QSL Manager for: UN7MM,
   UK8CAD and UK8CWA.

   It was announced (by Kan, JA1BK) last week that the VP6DIA logs will
   be available on-line sometime after March 22nd, when QSL Manager Yuichi,
   JR2KDN, has returned to Japan from Ducie.

S05, WESTERN SAHARA. Operators Marq/CT1BWW, Fernando/EA1BT, Juan/EA2RC,
Julio/EA5XX, Max/I8NHJ, Jordan/KD7RCD, Doug/N6TQS, Hrane/YT1AD and
Miki/YU1AU will be active as S05X from April 16-21st. Activity will be
on 160-6 meters. QSL via EA4URE. Toni, EA5RM, URE Magazine DX Editor,
will act as pilot station. Any questions or comments can be sent to him
at:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Log will be posted at after the team returns
back home at:     

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for the special callsign, EW5HST, to be active during
the "5th World High Speed Telegraphy Championship", which is to take place
in Minsk, Belarus, on May 4-8th. For the moment, the callsign, EW5HST, will
be used by the Championship's organizers. The "CW ONLY" station will be
active around 1800z on the weekdays and at random (but longer times) on
the weekends. The expected frequencies are to be around 30 kHz from any
band edge; 14030 kHz will be used mostly. Any question regarding the
Championship can be asked during any QSO. QSL via EU1SA. Details of the
Championship can be found on:

SPECIAL EVENT. Sam, VE3XAP, informs OPDX that the Industry Canada has
authorized the use of the following "Special Event Prefixes" to celebrate
50th Anniversary of the National Library of Canada between May 24th and
July 27th. Look for Canadian operators to change their prefixes as follows:
              CK for all VE's            CY for all VO's
              CJ for all VA's            CZ for all VY's

ST2, SUDAN. Claudio, IV3OWC, has been very active as ST2CF over the past
week and will continue until March 31st. Activity over the past week
has been on 40/20/17/15/12 meters. Watch 24945, 21295, 18145, 14195 and
7048 kHz. Look for him to be active in the CQ WPX Contest. Also, check
out the following Web page for more details at:

ST0, SUDAN. The ST0RY team continues to be active. Activity has been
heavy on the lower bands and the WARC bands, mainly CW with some RTTY
and very little SSB. Three of the five operators are CW operators. They
expect to leave the evening of April 2nd. For updates, watch the Web
page at:     

TO3, MARTINIQUE. Danny, T93M, will be active from March 25-31st from the
QTH of Laurent, FM5BH, on Martinique (IOTA NA-107) as FM/T93M. Activity
will include an entry in CQ WPX SSB Contest in the Single-Op/All Band/
High Power category using the special callsign TO3M. Outside of the contest,
you can expect him on the WARC and Low Bands. QSL for both callsigns
goes to DJ2MX who recently moved to this new address: Mario Lovric,
Kampenwandstrasse 13, D-81671 Muenchen, Germany. Mail sent to the old
address (Mario Lovric, Am Oelberg 11, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany) will
be forwarded until April 2004.

V3, BELIZE. Jay, K0BCN, will be active from Caye Caulker (IOTA NA-073)
as V31MX during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th) as a Single-Op/
Single Band (15m)/Low power entry. QSL via K0BCN.

reports, "Due to inclement weather, my departure from Denver, Colorado, has
been delayed. As a result, I will be arriving in each location a few days
late.  However, due to airline availability, I will be staying a few days
longer in both Kosrae and Pohnpei." Here are the new dates for Jeffrey's
IOTA operations:
         Roi-Namur (OC-028) - March 26-31st as V73/KI0RO
         Kosrae    (OC-059) - April 2-7th as V63JE
         Pohnpei   (OC-010) - April 9-14th as V63JE
All the other information in OPDX.603 is still valid.

VK9X, CHRISTMAS ISLAND. Four members of Yamato ARC (JA1ZEK) will be active
from here between April 26th and May 2nd. They will be on all HF band from
160-6 meters CW/SSB/RTTY. They will have two 400 watts amplifiers with
four rigs. Operators and their callsigns are: VK9XC - Karl/JA3MCA, VK9XE -
Kuni/JA8VE, VK9XK - Sasi/JA1KJW and VK9XY - Mat/JA1JQY. Their suggested
frequencies are:
  CW  - 1822, 3507, 7007, 10007, 14007, 18077, 21007, 24897, 28007 and 50110
  SSB - 3799, 7080, 14170, 18130, 21270, 24940, 28470 and 50110
 RTTY - 14080 and 21080
 6m beacon will be on 50.110MHz
QSL via each operator's home callsign as follows:
  JA3MCA - Tachibana Kaoru, 1-7-5-403 Tsukimino, Yamato, 242-0002 JAPAN
  JA8VE  - Saito Kunio, 2-26-5-554 Nishitsuruma, Yamato, 242-0005 JAPAN
  JA1KJW - Nakayama Hisashi, 1-17-8 Shibuya, Yamato, 242-0023 JAPAN
  JA1JQY - Matsui Shigeo, 2-31-10 Shimoseya, Seya, Yokohama, 246-0035 JAPAN

ZW2, BRAZIL. Sergio "CRIS", PY2TV, will be active in the CQ WPX SSB Contest
using the special callsign/prefix ZW2TV from Sao Paulo, Brazil. He will be
Single-Op/Single Band (10m)/ Low Power entry. QSL via the bureau or direct
to PY2TV (SASE+postage).

ZW90, BRAZIL (Special Event/Callsign). Paul, PY3DX, Club Director of the
"Associacao De Radiomadores", reports that their club station, PY3ARD
(AR SOGIPA, from southern Brazil), has obtained from the Brazilian Telecom
the special callsign ZW90S throughout the year. The callsign is to celebrate
the 90th anniversary of the 001RS - Gerge Black Scout Group that was created
back in 1913 and is consider to be the oldest Scout Group in Brazil with
uninterrupted activities ever since. The club will take part in the upcoming
CQ WPX SSB Contest and will use the callsign for the very first time. QSL
both callsigns, PY3ARD and ZW90S, via the bureau or direct to:
Associacao De Radiomadores da SOGIPA, Rua Barao do Cotegipe, 400,
90540-020 - Porto Alegre, RS BRAZIL.

SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " [EMAIL PROTECTED] ", please send
mail to me via " [EMAIL PROTECTED] "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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