
1. The file name you use can be anything you like, so that is not a good choice 
to put on a label. But from the on-line help: (text in a greeting line)

A %% (two percent characters) will be replaced by the group name that 
to the group number for the QSO printed. 
See also GroupNr and QSO | Filter | Edit group names

2. Print method = ALL (and enable Print method label so you know where the next
group of labels starts.

3. Use the missing labels field. This indicates the number of labels missing on 
the first 
sheet going through the printer.


At 04:34 PM 12/6/02 +0000, David L Sharred wrote:
>BlankI am new to DX4WIN, and have some queries on producing labels for the
>calls I look after, I have successfully printed labels, so they are
>refinement issues:
>1)  User preferences has a field for "greetings" message - i.e. the 73 de
>xxxx.  Is there a way to configure this to the call used in the open
>2) Label printing. Is it possible to print all labels (buro, direct etc)  at
>the same time?  I can't see a way to do this. For example, for MD6V and
>MD4K, we are taking qsl requests from our web site, in addition to buro and
>direct. I would prefer to deal with all requests in one print batch.
>3) How can I avoid wasting labels, by only printing part-sheets??  I can see
>how many QSO's there are to print (via Print label); but not how many
>labels. It would be good to be able to print only full sheets at a time (21
>in my case); if there was such a command
>Dave Sharred
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Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)

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