Here is the help text that I think applies to your first question:

Find and mark QSOs for QSLing.
This command lets you identify 'desired' QSOs for which you want to send QSL
cards. Desired QSOs are QSOs that when confirmed will contribute to an award
that has been enabled in your preferences.

Select the award you want to use.
The selection 'DX single band' will only consider callsigns for which a QSL
was never sent (for any QSO) and that has a different prefix than the prefix
derived from your personal callsign. If a callsign will be flagged for
printing, only one QSL per band will be flagged. 'DX all band/mode' is
similar to 'DX single band' but will flag all band/mode combinations.

QSLMethod column
Indicates the QSL method to use when selecting a QSO. If you leave the field
blank, the award will not be considered.

Weeks column
Indicates the number of weeks to wait before you want to send a card to a
station that you have mailed a QSL previously. This entry is ignored when
using the 'DX single band' or 'DX all band/mode'

Mixed row
Find QSOs that when confirmed would result in a new country for DXCC, or a
new zone for WAZ or a new state for WAS.

Band row
Find QSOs that when confirmed would result in a new band country for DXCC,
or a new band zone for WAZ or a new band state for WAS.

Mode row
Find QSOs that when confirmed would result in a new mode country for DXCC,
or a new mode zone for WAZ or a new mode state for WAS.

Only QSOs After
When you specify a date in this field, only QSOs made after the given date
will be considered for a QSL label.

After clicking Ok (or pressing Enter) the QSOs matching the current
Selection will be tested if they are 'desired' according to your
specifications, and if so, the Label field and the corresponding QSLMethod
will be set. This command will not reset the print flag in other QSOs and
therefore can be used a few times in a row to flag different groups of QSOs.
If this is not desired, make sure you clear the print flags of all QSOs
before using this command; see Clear print flags.

Although I have not used the above method for finding and marking QSOs to be
QSLed, it appears to be a good tool.  Most of my operation is "search and
pounce", so my default is label=yes, method=bureau.  I rarely make a contact
that I do not want to QSL.

Second question:  Yes, the date inserted is the date you printed the QSL
labels.  If you look at File | Preferences | Personal tab, the Worked and
Mailed Cutoff dates, in days previous to today, should govern the indication
of Worked and Mailed in the Country window.  In theory, if you set the
Mailed cutoff at 1000, a station which had a QSL mailed 1001 days ago will
revert to Worked, signalling the need for re-QSL, perhaps.I say, "in
theory," since it appears that either the two fields are reversed in the
program, or the logic is wrong.  The Mailed cutoff date is comparing to the
QSO date, not the QSL date.  I hope Paul will correct this in the next
 I am not sure of the interaction with the above process to that in question

73, John, K2CIB

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Boerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 1:37 PM
Subject: [Dx4win] QSO and QSL Help Request.

> Hi Everyone. I've been using dx4win for about a month now and I have to
> say I really love it. I really enjoy how easy it is to get at my info. I
> do however have some questions. If some of you QSL gurus out there could
> give me a hand, I would greatly appreciate it.
> I'll start by saying I'm a bit confused over the QSL process. I have
> some pretty basic questions that I think can be easily answered by the
> experts.
> 1. The "Label" field is used to specify whether or not a QSO will
> generate a QSL label. Is there a way to have it scan the log looking for
> QSOs in the log that are listed as worked, but not mailed or confirmed
> for either band, mode, or prefix? Essentially, I want to import a
> contest log and have it flag only those "needed" for QSL. I have no
> desire to send cards for countries or prefixes that I have already
> confirmed. I'm guessing I need some sort of filter to do this, but I
> didn't see a filter option listed that lets you sort QSOs based on their
> QSL status.
> 2. QSL date probably gets filled in when you actually print the labels.
> Is this also the date that's used to flag the QSO for a follow up QSL?
> How do you know that a follow up QSL is required? Does the status change
> from M to W? This seems like a very powerful feature, but I could use a
> better explanation of how it works. What I'm guessing is, that I just
> create a filter that includes a QSL date, but also included unconfirmed.
> My only problem, can you specify before date as a filter option?
> I'm playing around with this more and more, I just don't want to be
> QSLing 100%. I really only want to add someone to the label database if
> it's truly new. I can certainly filter QSOs that are "new" and haven't
> been confirmed, but that doesn't mean I don't already have 10 cards from
> P5... Ya Right.
> -Brian
> 73 de W2SUQ
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